McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Subtract Four-Digit Numbers will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Subtract Four-Digit Numbers

Math in My World

Example 1
What is the difference in height between Ribbon Falls and Kalambo Falls?
Find the unknown. 1,612 – 726 = McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 1
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 2
Estimate 1,612 – 726 → 1,600 – ____ = 900
1. Subtract the ones.
Regroup 1 ten as 10 ones.
2 ones + 10 ones = 12 ones
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 3
2. Subtract the tens.
Regroup 1 hundred as 10 tens.
0 tens + 10 tens = 10 tens
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 4
3. Subtract the hundreds and thousands.
Regroup 1 thousand as 10 hundreds.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 5


886 is close to the estimate 900. Estimation shows the answer is reasonable.
So, 1,612 – 726 = ____
Ribbon Falls is ____ feet taller than Kalambo Falls.
Ribbon Falls is 886 feet taller than Kalambo Falls.

Given that Ribbon Falls is 1,612 ft and Kalambo Falls is 726 ft. So ribbon falls is 1,612-726 which is 886 feet taller.

Example 2
Bike Route A is 1,579 miles. Bike Route B is 3,559 miles How much longer is Bike Route B?
Find the unknown. 3,559 — 1,579 = ? ← A ? is a symbol that can be used for the unknown.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 6


1. Subtract the ones and tens.
Subtract the ones.
Regroup 1 hundred as 10 tens. 5 tens + 10 tens = 15 tens Subtract the tens.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 7
2. Subtract the hundreds and thousands.
Regroup 1 thousand as 10 hundreds.
10 hundreds + 4 hundreds = 14 hundreds Subtract the hundreds.
Subtract the thousands.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 8
Bike Route B is ___ miles longer. The unknown is ____
Check 1,980 is close to the estimate of 2,000. The answer is reasonable.
The bike route B is 1,980 miles long.

Given that the bike Route A is 1,579 miles and bike Route B is 3,559 miles. So the bike route B is 3,559-1,579 which is 1,980 miles long and the unknown value is 1,980.

Talk Math
Explain the steps to find 8,422 – 5995.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 10

The difference between 8,422 – 5,995 is 2,427.

To find the difference between 8,422 – 5,995 we will perform regrouping. So the difference between 8,422 – 5,995 is 2,427.

Guided practice

Question 1.
Subtract. Use addition to check your answer.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 9
$7,371-$365 = $7,006,
$7,006+$365 = $7,371.

Given the equation to be subtracted is $7,371-$365 which is 7,006. Here, we will add 7,006 and 365 which is 7,006+365 = 7,371. So the answer is correct.

Independent Practice

Subtract. Use addition to check your answer.

Question 2.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 11
1,392-238 = 1,154,
1,154+238 = 1,392.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 1,392-238 which is 1,154. Here, we will add 1,154 and 238 which is 1,154+238 = 1,392. So the answer is correct.

Question 3.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 12
3,298-858 = 2,440,
2,440+858 = 3,298.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 3,298-858 which is 2,440. Here, we will add 2,440 and 858 which is 2,440+858 = 3,298. So the answer is correct.

Question 4.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 13
3,475-1,267 = 2,208,
2,208+1,267 = 3,475.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 3,475-1,267 which is 2,208. Here, we will add 2,208 and 1,267 which is 2,208+1,267 = 3,475. So the answer is correct.

Algebra Subtract to find the unknown.

Question 5.
$4,875 – $3,168 = ?
The unknown is ____.
The unknown is $1,707.

Given the equation is $4,875 – $3,168, the unknown value is $1,707.

Question 6.
$6,182 – $581 = ?
The unknown is ____.
The unknown is $5,601.

Given the equation is $6,182 – $581, the unknown value is $5,601.

Question 7.
6,340 – 3,451 = ?
The unknown is ____.
The unknown is 2,889.

Given the equation is 6,340 – 3,451, the unknown value is 6,340 – 3,451 = 2,889.

Algebra Compare. Use >, <, or =.

Question 8.
1,543 – 984 McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 14 5,193 – 4,893
1,543 – 984  McGraw-Hill-My-Math-Grade-3-Chapter-3-Lesson-6-Answer-Key-Subtract-Four-Digit-Numbers-14-1    5,193 – 4,893.

The difference between 1,543 – 984 is 559 and the difference between 5,193 – 4,893 is 300. So 1,543 – 984 is greater than 5,193 – 4,893.

Question 9.
2,116 – 781 McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 14 5,334 – 3,999
2,116 – 781 McGraw-Hill-My-Math-Grade-3-Chapter-3-Lesson-6-Answer-Key-Subtract-Four-Digit-Numbers-14-2 5,334 – 3,999

The difference between 2,116 – 781 is 1,335 and the difference between 5,334 – 3,999 is 1,335. So 2,116 – 781 is equal to 5,334 – 3,999.

