180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 159 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Answers Key Day 159

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
100 – 78 = _________
100 – 78 = 22
Perform subtraction operation on above two given numbers. Subtract 78 from 100 the difference is 22.

Question 2.
6 • 400 = __________
6 • 400 = 2,400
Perform multiplication operation on above two given numbers. Multiply 6 with 400 the product is 2,400.

Question 3.
Is 148 ÷ 7 greater than or less than 21\(\frac{2}{7}\)?
The given division is 148 ÷ 7.
148 ÷ 7 = 21 1/7
The given mixed number is 21\(\frac{2}{7}\).
21\(\frac{1}{7}\) < 21\(\frac{2}{7}\)
So, the fraction 148/7 is less than 21 2/7.

Question 4.
Is 248 evenly divisible by 4?
Yes, 248 is evenly divisible by 4.
248 is evenly divisible by 1, 2, 4, 8, 31, 62,

Question 5.
Write 0.62 as a percentage.
0.62 = 62%
We want to write the decimal number 0.62 in percent form. So, to convert the decimal value to the percentage we need to multiply it by 100. By multiplying 0.62 by 100 we get 62 percent.

Question 6.
8.4 × 7 – 3 × 2.1 = __________
8.4 × 7 – 3 × 2.1
= 58.8 – 6.3
= 52.5
Multiply 8.4 with 7 the product is 58.8. Multiply 3 with 2.1 the product is 6.3. Now the expression is 58.8 – 6.3.
Next perform subtraction operation. Subtract 6.3 from 58.8 the difference is 52.5.

Question 7.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 159 Answers Key 1
The left side fraction 2/5 can also be written as 6/15. The simplified form of 6/15 is equal to 2/5. So, the missing numerator in left side fraction is 6.

Question 8.
27(3 + u) = _________
27(3 + u)
= 27 × 3 + 27 × u
= 81 + 27u
So, multiplying 27 with (3 + u) gives us the result as 81 + 27u.

Question 9.
What is the volume of a container (in cm3) that holds 950 mL?
1 milliliter (ml) in volume = 1 cubic centimeters (cm3)
950 ml = 950 cm3
The volume of the container holds 950 cm3.

Question 10.
Do perpendicular lines ever meet?
Yes, perpendicular lines meet at a right angle .
Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle (90°). Whereas parallel lines never meet.

Question 11.
In a game, the probability of the spinner landing on red or green is \(\frac{4}{5}\). How many times would you expect to land on red or green if you spin the spinner 80 times?
The probability of the spinner landing on red or green is \(\frac{4}{5}\).
If we spin the spinner 80 times
4/5 x 80 times
= 4 x 16 times
= 64 times
The spinner will land 64 times on red or green.

Question 12.
At a conference, one car was provided for every 4 people. How many cars were needed if there were 91 people?
One car was provided for every 4 people.
1 car = 4 people
? cars = 91 people
(1 car x 91 people)/4people = 22.75 cars
The 22.75 is rounded to 23 cars.
23 cars were needed for 91 people.

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