Students looking for the Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Answer Key Unit 4 Paths to Adding, Subtracting & Measuring can find a better approach to solve the problems.
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Answer Key Unit 4
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 1 Session 2 Answer Key
Double It!
Note to Families
This game, which we have been playing in school, will help your child learn counting by 2s and doubles facts.
- Double It!
- 10 counters (pennies, cereal pieces, dried beans, etc.)
- game marker for each player (any small object)
- paperclip and pencil (for spinner)
1. As a warm-up, use the 10 counters and ask your child how much is 1 counter and 1 more, 2 counters and 2 more, and so on.
- Place one pair at a time on the ten-frame on page 2, starting at the left, and talk about how the doubled numbers are even—they always make perfect pairs with no “leftovers.”
- With all 10 counters on the ten-frame, model counting by 2s: “2, 4, 6, 8, 10,” and then “10, 8, 6, 4, 2.”
2. To play the game, take turns spinning, using the spinner on page 2, and doubling the number. To help with doubling, use the dominoes at the bottom of the game board (page 3) or the counting materials.
ex Spin 2, double it to 4. Spin 5, double it to 10.
3. Check to see if the doubled number is on the next wheel on the game board. If it is, move your bicycle (marker) to that circle.
4. The first one to get to the last (5th) wheel is the winner.
5. Play again going backward, from the 5th wheel back to the 1st.
6. Complete the worksheet on page 4 and return it to your teacher.
Solve the addition problems. Use the pictures to help.
By using the pictures, the given addition problems are solved as we can observe in the above image.
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 1 Session 5 Answer Key
Ordering & Comparing Numbers
Question 1.
Trace each number. Then write it again in the box below.
The given numbers are traced and written it again in the box as we can observe in the above image.
Question 2.
Fill in the missing numbers on the number line below.
In the above image we can observe two number lines. The missing numbers are filled on the given two number lines.
Question 3.
In the above image we can observe two number lines. The missing numbers are filled on the given two number lines.
Question 4.
Fill in the missing numbers in the cards below.
In the above given image, we can observe cards. The missing numbers are filled in the cards as we can observe in the above image.
a. On the number line, circle the numbers greater than 7.
In the above given image, we can observe a number line. On the number line the numbers greater than 7 are circled as we can observe in the above image. The numbers greater than 7 are 8, 9, 10.
b. On the number line, circle the numbers less than 4.
In the above given image, we can observe a number line. On the number line the numbers less than 4 are circled as we can observe in the above image. The numbers less than 4 are 0, 1, 2, 3.
c. On the number line, circle the number between 6 and 8.
In the above given image, we can observe a number line. On the number line the number between 6 and 8 is circled as we can observe in the above image. The numbers between 6 and 8 is 7.
d. On the number line, circle the number that is 1 more than 5.
In the above given image, we can observe a number line. On the number line the number that is 1 more than 5 is circled as we can observe in the above image. The numbers 1 more than 5 is 6.
Question 5.
CHALLENGE Fill in the missing numbers in the cards below.
In the above given image, we can observe cards. The missing numbers are filled in the cards as we can observe in the above image.
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 2 Session 2 Answer Key
Fours & Fives
Note to Families
Help your child “count on” instead of counting from 1 every time. For example, if there are three dots on the first hand and two on the second, say “3, 4, 5!” 1 Color the cubes to match each equation.
Question 1.
Color the cubes to match each equation.
In the above given image, we can observe four equations. The cubes are colored to match the given four equations.
In first equation three cubes are colored, and in second equation two cubes are colored. Zero cubes are colored in third equation and one cube is colored in fourth equation as we can observe in the above image.
Question 2.
Trace the numbers and solve the problems. Use the pictures to help.
By using the given pictures, the addition problems are solved, and the numbers are traced as we can observe in the above image.
Question 3.
Color the cubes to match each equation.
In the above given image, we can observe four equations. The cubes are colored to match the given four equations.
In first equation four cubes are colored, and in second equation zero cubes are colored. In third equation three cubes are colored and one cube is colored in fourth equation as we can observe in the above image.
Question 4.
Trace the numbers and solve the problems. Use the pictures to help.
By using the given pictures, the addition problems are solved, and the numbers are traced as we can observe in the above image.
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 2 Session 5 Answer Key
The Forest Game
Note to Families
This game will help your child practice adding and subtracting by following the directions on the spinner. Your child may recognize the words Add and Subtract on the spinner; if not, help read the words and the signs (+ and -) that go with them.
- The Forest Game
- paperclip and pencil (for spinning)
- 20 game markers (pennies, cereal pieces, dry beans, etc.)
