All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Answer Key PDF Chapter 14 Lesson 1 Draw Points, Lines, and Rays will give you a clear idea of the concepts.
McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 4 Answer Key Chapter 14 Lesson 1 Draw Points, Lines, and Rays
A point is an exact location that is represented by a dot. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Math in My World
Example 1
Molly drew the figure shown. Identify the figure she drew.
The figure extends in opposite directions. The arrows indicate that it extends without ending. It is a line.
This line is labeled with point X and point Y. There are different ways to represent this line, such as line XY or \(\overleftrightarrow{X Y}\).
So, Molly drew _________________.
Answer: A line
A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Example 2
Draw a figure that could be represented by \(\overline{C D}\).
\(\overline{C D}\) represents a line segment with endpoints C and D.
A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints. Here, the endpoints are represented using C and D with blue color.
Example 3
Identify the figure at the right.
The figure has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending. It is a ray.
The endpoint is A. The ray extends in the direction of point B.
So, the figure is ______________.
Answer: A ray
A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending.
Guided Practice
Identify each figure.
Question 1.
Answer: Line segment
QR represents a line segment. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 2.
Answer: Line
FB represents a line. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Question 3.
Answer: Ray
AC represents a ray. A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending.
Question 4.
Answer: Line
DF represents a line. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Talk Math
How are lines and line segments alike? How are they different?
Answer: 1) A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending. The line segment does not extend in both directions since it has a starting and an ending point.
2) The line doesn’t have an endpoint. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
3) The length of the line cannot be measured. The length of the line segment can be measured.
4) The line is represented as – AB and a horizontal line with arrow marks above the AB, i.e. \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\). Whereas, the line segment is denoted as – AB and a horizontal line above the AB, i.e. \(\overline{A B}\).
Independent Practice
Identify each figure.
Question 5.
Answer: Ray
FG represents a ray. A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending.
Question 6.
Answer: Line segment
HK represents a line segment. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 7.
Answer: Line
LM represents a line. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Question 8.
Answer: Line segment
NO represents a line segment. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Draw each figure.
Question 9.
point T
An exact location represented by a dot is a point. Here T represents a point which is indicated as blue dot.
Question 10.
\(\overleftrightarrow{Y Z}\)
A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending. YZ represents a line where it extends infinitely.
Question 11.
\(\overrightarrow{C R}\)
A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending. CR represents a ray with one end point C and extends infinitely in one direction.
Question 12.
\(\overline{A W}\)
A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints. AW here indicates a line.
Question 13.
\(\overleftrightarrow{S N}\)
A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending. SN represents a line where it extends infinitely.
Question 14.
\(\overrightarrow{T J}\)
A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending. TJ represents a ray with one end point T and extends infinitely in one direction.
Problem Solving
Question 15.
Identify the figure that is shown on the stop sign.
Answer: The figure that is shown on the stop sign is a red colored octagon. Octagon is a eight-sided polygon. So it has eight line segments in the figure which forms as an octagon. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 16.
Mathematical PRACTICE Use Math Tools Use a pencil to draw a different type of traffic sign than a stop sign. Then use a crayon or marker to show a line segment on the sign.
NO PARKING traffic signal is shown in the above figure. It has a line segment enclosed in a circle. The line segment is represented along side using a black line segment in the sign. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 17.
Mathematical PRACTICE Model Math Name three real-world examples of line segments.
Answer: The real life examples of a line segments are edges of a wall, table edge, ruler, pencil, edges of a paper.
HOT Problems
Question 18.
Mathematical PRACTICE Use Math Tools Draw a line segment that is greater than 2 inches and less than 5 inches.
The above figure represents a line segment that is greater than 2 inches and less than 5 inches. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints. The endpoints are represented here as A and B.
Question 19.
Building on the Essential Question Explain the similarities and differences of lines and line segments.
Answer: 1. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending. The line segment does not extend in both directions since it has a starting and an ending point.
2. The line doesn’t have an endpoint. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
3. The length of the line cannot be measured. The length of the line segment can be measured.
4. The line is represented as – XY and a horizontal line with arrow marks above the XY, i.e. \(\overleftrightarrow{X Y}\). Whereas, the line segment is denoted as – XY and a horizontal line above the XY, i.e. \(\overline{X Y}\).
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 4 Chapter 14 Lesson 1 My Homework Answer Key
Identify each figure.
Question 1.
Answer: Line segment
VZ represents a line segment. A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 2.
Answer: Line
MN represents a line. A line is a straight set of points that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Draw each figure.
Question 3.
\(\overline{Y B} \)
A line segment is part of a line between two endpoints. YB here indicates a line.
Question 4.
\(\overrightarrow{L R}\)
A ray is a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending. LR represents a ray with one end point L and extends infinitely in one direction.
Problem Solving
Question 5.
How many line segments are represented in this figure?
How many points are represented in this figure?
Answer: There are 4 line segments represented in the above figure. The line between the two endpoints are treated as a line segment.
There are 4 points represented in the above figure. A point is an exact location that is represented by a dot.
Vocabulary Check
Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.
line segment
Question 6.
A ______________ is part of a line between two endpoints.
Answer: Line segment
A Line segment is part of a line between two endpoints.
Question 7.
An exact location represented by a dot is a _______________.
Answer: point
An exact location represented by a dot is a point
Question 8.
A _______________ is a figure that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Answer: line
A Line is a figure that extends in opposite directions without ending.
Question 9.
A ray has one _______________.
Answer: endpoint
A ray has one endpoint
Question 10.
A _______________ extends in one direction without ending.
Answer: Ray
A Ray extends in one direction without ending.
Test Practice
Question 11.
Which is the correct way to represent the figure?
(A) ray WB
(B) line segment WB
(C) \(\overline{W B}\)
(D) \(\overleftrightarrow{W B}\)
Answer: D (\(\overleftrightarrow{W B}\))
The line is represented as – WB and a horizontal line with arrow marks above the WB, i.e. \(\overleftrightarrow{W B}\).