Conversion of Numbers to Roman Numerals

Conversion of Numbers to Roman Numerals – Rules, Chart, Examples | How to Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals?

Looking for ways on how to convert from Numbers to Roman Numerals? If so, look no further as this web page gives you entire information regarding the basics like Roman Numerals Definition, Frequently Used Roman Numerals. Furthermore, you will get acquainted with the details like Procedure on How to Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals, Rules involving the Roman Numerals Conversion, their Applications in day to day lives, etc. Also, check out the Solved Examples on Changing between Numbers to Roman Numerals for a better understanding of the concept.

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Roman Numerals – Definition

Romans used a special kind of numerical notations that contains Latin alphabets which signifies values. Roman alphabets are English alphabets except for J, U, and w. These are used to represent roman numbers.
For Example:
1 is written as I
2 is written as II
3 is written as III
The other letters V, X, I, C, M are easy to understand.

Commonly used Roman Numerals are listed below.

Number Roman Numeral
5 V
10 X
50 L
100 C
500 D
1000 M

How to Convert Numbers into Roman Numerals?

Follow the below-listed step-by-step process to change between Numbers to Roman Numerals easily. You can get the results easily by following the Numbers to Roman Numerals Conversion procedure. They are as follows

  • Break the number into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones and write down each conversion.
  • Remember a Letter can only be repeated three times.

Roman Numerals Chart for 1-100 Numbers

Roman Numerals Chart for 1-100 Numbers

Rules for Converting Numbers to Roman Numerals

We can convert any number to a Roman numeral and vice versa. However, to do so we have to follow certain rules and they are explained in detail below by considering a few examples. Primary Rules for Reading and Writing the Roman Numerals are given here. They are as follows

  • A Letter can be repeated only thrice and not more than that. For instance XXX = 30, etc.
  • When a smaller numeral is placed after a larger or (equal) one it has the effect of addition. i.e., a smaller number is added to the larger number.
    For Example: VIII=V+I+I+I=5+1+1+1=8
  • When a smaller numeral is placed before a larger one it has the effect of subtraction. i.e., the smaller number is subtracted from the larger number.
    For Example: IX=X-I=10-1=9
  • A bar placed on top of a letter or string of letters increases the numeral’s value by 1,000 times.

Solved Examples on Conversion of Numbers to Roman Numerals

1. Convert 1789 to Roman Numerals?


Break the number into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones and perform the individual conversion.

Given Number 1789 broken down into place values are as follows

Therefore, 1789 converted MDCCLXXXIX

2. Convert 1674 to Roman Numerals?


Break down the number into thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones and perform conversion each.

Given Number 1674 broken down into place values are as follows

1000 = M
600 = DC
70 = LXX
4 = IV

Therefore, 1674 converted to Roman Numerals is MDCLXXIV

Uses of Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals have various applications and are used in plenty of scenarios that we come across in our day-to-day lives. They are in the following fashion

  • They are used in chapters of the book, movie titles, television programs, and videos.
  • Roman Numbers used for the names of pope ships.
  • They are also used for displaying hours on analog clocks and watches.

FAQ’S on Conversion of Numbers to Roman Numerals

1. How do we write 1000 in Roman Numbers?

1000 Written in Roman Numerals is represented by the Letter ‘M’.

2. How to Convert Numbers to Roman Numbers?

You can convert numbers to Roman Numerals by simply breaking down the Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones and perform each conversion adhering to the roman numeral conversion rules.

3. What does the Roman Number XV equal to?

Roman Numeral XV is expressed in numbers as 95.

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