180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 165 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Answers Key Day 165

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
Subtract 263 from 596.
596 – 263 = 333
Perform subtraction operation on above two numbers. Subtract 263 from 596 the difference is 333.

Question 2.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 165 Answers Key 1
Perform multiplication operation on above two given numbers. Multiply 100 with 43 the product is 4,300.

Question 3.
497 ÷ 7 = ___________
497 ÷ 7 = 71
Perform division operation on above two given numbers. Divide 497 by 7 the quotient is 71.

Question 4.
What is the ordinal number for forty-seven?
The ordinal number for forty-seven is 47th.
The ordinal number is a number used to represent the position or rank of an object or a person.

Question 5.
Is \(\frac{5}{10}\) greater than, less than, or equal to \(\frac{6}{12}\)? __________
\(\frac{5}{10}\) = 1/2
\(\frac{6}{12}\) = 1/2
\(\frac{5}{10}\) = \(\frac{6}{12}\)
The simplified form of 5/10 is 1/2. The simplified form of 6/12 is 1/2. So, 5/10 is equal to 6/12.

Question 6.
Write the next number in the sequence. 810, 900, 990,
The next number in the sequence is 810, 900, 990, 1,080.
The given sequence is 810, 900, 990,
The difference between first two numbers in the sequence is 90.
900 – 810 = 90
The difference between next two numbers in the sequence is 90.
990 – 900 = 90
So add 90 to the next number in the sequence number 990 the sum is 1,080.
990 + 90 = 1,080
The next number in the sequence is 810, 900, 990, 1,080.

Question 7.
Find x.
4x = 12
x = __________
4x = 12
x = 12/4
x = 3
To calculate x value we have to perform division operation on given equation. Divide 12 by 4 the quotient is 3.

Question 8.
Find x.
4x = 10
x = ____________
4x = 10
x = 10/4
x = 2.5
To calculate x value we have to perform division operation on given equation. Divide 10 by 4 the quotient is 2.5.

Question 9.
What is the volume of a cube that measures 10 cm on each side?
Side of a cube =10 cm.
We know, that Volume of the cube = Side × Side × Side
= (10×10×10) cubic centimeters
= 1,000 cubic centimeters
Volume of the cube is equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters.

Question 10.
Use a protractor to measure the angle. Then identify it as either acute, reflex, obtuse, or straight.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 165 Answers Key 2
A angle with less than 90 degrees is called as acute angle. The angle is measured using the protractor. The angle is 50 degrees. So, the name of the angle is acute angle.

Question 11.
If you randomly pull out a crayon from a new box of eight different crayons, what is the probability you will pull out a red or blue?
Total number of crayons are 8.
Red and blue are two colors of crayons.
The probability to pull out a red or blue crayons is 2/8 or 1/4.

Question 12.
Uli drinks 50% more water than juice each day. If she drinks 2 cups of juice each day, how much water will she drink in a week?
Uli drinks 50% more water than juice each day.
She drinks 2 cups of juice each day.
2 cups of juice = 100%
1 cup of juice = 50%
2 cups + 1 cup = 3 cups
Uli drinks 3 cups of water each day.
In a week there are 7 days. So multiply 3 cups of water with 7 days.
7 x 3 = 21
She drinks 21 cups of water in a week.

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