McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation: Work Backward

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Answer Key PDF Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Problem-Solving Investigation: Work Backward will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 4 Answer Key Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Problem-Solving Investigation: Work Backward

Learn the Strategy
Nathan used some flour for a cake recipe. He used \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the bag of flour for a bread recipe. There is \(\frac{2}{4}\) of the bag left. What fraction of the bag did Nathan use for the cake?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation Work Backward 1
1. Understand
What facts do you know?
Nathan used some flour for a cake recipe and ______________ of the bag for a bread recipe. He has ______________ of the bag left.
What do you need to find?
Find the fraction of the bag of flour that was used for the ______________.

2. Plan
I will work backward to solve the problem.

3. Solve
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation Work Backward 2
So, ________________ of the bag of flour was used for the cake.

4. Check
Does your answer make sense? Explain.
Fraction of the bag Nathan used for the cake = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
My answer makes sense because the values are matching and completes the problem.

Nathan used some flour for a cake recipe.
Quantity of the bag of flour for a bread recipe he used = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Quantity of the bag of flour left = \(\frac{2}{4}\)
Fraction of the bag Nathan used for the cake = Quantity of the bag of flour left – Quantity of the bag of flour for a bread recipe he used
= \(\frac{2}{4}\) – \(\frac{1}{4}\)
= [(2 – 1) Ă· 4]
= \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Quantity of the bag of flour for a bread recipe he used + Fraction of the bag Nathan used for the cake + Quantity of the bag of flour left
= \(\frac{1}{4}\) + \(\frac{1}{4}\) + \(\frac{2}{4}\)
= [(1 + 1) Ă· 4] + \(\frac{2}{4}\)
= \(\frac{2}{4}\) + \(\frac{2}{4}\)
= [(2 + 2) Ă· 4]
= \(\frac{4}{4}\)
= 1.

Practice the Strategy
Lily, Noah, and Kaylee are sharing pizza. Noah ate \(\frac{2}{6}\) of the pizza. Kaylee ate \(\frac{1}{6}\) of the pizza. There is \(\frac{2}{6}\)of the pizza left. What fraction of the pizza did Lily eat?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation Work Backward 3
1. Understand
What facts do you know?
What do you need to find?

2. Plan

3. Solve

4. Check
Does your answer make sense? Explain.
Fraction of the pizza Lily eat = \(\frac{1}{6}\).
My answer makes sense because the values are matching and completes the problem.

Quantity of of the pizza Noah ate = \(\frac{2}{6}\)
Quantity of of the pizza Kaylee ate = \(\frac{1}{6}\)
Quantity of of the pizza left = \(\frac{2}{6}\)
Fraction of the pizza Lily eat = (Quantity of of the pizza Noah ate + Quantity of of the pizza Kaylee ate) – Quantity of of the pizza left
= (\(\frac{2}{6}\) + \(\frac{1}{6}\)) – \(\frac{2}{6}\)
= [(2 + 1) Ă· 6] – \(\frac{2}{6}\)
= \(\frac{3}{6}\) – \(\frac{2}{6}\)
= [(3 – 2) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{1}{6}\)
Quantity of of the pizza Noah ate + Quantity of of the pizza Kaylee ate + Fraction of the pizza Lily eat + Quantity of of the pizza left
= \(\frac{2}{6}\) + \(\frac{1}{6}\) + \(\frac{2}{6}\) + \(\frac{1}{6}\)
= [(2 + 1) Ă· 6] + [(2 + 1) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{3}{6}\) + \(\frac{3}{6}\)
= [(3 + 3) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{6}{6}\)
= 1.