1. Each player needs a game board (pages 3 and 4) and 10 game markers—these will be your squirrels.
2. Set up your boards with 5 squirrels on the first 5 nuts, and another 5 squirrels off to the side for each player.
3. Look at the spinner before you start playing. Talk about what the words and signs mean.
4. Take turns spinning the spinner. Follow the directions on the spinner.
- Your squirrels will hop in and out of the forest depending on the spinner directions.
- If the spinner says Add, add that number of squirrels to your board. How many squirrels are in your forest now? How many more do you need to get to 10?
- If the spinner says Subtract, hop that number of squirrels off your board (and out of the forest). How many squirrels are in your forest now? How many more do you need to get to 10?
5. Take turns spinning, adding or subtracting squirrels, and reporting the results until one player has collected exactly 10 squirrels in the forest. That player wins the game.
6. Complete the worksheet (page 2) and return the paper to your teacher.
The Forest Game
Question 1.
What did you think of The Forest Game? Talk about it together. Think about these questions. Ask an adult to write down your answers.
a. What did you like about it?
b. What did you learn?
c. Were you counting by 1s, counting on, or did you just “see” how many squirrels you had in the forest?
Question 2.
Solve some Squirrels & Nuts problems. Help the squirrels get some nuts by adding and subtracting.
In first box the Squirrels get 5 nuts by adding 3 nuts and 2 nuts.
In second box the Squirrels get 5 nuts by adding 4 nuts and 1 nut.
In third box the Squirrels get 3 nuts by adding 1 nut and 2 nuts.
In fourth box the Squirrels get 4 nuts by subtracting 2 nuts from 6 nuts.
In fifth box the Squirrels get 3 nuts by subtracting 1 nut from 4 nuts.
In sixth box the Squirrels get 5 nuts by subtracting 1 nut from 6 nuts.
The Forest Game
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 3 Session 2 Answer Key
Longer & Shorter, More & Less
Question 1.
Draw a red X on the longer pencil. Color the shorter pencil green.
In the above image we can observe two pencils. The shorter pencil is colored with green, and the longer pencil is crossed with red X.
Question 2.
Color the longer vehicle yellow. Draw a circle around the shorter vehicle.
In the above given image, we can observe two vehicles. The longer vehicle is colored with yellow, and the shorter vehicle is circled.
Question 3.
Color the longest ribbon blue. Color the shortest ribbon red.
In the above image we can observe three ribbons. The longest ribbon is colored with blue, and the shortest ribbon is colored with red.
Question 4.
How many pennies are there in each hand? Write the number to show. Draw a blue X on the hand in each box with fewer pennies.
The pennies count in each hand is represented with the number in each box as we can observe in the above image. Also, drawn a blue X on the hand in each box with fewer pennies.
Question 5.
Color the longest ribbon green. Color the shortest ribbon brown.
In the above image we can observe three ribbons. The longest ribbon is colored with green, and the shortest ribbon is colored with brown.
Bridges in Mathematics Kindergarten Home Connections Unit 4 Module 3 Session 5 Answer Key
Question 1.
Freddy Frog is practicing for the big frog jump contest. Color in the boxes to show how far he jumped each time.
1st Jump: 8 sticks
2nd Jump: 12 sticks
3rd Jump: 12 sticks
1st Jump: 8 sticks
2nd Jump: 12 sticks
3rd Jump: 12 sticks
In first jump Freddy fog jumped 8 sticks long.
In the second and third jump Freddy fog jumped 12 sticks long.
Question 2.
Which one was his longest jump? (Circle one.)
8 sticks 12 sticks 9 sticks
The longest jump of the frog is 12 sticks. So, drawn a circle for the 12 sticks.
Question 3.
Which one was his shortest jump? (Circle one.)
8 sticks 12 sticks 9 sticks
The shortest jump of the frog is 8 sticks. So, drawn a circle for the 8 sticks.
Question 4.
Color the frogs. Trace the numbers or symbols. Write an addition sentence to match the picture.
Color 2 frogs green. Color 3 frogs brown.
Color 4 frogs red. Color 1 frog blue.
Color 3 frogs yellow. Color 2 frogs black.
The frogs are colored with given colors and the numbers are traced. The addition sentence which matches the above picture is 2 + 3 = 5.
The frogs are colored with given colors and the numbers are traced. The addition sentence which matches the above picture is 4 + 1 = 5.
The frogs are colored with given colors and the numbers are traced. The addition sentence which matches the above picture is 3 + 2 = 5.
Question 5.
Performed addition operation on given numbers as we can observe in the above image.