Problem Solving

Question 10.
Mathematical PRACTICE 2 Use Algebra Of the 2,159 pre-sold concert tickets, only 1,947 tickets were used. Write a number sentence to show how many tickets were not used.
The number sentence will be 2,159-1,947 = 212 tickets.

Given that 2,159 pre-sold concert tickets, only 1,947 tickets were used. So the number of tickets not used is 2,159-1,947 which is 212 tickets. The number sentence will be 2,159-1,947 = 212 tickets.

Question 11.
Belinda is buying one of two cars. One costs $8,463 and the other costs $5,322. How much money would Belinda save if she bought the less expensive car?
$____ – $____ = $_____
$8,463-$5,322 = $3,141.

Given that Belinda is buying one of two cars. One costs $8,463 and the other costs $5,322. So Belinda can save $8,463-$5,322 which is $3,141 if she bought the less expensive car.

HOT Problems

Question 12.
Mathematical PRACTICE 2 Reason A group of students used 6,423 cans to create a sculpture. Another group made a sculpture using 2,112 cans. What is the difference in the number of cans used for the sculptures? How do you know your answer is correct?
The difference in the number of cans used for the sculptures is 4,311 cans.

Given that a group of students used 6,423 cans to create a sculpture and another group made a sculpture using 2,112 cans. So the difference in the number of cans used for the sculptures is 6,423-2,112 which is 4,311 cans. To find the answer is correct we will the difference and the subtrahend which is 4,311+2,112 which is 6,423.

Question 13.
? Building on the Essential Question Explain how subtracting four-digit numbers is like subtracting three-digit numbers.
In three-digit numbers, the numbers have hundreds, tens, and ones while in four-digit numbers, the numbers have thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. So if we need any carry we can get a carry from the thousands place.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 My Homework Answer Key


Question 1.
Subtract. Use addition to check your answer.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 15
6,217-860 = 5,357,
5,357+860 = 6,217

Given the equation to be subtracted is 6,217-860 which is 5,357. Here, we will add 5,357 and 860 which is 5,357+860 = 6,217. So the answer is correct.

Subtract. Use addition to check your answer.

Question 2.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 16
5,963-238 = 5,725,
5,725+238 = 5,963.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 5,963-238 which is 5,725. Here, we will add 5,725 and 238 which is 5,725+238 = 5,963. So the answer is correct.

Question 3.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 17
5,769-941 = 4,828,
4,828+941 = 5,769.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 5,769-941 which is 4,828. Here, we will add 4,828 and 941 which is 4,828+941 = 5,769. So the answer is correct.

Question 4.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 18
9,871-1,214 = 8,657,
8,657+1,214 = 9,871.

Given the equation to be subtracted is 9,871-1,214 which is 8,657. Here, we will add 8,657 and 1,214 which is 8,657+1,214 = 9,871. So the answer is correct.

Algebra Subtract to find the unknown.

Question 5.
$3,958 – $1,079 = ?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 19
The unknown is $____.
The unknown is $2,879.

Given the equation is $3,958 – $1,079, so the unknown value is $3,958 – $1,079 = $2,879.

Question 6.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 20
The unknown is $____.
The unknown is $7,854.

Given the equation is $8,337 – $483, so the unknown value is $8,337 – $483 = $7,854.

Question 7.
6,451- 2,378 = ?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 21
The unknown is $____.
The unknown is 4,073.

Given the equation is 6,451- 2,378, so the unknown value is 6,451- 2,378 = 4,073.

Problem Solving

Write a number sentence to solve.

Question 8.
Pittsburg University won the college football championship in 1937. They won again in 1976. How many years were there between championships?
37 years were there between championships.

Given that Pittsburg University won the college football championship in 1937 and they won again in 1976. So 1976-1937 which is 37 years were there between championships

Question 9.
Mathematical PRACTICE 4 Model Math A library has 2,220 books about sports and 1,814 books about animals. How many more sports books are there than animal books?
There are 406 sports books more than animal books.

Given that a library has 2,220 books about sports and 1,814 books about animals. So there are 2,220-1,814 which is 406 sports books more than animal books.

Test Practice

Question 10.
How much less money did Selena’s school raise this year at the pancake breakfast?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 3 Lesson 6 Answer Key Subtract Four-Digit Numbers 22
A. $900
B. $905
C. $1,905
D. $8,145

Last year Selena’s school raise $4,525 and this year she raises $3,620. So $4,525-$3,620 which is $905 less than last year.

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