You know numbers are very important and commonly used in any circumstances. In numbers, we have different types of digits like 1-digit, 2-digit, 3-digit, etc. Now, let us know about 2-digit numbers along with the representation using Spike Abacus. There are 90 two-digit numbers that are from numbers 10 to 99.
For indicating 2-digit numbers on Spike Abacus, you need to have an idea about 1-digit numbers. Generally, we know 0 to 9 are 1-digit numbers where 0 is not counted in some places and these 1-digit numbers are placed at one’s place spike on the abacus base. Now, the 2-digit numbers will be placed in the tens place and one’s place spikes. From the below sections, we discuss showing two-digit numbers using Spike Abacus.
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How to Represent 2-Digit Numbers using Spike Abacus?
Spike Abacus helps the children more easily to know about the concept and use of numbers. We use beads or disks to represent numeric values in the abacus. In Spike Abacus each place value is increased ten times than the previous one.
Two-digit numbers start from number 10 to 99. Numbers placed in the tens place and one’s place spikes are considered as 2-digit numbers. We use beads on the Spike Abacus base to place the place values of the given digits. Also, you can make use of this abacus tool for performing 2-digit mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.
Now, let’s get into some representation of 2-digit numbers using beads on Spikes of the spike abacus. We have 2-digit numbers with repetitive (44, 22), non-repetitive (75, 23), and some numbers end with 0 ( 60, 30 ). So, check out the following worked-out examples to get the detailed representation of various kinds of two-digit numbers using Spike Abacus.
Examples on Showing Two-Digit Numbers in Abacus
Example 1:
How to show number 33 using Spike Abacus?
First, place the number in place values.
3 in the tens place and 3 in one’s place. Now, take the 3 beads and put them in the tens place and later take another 3 beads and keep in one’s place.
Below image is the representation of a given number with Spikes on the abacus:
Example 2:
Representation of number 21 using Spike Abacus.
First, place the given number in their place values.
Here, take 2 beads in the tens place and 1 bead in one’s place.
Next, place the beads in Spikes as shown below:
Example 3:
How to write the number 50 in Abacus?
Place the given number in place values of the spikes of the abacus.
Keep the 5 beads in the tens place and 0 beads in one’s place. For the number that ends with 0 in one’s place, we keep 0 beads on the spike.
The place value which doesn’t have any beads will indicate it as 0 on the place value.
Let us show the number 50 using spikes on Spike Abacus.