Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 5 Module 2 Answer Key

Practicing the Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Answer Key Unit 5 Module 2 will help students analyze their knowledge of concepts.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Answer Key Unit 5 Module 2

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 5 Module 2 Session 2 Answer Key

Thinking About Place Value

Question 1.
Trace the numerals and the words.
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The given numerals and the words are traced as we can observe in the above image.

Question 2.
Label each set of base ten pieces with the correct number name.
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The above given set of base ten pieces with the correct number name is Three hundred four.

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The above given set of base ten pieces with the correct number name is Two hundred twelve.

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The given set of base ten pieces with the correct number name is Two hundred sixteen.

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The given set of base ten pieces with the correct number name is one hundred eighty-nine.

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The given set of base ten pieces with the correct number name is Two hundred eleven.

Question 3.
Tell what digit is in each place.
a. 643
__________ is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
4 is in the tens place.
3 is in the ones place.
6 is in the hundreds place.

b. 286
__________is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
8 is in the tens place.
6 is in the ones place.
2 is in the hundreds place.

c. 119
__________ is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
1 is in the tens place.
9 is in the ones place.
1 is in the hundreds place.

d. 903
__________ is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
0 is in the tens place.
3 is in the ones place.
9 is in the hundreds place.

e. 2,643
__________ is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
4 is in the tens place.
3 is in the ones place.
6 is in the hundreds place.

f. 5,502
__________ is in the tens place.
__________ is in the ones place.
__________ is in the hundreds place.
0 is in the tens place.
2 is in the ones place.
5 is in the hundreds place.

Question 4.
CHALLENGE Solve these number riddles

a. I have a 9 in the tens place.
I have a 4 in the hundreds place.
The number in my ones place is less than 3.
I am an even number.
What number am I? ____________
The number in tens place is 9.
The number in hundreds place is 4.
The number in one’s place is less than 3.
The numbers less than three are 2, 1, 0…
The number is even number. So, the number in one’s place is 2.
I am number 492.

b. I have a 7 in the thousands place.
I have a 0 in the hundreds place.
I have a 3 in the tens place.
The number in my ones place is greater than 7.
I am an odd number.
What number am I? _____________
The number in thousands place is 7.
The number in hundreds place is 0.
The number in tens place is 3.
The number in one’s place is greater than 7.
The numbers greater than seven are 9,10,11…
The number is odd number. So, the number in one’s place is 9.
I am number 7039.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 5 Module 2 Session 4 Answer Key

Tens, Nines, Clocks & Coins

Question 1.
Beckett had a quarter in his bank. His mom gave him another quarter for carrying in the groceries, and he found 2 nickels and 3 pennies in the car. How much money did he have in all? Show your work.
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Beckett had _____________ in all.
Beckett had a quarter in his bank.
His mom gave him another quarter for carrying in the groceries.
1 quarter = $0.25
Beckett found 2 nickels and 3 pennies in the car.
1 nickel = $0.05
1 penny = $0.01
$0.25 + $0.25 + $0.05 + $0.05 + $0.01 + $0.01 + $0.01 = $0.63
Beckett had $0.63 in all.

Question 2.
Willie, Donald, and Maya found a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and 2 pennies when they were cleaning the house. They traded their dad for some other coins that were worth the same amount of money and split up the money evenly. How much did they each get? Show your work.
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Willie, Donald, and Maya each got _____________.
Willie, Donald, and Maya found a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and 2 pennies when they were cleaning the house.
1 quarter = $0.25
1 dime = $0.10
1 nickel = $0.05
2 pennies = $0.02
Add all the coins.
$0.25 + $0.10 + $0.05 + $0.02 = $0.42
They traded their dad for some other coins that were worth the same amount of money.
$0.42 + $0.42 = $0.84
Divide $0.84 by 3 because they split up the money evenly.
$0.84/3 = $0.28
Willie, Donald, and Maya each got $0.28.

Question 3.
Find each sum.
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Performed addition operation on given numbers as we can observe in the above image.

