Capacity is the ability to hold the largest amount. The standard unit of capacity is liters. It can also be measured in milliliters, centiliters, Deca liters, etc. We can Subtract the capacity of one or more just like subtracting the numbers. The concept of borrowing is similar to the subtraction process. It would be easy if we know the relation between units of capacity. You can also check the solved examples of subtraction of capacity for a better understanding of the concept.
Do read:
How to Subtract Units of Capacity from One Another?
In the Subtraction of capacity, we will explain how to subtract the different units of capacity and volume together. In the Subtraction process, we have to follow that the units of capacity (i.e., liter and milliliter) are converted into smaller units (milliliters) before subtraction and then follow the simple subtraction process.
We have two different methods to solve subtraction using the standard unit and smaller unit of capacity. Both the methods can be practiced by everyone.
(i) Subtracting units with conversion into milliliters
(ii) Subtracting units without conversion into milliliters
We can subtract two or more units of capacity l and ml just like ordinary numbers.
Subtracting Litres and Millilitres Examples
Consider some examples of the subtraction of capacity and follow the same procedure for similar problems.
Example 1:
Subtract 4 l 530 ml from 18 l 850 ml using both methods.
Method 1 (with conversion into milliliter):
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now convert liter and milliliter into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we have to follow the simple subtraction process.
4 l 530 ml = (4 × 1000) ml + 530 ml = 4000 ml + 530 ml = 4530 milliliters
18 l 850 ml = (18 × 1000) ml + 850 ml = 18000 ml + 850 ml = 18850 milliliters
Now the difference is,
1Â 8Â 8Â 5Â 0 ml
–Â Â Â 4Â 5Â 3Â 0 ml
1Â 4Â 3Â 2Â Â 0 ml
= 14 l 320 ml
Therefore, 18l 850Â ml – 4 l 530 ml = 14 l 320 ml
Method 2Â (without conversion into milliliter):
Now arrange liter and milliliter in different columns and then subtract like ordinary numbers.
Follow the steps:
(i) Liter and milliliter are arranged in columns
(ii) 850 ml – 530 ml = 320 ml
(iii) 18 l – 4 l = 14 l
  l     ml
1Â 8Â Â Â 8Â Â 5Â 0
–Â Â Â Â 4Â Â Â 5Â 3Â Â 0Â Â Â
 1  4   3  2   0  Â
= 14Â l 320 ml
Therefore, the difference of 18 l 850Â ml from 4 l 530 ml = 14l 320 ml
Example 2:
Subtract 2 l 250 ml from 15 l 780 ml using both methods.
Method 1 (with conversion into milliliter):
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now convert liter and milliliter into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we have to follow the simple subtraction process.
2l 250 ml = (2 × 1000) ml + 250 ml = 4000 ml + 250 ml = 4250 milliliters
15 l 780 ml = (15 × 1000) ml + 780 ml = 15000 ml + 780 ml = 15780 milliliters
Now the difference is,
1Â 5Â 7Â 8Â 0 ml
–Â Â Â 2Â 2Â 5Â 0 ml
1Â 3Â 5Â 3Â Â 0 ml
= 13 l 530 ml
Therefore, 15l 780Â ml – 2 l 250 ml = 13 l 530 ml
Method 2Â (without conversion into milliliter):
Now arrange liter and milliliter in different columns and then subtract like ordinary numbers.
Follow the steps:
(i) Liter and milliliter are arranged in columns
(ii) 780 ml – 250 ml = 320 ml
(iii) 15 l – 2 l = 13 l
l     ml
1Â 5Â Â Â 7Â Â 8Â Â 0
–Â Â Â Â 2Â Â Â 2Â Â 5Â Â 0Â Â Â
 1 3  5  3  0  Â
= 13Â l 530 ml
Therefore, the difference of 15 l 780 ml from 2 l 250 ml = 13l 530 ml
Example 3:
Subtract 6 l 180 ml from 39 l 490 ml using both methods.
Method 1 (with conversion into milliliter):
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now convert liter and milliliter into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we have to follow the simple subtraction process.
6l 180 ml = (6 × 1000) ml + 180 ml = 6000 ml + 180 ml = 6180 milliliters
39l 490 ml = (39 × 1000) ml + 410 ml = 39000 ml + 410 ml = 39490 milliliters
Now the difference is,
3Â 9Â 4Â 9Â 0 ml
–Â Â Â 6Â 1Â 8Â 0 ml
3Â 3Â Â 3Â 1Â Â 0 ml
= 33 l 310 ml
Therefore, 39l 490Â ml – 6 l 180 ml = 33 l 310 ml
Method 2Â (without conversion into milliliter):
Now arrange liter and milliliter in different columns and then subtract like ordinary numbers.
