Divisible by 10

Divisible by 10 | Divisibility Rule of 10 | How to Know if a Number is Divisible by 10?

Previously we have discussed the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. In this article, we will discuss divisible by 10. The divisibility rules help us to determine if a number is divisible by another number without the actual division method. A number is said to be divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. Scroll down this page to follow the divisible by 10 examples and score good marks in the exams.

Do Refer:

Divisibility Rule of 10 – Definition

A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0.

Check whether the number 750 is divisible by 10.
Given the number 750.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
Here the last digit has zero.
So, the number 750 is divisible by 10.

Divisibility Test of 10 Examples

Example 1.
Find whether the number 800 is divisible by 10.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
A number is divisible by 10 if it has 0 in its one’s place.
In 800 the one’s place is placed with 0 so, 800 is divisible by 10.

Example 2.
Find whether the number 600 is divisible by 10.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
A number is divisible by 10 if it has 0 in its one’s place.
In 600 the one’s place is placed with 0 so, 600 is divisible by 10.

Example 3.
Find whether the number 30 is divisible by 10.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
A number is divisible by 10 if it has 0 in its one’s place.
In 30 the one’s place is placed with 0 so, 30 is divisible by 10.

Example 4.
Find whether the number 80 is divisible by 10.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
A number is divisible by 10 if it has 0 in its one’s place.
In 80 the one’s place is placed with 0 so, 80 is divisible by 10.

Example 5.
Find whether the number 100 is divisible by 10.
According to the divisibility by 10 “A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of the number is 0. The numbers 20, 40, 50, 170, and 990 are all divisible by 10 because their last digit is zero, 0”.
A number is divisible by 10 if it has 0 in its one’s place.
In 100 the one’s place is placed with 0 so, 100 is divisible by 10.

You can also refer to other divisibility rules:

Divisible by 2 Divisible by 3 Divisible by 4
Divisible by 5 Divisible by 6 Divisible by 7
Divisible by 8 Divisible by 9

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