Question 4.
Find each difference.
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Performed subtraction operation on given numbers as we can observe in the above image.

Question 5.
Read each of these clock faces and write the time on the digital clock.
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The above given clock faces to 4:15. The time 4:15 is written on the digital clock as we can observe in the above image.

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The above given clock faces to 1:45. The time 1:45 is written on the digital clock as we can observe in the above image.

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The above given clock faces to 7:30. The time 7:30 is written on the digital clock as we can observe in the above image.

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The above given clock faces to 10:15. The time 10:15 is written on the digital clock as we can observe in the above image.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 5 Module 2 Session 6 Answer Key

Mr. Mole’s Money

Question 1.
Mr. Mole digs tunnels every day. Sometimes he finds money buried in the ground. Count the money he found on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
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Circle the correct amount in each box.
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a. Monday
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1 dime = $0.10
1 quarter = $0.25
In the above given image, we can observe 2 quarters and 1 dime.
$0.25 + $0.25 +$0.10 = $0.60
Mr. Mole found $0.60 on Monday.

b. Tuesday
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1 dime = 10 cents
1 cent = $0.01
In the above given image, we can observe 4 dimes and 1 cent.
10¢ + 10¢ + 10¢ + 10¢ + 1¢ = 41¢
Mr. Mole found 41¢ on Tuesday.

c. Wednesday
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1 dime = $0.10
1 cent = $0.01
1 quarter = $0.25
In the above given image, we can observe 3 dollars, 2 dimes, 1 quarter and 2 cents.
$1 +$1 + $1 + $0.10 +$0.10 + $0.25 + $0.01 + $0.01 = $3.47
Mr. Mole found $3.47 on Wednesday.

Question 2.
Mr. Mole needs help! He is still a little mixed up about how to use the dollar sign, the cent sign, and the decimal point. Count the money in each box and write the amount correctly.
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a. Thrusday
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1 nickel = 5 cents
1 penny = 1 cent
In the above given image, we can observe 2 nickels and 2 pennies.
5¢ + 5¢ + 1¢ +1¢ = 12¢
Mr. Mole found 12¢ on Thursday.

b. Friday
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1 dime = $0.10
1 nickel = $0.05
In the above given image, we can observe 6 dimes and 1 nickel.
$0.10 + $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.05 = $0.65
Mr. Mole found $0.65 on Friday.

c. Saturday
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1 dime = $0.10
1 nickel = $0.05
1 quarter = $0.25
In the above given image, we can observe 1 dollar, 1 dime and 3 nickels and 1 quarter.
$1 + $0.10 + $0.05 + $0.05 + $0.05 + $0.25 = $1.5
Mr. Mole found $1.5 on Saturday.

Question 3.
Put the amounts of money in order from least to greatest on the six lines below. Don’t forget to use the dollar sign, the decimal point, and the cents sign wherever you need them.
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1 cent = $0.01
Convert 18¢ into dollars.
18¢ = 18 x 0.01 = $0.18
18¢ is equal to $0.18.
Convert 37¢ into dollars.
37¢ = 37 x 0.01 = $0.37
37¢ is equal to $0.37.
The given amounts of money are arranged in order from least to greatest as we can observe in the above image.

Question 4.
On Sunday, Mr. Mole found 354. Draw three different collections of coins worth $0.35 in the boxes below. (Hint: Use real or plastic coins to help.)
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1 dime = $0.10
1 nickel = $0.05
1 quarter = $0.25
First collection of coins:
Two nickels and one quarter are equal to the worth of $0.35.
$0.05 + $0.05 + $0.25 = $0.35
Second collection of coins:
One quarter and one dime are equal to the worth of $0.35.
$0.25 + $0.10 = $0.35
Third collection of coins:
Three dimes and one nickel are equal to the worth of $0.35.
$0.10 + $0.10 + $0.10 + $0.05 = $0.35
Drawn three different collections of coins worth $0.35 in the boxes.

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