Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 3 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key

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Engage NY Eureka Math 2nd Grade Module 3 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key

Eureka’s Math Answer Key for Grade 2 meets the content and intent of the school curriculum. By using the Eureka Math Grade 2 Answer Key, you can understand the topics of all chapters easily. Detailed solutions provided make it easy for you to grab Knowledge and learn the underlying concepts. Download Eureka Math Answers Grade 2 pdf for free. Tp the links and practice well for the exams.

Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 3 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key

Question 1.
a. Write the amount Dora has saved in three different ways by filling in the blanks.
word form ____four_ hundred________________________________________________
expanded form ____400_+__0__+__0_=_400___________________________________
_4_ hundreds _0_ tens _0_ ones

Word form = four hundred.
Expanded form = 400.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Dora has saved them money in 2 different ways.
word form = four hundred.
4 x 100 = 400.
expanded form = 400 + 0 + 0.
400 + 0 = 400.

b. Dora’s goal is to save $400. How many tens are in $400? Explain your answer using words, pictures, or numbers.

The number of 10 in $400 = 40 tens.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Dora’s goal is to save $400.
there are 40 tens in 400.
40 x 10 = 400.
so the number of 10’s in $400 = 40 tens.

c. Dora reaches her goal of $400 in savings. She decides to set a new goal of $900. How many more $100 bills will she need to reach $900 in savings? Explain your answer using words, pictures, or numbers.

The number of more $100 bills she needs to reach = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Dora reaches her goal of $400 in savings.
she decides to set a new goal of $900.
9 x 100 = 900.
so the number of more $ 100 bills she needs to reach 900 = 9.

d. Dora made her new goal! She saved both ten-dollar bills and hundred-dollar bills to go from $400 to $900. Show how Dora could skip-count using tens and hundreds from 400 to 900. Explain your answer using words, pictures, or numbers.

400 + 500 = 900.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Dora made her new goal.
she saved both ten-dollar bills and hundred-dollar bills to go from $400 to $900.
400 + 500 = 900.
she skip-count using hundreds of 5 times.
5 x 100 = 500.
400 + 500 = 900.

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