Apply the Strategy
Solve each problem by working backward.
Question 1.
Mathematical PRACTICE Make Sense of Problems Chloe did some of her homework before dinner She did \(\frac{2}{6}\) of her homework after dinner. She has \(\frac{1}{6}\) of her homework left. What fraction of her homework did Chloe do before her dinner? Write in simplest form.
Fraction of her homework Chloe do before her dinner = \(\frac{1}{6}\)

Portion of of her homework after dinner she did = \(\frac{2}{6}\)
Portion of of her homework she has left = \(\frac{1}{6}\)
Fraction of her homework Chloe do before her dinner = Portion of of her homework after dinner she did – Portion of of her homework she has left
= \(\frac{2}{6}\) – \(\frac{1}{6}\)
= [(2 – 1) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{1}{6}\)

Question 2.
There were 12 goals scored during the game. Team A scored \(\frac{8}{12}\) of the goals. Team B scored 2 goals during the first half of the game. What fraction of the goals did Team B score during the second half of the game? Write in simplest form.
Fraction of the goals did Team B score during the second half of the game = \(\frac{28}{3}\)

Number of goals scored during the game = 12.
Number of goals scored by Team A = \(\frac{8}{12}\)
Number of goals scored by Team B during the first half of the game = 2.
Fraction of the goals did Team B score during the second half of the game = Number of goals scored during the game  – Number of goals scored by Team A – Number of goals scored by Team B during the first half of the game)
= 12 – (\(\frac{8}{12}\) + 2)
= 12 – [(8 + 24) Ă· 12]
= 12 – (32 Ă· 12)
= [(12 Ă— 12) – 32] Ă· 12
= (144 – 32) Ă· 12
= 112 ÷ 12 or \(\frac{112}{12}\) ÷ \(\frac{4}{4}\)
= \(\frac{28}{3}\)

Question 3.
Brandi and her mom are at a pet store. The pet store has 12 reptiles. Of the reptiles, \(\frac{5}{12}\) are turtles, \(\frac{2}{12}\) are snakes, and the rest are lizards. What fraction of the reptiles is lizards?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation Work Backward 4
Fraction of the reptiles is lizards = \(\frac{137}{12}\)

Number of reptiles the pet store has = 12.
Number of turtles = \(\frac{5}{12}\)
Number of snakes = \(\frac{2}{12}\)
Fraction of the reptiles is lizards = Number of reptiles the pet store has – (Number of turtles + Number of snakes)
= 12 – ( \(\frac{5}{12}\) + \(\frac{2}{12}\))
= 12 – [(5 + 2) Ă· 12]
= 12 – \(\frac{7}{12}\)
= {[(12 Ă— 12) – 7] Ă· 12}
= [144 – 7) Ă· 12
= 137 Ă· 12 or \(\frac{137}{12}\)

Review the Strategies
Use any strategy to solve each problem.

  • Work backward.
  • Use logical reasoning.
  • Look for a pattern.
  • Make a model.

Question 4.
There are 16 books on a shelf. Four-sixteenths of the books are about animals. Two are adventure. The rest are mystery. How many are mystery books?
Number of books are mystery = \(\frac{55}{4}\)

Number of books on a shelf = 16.
Number of books are about animals = Four-sixteenths or \(\frac{4}{16}\)
Number of books are adventure = 2.
Number of books are mystery = Number of books on a shelf – (Number of books are about animals + Number of books are adventure)
= 16 – (\(\frac{4}{16}\) + 2)
= 16 – [4 + (2 Ă— 16) Ă· 16]
= 16 – [(4 + 32) Ă· 16]
= 16 – (36 Ă· 16)
= {[(16 Ă— 16) – 36] Ă· 16}
= (256 – 36) Ă· 16
= 220 Ă· 16 or \(\frac{220}{16}\) Ă· \(\frac{4}{4}\)
= \(\frac{55}{4}\)

Question 5.
There are 10 pieces of chalk. Two-tenths of the chalk is pink. One piece is blue. The rest are white. How many pieces of chalk are white?
Number of pieces of chalk are white = \(\frac{44}{5}\)

