180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 160 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Answers Key Day 160

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
148 + 35 = __________
148 + 35 = 183
Perform addition operation on above two given numbers. Add 148 with 35 the sum is 183.

Question 2.
32 × 200 = ____________
32 × 200 = 6,400
Perform multiplication operation on above two given numbers. Multiply 32 with 200 the product is 6,400.

Question 3.
Calculate 511 ÷ 6.
511 ÷ 6 = 85.17 or 85 1/6
Perform division operation on above two given numbers. Divide 511 by 6 the quotient is 85.17.

Question 4.
Write the largest possible number using the digits 8, 4, 9, 2, and 5.
The given numbers are 8, 4, 9, 2, and 5.
The largest possible number using the given digits are 98,542.
To form the largest number we should write largest digit first and then remaining digits in descending order so the largest number from above given numbers will be 98,542.

Question 5.
Is 25% greater than, less than, or equal to 0.3?
The given percentage is 25%.
Conversion from percentage to decimal number.
25% = 25/100 = 0.25
The given decimal number is 0.3.
0.25 < 0.3
So, 25% is less than 0.3.

Question 6.
Write the next number in the sequence. 56, 64, 72,
The given sequence is 56, 64, 72,
The difference between first two numbers in the sequence is 8.
64 – 56 = 8
The difference between first two numbers in the sequence is 8.
72 – 64 = 8
So add 8 to the next number in the sequence number 72 the sum is 80.
72 + 8 = 80
The next number in the sequence is 56, 64, 72, 80.

Question 7.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 160 Answers Key 1
The left side fraction 4/5 can also be written as 8/10. The simplified form of 8/10 is equal to 4/5. So, the missing numerator in left side fraction is 8.

Question 8.
Find a.
2a = 1
a = ___________
2a = 1
a = 1/2 or 0.5
To calculate 1 value we have to perform division operation. Divide 1 by 2 the quotient is 0.5. The value of a is equal to 0.5.

Question 9.
How many grams are in 1\(\frac{1}{2}\) kg + \(\frac{3}{4}\) kg?
1 1/2 kg + 3/4 kg
= 3/2 kg + 3/4 kg
= 9/4 kg
= 2.25 kg
We know that 1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)
Multiply 2.25 kilograms with 1000 grams the product is 2,250 grams.

Question 10.
Use a protractor to measure the angle.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 160 Answers Key 2
In the above image the angle is measured with a protractor. The angle is 40°.

Question 11.
Sale Prices of Clothes

Regular Price


Pants $32 25%
Shirts $24 30%
Shoes $45 35%
Socks $4 10%

What is the total of all four items after the discount?
The regular price of pants are $32.
The discount on pants are 25%.
$32 x 25/100 = $8
The discount price on pants are $8.
Subtract discount price from regular price of pants.
$32 – $8 = $24
After discount the pants price is $24.
The regular price of shirts are $24.
The discount on shirts are 30%.
$24 x 30/100 = $7.2
The discount price on shirts are $7.2.
Subtract discount price from regular price of shirts.
$24 – $7.2 = $16.8
After discount the shirts price is $16.8.
The regular price of shoes are $45.
The discount on shoes are 35%.
$45 x 35/100 = $15.75
The discount price on shoes are $15.75.
Subtract discount price from regular price of shoes.
$45 – $15.75 = $29.25
After discount the shoes price is $29.25.
The regular price of socks are $4.
The discount on socks are 10%.
$4 x 10/100 = $0.4
The discount price on socks are $0.4.
Subtract discount price from regular price of socks.
$4 – $0.4= $3.6
After discount the socks price is $3.6.
The total of all four items
$24 + $16.8 + $29.25 + $3.6 = $73.65
After the discount the total of all four items is $73.65.

Question 12.
Complete the magic square using the numbers 0 – 15.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 160 Answers Key 2
The magic square is completed by using the numbers 0 – 15 as we can observe in the above image.
By adding the numbers in first column we are getting the sum as 30.
By adding the numbers in last row we are getting the sum as 30.
As we need to fill the remaining boxes with numbers from 0 – 15, we can assume that adding all the numbers in a row or a column should sum up to 30.
1. So, the value in fourth row & fourth column will be 0 [30 – (14 + 3+ 13)] to get a sum of 30.
2. The value in first row & second column will be 8 [30 – (15 + 4 + 3)] to get the sum of 30.
3. The value in first row & fourth column will be 11 [30 – (5 + 8 + 6)] to get the sum of 30.
4. The values in third column empty boxes should be equal to 11 [30 – (6 + 13)] to get the sum of 30. The remaining numbers from 0 – 15 are 1, 7, 10, 12. Of these, addition of 1 and 10 will sum up to 11. The value in second row & third column should be 1 as 10 is not valid.
5. So, the value in third row & third column will be 10.
6. Subsequently, the value in second row & fourth column will be 12 [30 – (2 + 15 + 1)] to get the sum of 30.
7. The value in third row & fourth column will be 7 [30 – (9 + 4 + 10)] to get the sum of 30.

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