Follow the steps:
(i) Liter and milliliter are arranged in columns
(ii) 490 ml – 180 ml = 310 ml
(iii) 39 l – 6 l = 33 l
  l     ml
3Â 9Â Â Â 4Â Â 9Â Â Â 0
–Â Â Â Â 6Â Â Â 1Â Â Â 8Â Â 0Â Â Â
 3 3   3  1   0  Â
= 33Â l 310 ml
Therefore, the difference of 39 l 490 ml from 6 l 180 ml = 33l 310 ml
Example 4:
Subtract 3 l 570 ml from 14 l 680 ml with conversion into milliliter.
With conversion into milliliter, we will do simple subtraction.
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now convert liter and milliliter into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we have to follow the simple subtraction process.
3 l 570 ml = (3× 1000) ml + 570 ml = 3000 ml + 570 ml = 3570 milliliters
14 l 680 ml = (14 × 1000) ml + 680 ml = 14000 ml + 680 ml = 14680 milliliters
Now difference is,
1Â Â 4Â Â 6Â Â 8Â Â 0Â ml
–Â Â Â 3Â Â 5Â Â 7Â Â 0Â ml
  1  1 1  1   0 ml
= 11 l 110 ml
Therefore, 14 l 680 ml – 3 l 570 ml = 11 l 110 ml.
Example 5:
Subtract 19 l 750 ml from 29 l 950 ml using the conversion into millimeter method.
Method 1 (with conversion into milliliter):
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now convert liter and milliliter into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we have to follow the simple subtraction process.
19l 750 ml = (19 × 1000) ml + 750 ml = 19000 ml + 750 ml = 19750 milliliters
29l 950 ml = (29 × 1000) ml + 950 ml = 29000 ml + 950 ml = 29950 milliliters
Now the difference is,
2Â 9Â 9Â 5Â 0 ml
– 1Â 9Â 7Â 5Â 0 ml
1Â Â 0Â Â 2Â 0Â Â 0 ml
= 10 l 200 ml
Therefore, 29l 950Â ml – 19 l 750 ml = 10 l 200 ml.
Example 6:
Subtract 1 l 330 ml from 9 l 950 ml .
Now arrange liter and milliliter in different columns and then subtract like ordinary numbers.
Follow the steps:
(i) Liter and milliliter are arranged in columns
(ii) 950 ml – 330 ml = 620 ml
(iii) 9 l – 1 l = 8 l
l     ml
9Â Â Â 9Â Â Â 5Â Â Â 0
–Â Â Â Â 1Â Â Â 3Â Â 3Â Â 0Â Â Â
    8  6   2   0  Â
= 8 l 620 ml
Therefore, the difference of 9 l 950 ml from 1 l 330 ml = 8 l 620 ml
Example 7:
Subtract 250 l 540 ml from 390 l 450 ml without converting to ml.
Now arrange liter and milliliter in different columns and then subtract like ordinary numbers.
Follow the steps:
Liters and milliliter are arranged in columns
Since, 540 ml > 450 ml, we cannot subtract. We borrow 1 l from 390 and it becomes 380l and subtracts 540 from 1450.
1450 – 540 = 910 ml, write 910 under ml column.
Subtract liters.
380 – 250 = 130 l
Write 130 under liters column.
    l       ml
3Â Â 9Â Â 0Â Â Â 4Â Â Â 5Â Â Â 0
 -2 5 0   5   4  0  Â
 1  3 0  9   1  0  Â
= 130 l 910 ml
Therefore, the difference of 390 l 450 ml from 250 l 540 ml = 130 l 910 ml.
Example 8:
Subtract 73 l 560 ml from 52 l 260 ml with conversion into milliliter.
With conversion into milliliter, we will do simple subtraction.
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now liter and milliliter are converted into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we need to follow the simple subtraction process.
73 l 560 ml = (73× 1000) ml + 560 ml = 73000 ml + 560 ml = 73560 milliliters
52l 260 ml = (52 × 1000) ml + 260 ml = 52000 ml + 260 ml = 52260 milliliters
Now difference is,
7Â Â 3Â Â Â 5Â Â 6Â Â 0Â ml
  -5  2   2  6  0 ml
   2  1   3   0   0 ml
= 21 l 300 ml
Therefore, 73 l 560 ml – 52 l 260 ml = 21 l 300 ml.
Example 9:
Subtract 11 l 570 ml from 44 l 790 ml with conversion into milliliter.
With conversion into milliliter, we will do simple subtraction.
We know, 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
Now liter and milliliter are converted into milliliters before doing subtraction and then we need to follow the simple subtraction process.
44l 790 ml = (44× 1000) ml + 790 ml = 44000 ml + 790 ml = 44790 milliliters
11l 570 ml = (11 × 1000) ml + 570 ml = 11000 ml + 570 ml = 11570 milliliters
Now difference is,
4Â Â 4Â Â Â 7Â Â 9Â Â 0Â ml
  -1  1   5  7  0 ml
   3  3   2   2   0 ml
= 33 l 220 ml
Therefore, 44 l 790 ml – 11 l 570 ml = 33 l 220 ml.