Number of pieces of chalk = 10.
Number of pieces of chalk are pink = Two-tenths or \(\frac{2}{10}\)
Number of pieces of chalk are blue = 1.
Number of pieces of chalk are white = Number of pieces of chalk – (Number of pieces of chalk are pink + Number of pieces of chalk are blue)
= 10 – (\(\frac{2}{10}\) + 1)
= 10 – {[(2 + (1 Ă— 10)] Ă· 10}
= 10 – [(2 + 10) Ă· 10]
= 10 – (12 Ă· 10)
= {[(10 Ă— 10) – 12] Ă· 10}
= [(100 – 12) Ă· 10]
= (88 Ă· 10) Ă· \(\frac{2}{2}\)
= \(\frac{44}{5}\)

Question 6.
Giselle played with some friends on Monday. She played with 2 times as many friends on Wednesday. This was 4 more than on Friday. On Friday, she played with 4 friends. How many did she play with on Monday?
Number of friends she played on Monday = 4.

Number of times as many friends she played on Wednesday = 2.
This was 4 more than on Friday.
=> Number of friends she played on Friday = 4.
Number of friends she play with on Wednesday = 4 Ă— Number of friends she played on Friday
= 4 Ă— 2
= 8.
Number of friends she played on Monday = Number of friends she play with on Wednesday – Number of friends she played on Friday
= 8 – 4
= 4.

Question 7.
Mathematical PRACTICE Use Math Tools Mrs. Vargas is making costumes for a play. She needs 3 buttons for each costume. Complete the table to find how many buttons she will need for 22 costumes.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 Answer Key Problem-Solving Investigation Work Backward 5
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Number of buttons for each costume she needs = 3 .
Number of costumes = 22.
Number of buttons she needs for 22 costumes = Number of buttons for each costume she needs Ă— Number of costumes
= 22 Ă— 3
= 66.
Number of buttons she needs for 21 costumes = Number of buttons for each costume she needs Ă— Number of costumes
= 21 Ă— 3
= 63.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 9 Lesson 5 My Homework Answer Key

Problem Solving
Solve each problem by working backward.
Question 1.
Marla, Jamie, and Sarah have each led their book club’s monthly meeting. Jamie has led \(\frac{2}{6}\) of the meetings, and Sarah has led \(\frac{1}{6}\) of the meetings. What fraction of the meetings has Marla led?
Fraction of the meetings has Marla led = \(\frac{1}{6}\)

Number of books Jamie has led of the meetings = \(\frac{2}{6}\)
Number of books Sarah has led of the meetings = \(\frac{1}{6}\)
Fraction of the meetings has Marla led = Number of books Jamie has led of the meetings – Number of books Sarah has led of the meetings
= \(\frac{2}{6}\) – \(\frac{1}{6}\)
= [(2 – 1) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{1}{6}\)

Question 2.
Suzanne dropped her penny jar. She found some of the pennies, but some are still missing. She found \(\frac{6}{10}\) of the pennies on the rug. She found \(\frac{3}{10}\) of the pennies on the couch. What fraction of pennies is still missing?
Fraction of pennies is still missing = \(\frac{3}{10}\)

Number of the pennies on the rug she found = \(\frac{6}{10}\)
Number of the pennies on the couch she found = \(\frac{3}{10}\)
Fraction of pennies is still missing = Number of the pennies on the rug she found – Number of the pennies on the couch she found
= \(\frac{6}{10}\) – \(\frac{3}{10}\)
= [(6 – 3) Ă· 10]
= \(\frac{3}{10}\)

Question 3.
Mathematical PRACTICE Use Number Sense Noah spent some of his allowance on Monday. He spent \(\frac{1}{6}\) of his allowance on Tuesday and \(\frac{3}{6}\) of it on Friday. Noah has none of his allowance money left. What fraction of his allowance did he spend on Monday?
Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Monday = \(\frac{1}{3}\)

Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Tuesday = \(\frac{1}{6}\)
Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Friday = \(\frac{3}{6}\)
Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Monday = Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Friday – Amount of his allowance Noah spent on Tuesday
= \(\frac{3}{6}\) – \(\frac{1}{6}\)
= [(3 – 1) Ă· 6]
= \(\frac{2}{6}\) Ă· \(\frac{2}{2}\)
= \(\frac{1}{3}\)

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