Capacity is the ability to contain the largest amount. The standard unit of capacity is liters. Capacity can also be measured in milliliters, centiliters, Deca liters, etc. We can add the capacity of one or more just like adding the numbers. The concept of carrying is similar to the addition process. It would be easy if we know the relation between units of capacity. You can also check the solved examples for a better understanding of the concept.
Do Check:
How to Add Different Units of Capacity?
In addition of capacity, we will explain how to add the different units of capacity and volume together. In the addition process, we have to follow that the units of capacity (i.e., liter and milliliter) are converted into smaller units (milliliters) before addition and then follow the simple addition process.
We have two different methods to solve addition using the standard unit and smaller unit of capacity. Both the methods can be practiced by everyone.
(i) Adding units with conversion into milliliters
(ii) Adding units without conversion into milliliters
We can add two or more units of capacity l and ml just like ordinary numbers.
Adding Liters and Milliliters Examples
Consider some examples of the addition of capacity and follow the same procedure for similar problems.
Example 1:
Add 2 l 450 ml and 5 l 500 ml
Method 1( With Conversion)
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
2 l 450 ml= (2×1000)ml + 450 ml
=2000 ml+450 ml
=2450 ml
5L 500 ml
=(5× 1000) ml + 500
Now add,
5Â Â 5Â 0Â 0 ml
+2Â Â 4Â Â 5Â 0 ml
7Â Â Â 9Â Â 5Â Â 0Â ml
Therefore, the sum of 5500 ml and2450 ml =7950 ml
Method 2(Without Conversion into Milliliters)
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 450 ml+ 500 ml= 950 ml
(iii) 2 l + 5 l= 7 l
  l    ml
5Â Â Â Â 5Â 0Â 0
+Â Â 2Â Â Â Â 4Â 5Â 0Â Â Â
    7   9 0  0 Â
= 7 l 900 ml
Therefore, the sum of 5 l 500 ml and 2 l 300 ml = 9 l 900 ml.
Example 2:
Add 7Â l 130 ml and 2 l 250 ml
Method 1( With Conversion)
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
7 l 130 ml= (7×1000)ml + 130 ml
=7000 ml+130 ml
=7130 ml
2l 250 ml
=(2× 1000) ml + 250
Now add,
7Â 1Â Â 3Â 0 ml
+2Â Â 2Â Â 5Â 0 ml
9Â Â Â 3Â Â 8Â Â 0Â ml
Therefore, the sum of 7130 ml and2250 ml =9380 ml
Method 2(Without Conversion into Milliliters)
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 130 ml+ 250 ml= 380 ml
(iii) 7 l + 2 l= 9 l
  l    ml
7Â Â Â Â 1Â 3Â 0
+Â Â 2Â Â Â Â 2Â 5Â 0Â Â Â
    9   3 8  0 Â
= 9 l 380 ml
Therefore, the sum of 7Â l 130 ml and 2 l 250 ml = 9 l 380 ml.
Example 3:
Add 4Â l 263 ml and 3 l 125 mlÂ
Method 1( With Conversion)
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
4l 263 ml= (4×1000)ml + 263 ml
=4000 ml+263 ml
=4263 ml
3L 125 ml
=(3× 1000) ml + 125
Now add,
4Â Â 2Â 6Â 3 ml
+3Â Â 1Â Â 2Â 5 ml
7Â Â 3Â Â 8Â Â 8Â ml
Therefore, the sum of 4263 ml and3125 ml =7388 ml
Method 2(Without Conversion into Milliliters)
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 263 ml+ 125 ml= 388 ml
(iii) 4 l + 3 l= 7 l
  l    ml
4Â Â Â 2Â Â 6Â 3
+Â Â 3Â Â Â Â 1Â 2Â Â 5Â Â Â
    7   3 8  8 Â
= 7 l 388ml
Therefore, the sum of 4Â l 263 ml and 3 l 125 ml = 7l 388 ml.
Example 4:
Add 1 l 631 ml and 8 l 258 ml with conversion
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
1l 631 ml= (1×1000)ml + 631 ml
=1000 ml+631 ml
=1631 ml
8l 258 ml
=(8× 1000) ml + 258
Now add,
1Â Â 6Â 3Â 1 ml
+8Â Â 2Â Â 5Â 8 ml
9Â Â 8Â Â 8Â Â 9Â ml
Therefore, the sum of 1631 ml and8258 ml =9889 ml.
Example 5:
Add the capacities 5 l 411 ml and 9 l 122 ml without conversion
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 411 ml+ 122 ml= 533 ml
(iii) 5 l + 9 l= 14 l
  l    ml
9Â Â Â 1Â Â 2Â 2
+Â Â 5Â Â Â Â 4Â 1Â Â 1Â Â Â
    14   5 3  3 Â
= 14 l 533ml
Therefore, the sum of 9Â l 122 ml and 5 l 411 ml = 14l 533 ml.
Example 6:
Add the capacities 12 l 813 ml and 25 l 176 ml with conversion
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
12l 813 ml= (12×1000)ml + 813 ml
=12000 ml+813 ml
=12813 ml
25l 176 ml
=(25× 1000) ml + 176
Now add,
1Â Â 2Â 8Â 1Â Â 3Â ml
+2Â Â 5Â Â 1Â Â 7Â Â 6Â ml
3Â Â 7Â Â 9Â Â 8Â 9 ml
Therefore, the sum of 12813 ml and25176 ml =37989 ml.
Example 7:
Add the capacities 75 l 289 ml and 5 l 616 ml with conversion
The units of capacity are converted to smaller units before addition and then add them just like ordinary numbers.
We know that 1 liter=1000 ml
To convert liters into milliliters multiply the number of liters by 1000.
75l 289 ml= (75×1000)ml + 289 ml
=75000 ml+289 ml
=75289 ml
5l 616 ml
=(5× 1000) ml + 616
Now add,
1Â Â 1Â Â 1
7Â Â 5Â 2Â 8Â Â 9Â ml
+Â Â Â 5Â 6Â 1Â Â 6Â ml
8Â Â 0Â Â 9Â Â 0Â 5 ml
Therefore, the sum of 75289 ml and5616 ml =80905 ml.
Example 8:
Add the capacities 60 l 611 ml and 10 l 268 ml without conversion
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 611 ml+ 268 ml= 879 ml
(iii) 60 l + 10 l= 70 l
  l    ml
6Â 0Â Â Â 6Â Â 1Â 1
+Â Â 1Â 0Â Â Â 2Â 6Â Â 8Â Â Â
   7 0   8  7 9 Â
= 70 l 879ml
Therefore, the sum of 60Â l 611 ml and 10 l 268 ml = 70 l 879 ml.
Example 9:
Add the capacities 38 l 269 ml and 50 l 832 ml without conversion
In this method, units of capacity are arranged in different columns and then added just like ordinary numbers.
(i) l and ml are arranged in columnwise
(ii) 269 ml+ 832 ml= 1101 ml
(iii) 38 l + 50 l= 88 l
  l    ml
1Â Â Â Â 1Â Â 1
3Â 8Â Â Â 2Â Â 6Â 9
+Â Â 5Â 0Â Â Â 8Â 3Â Â 2Â Â Â
   8 9   1 0 1 Â
= 89l 101ml
Therefore, the sum of 38Â l 269ml and 50 l 832 ml = 89 l 101 ml.