Unlike Terms

Unlike Terms – Definition, Meaning and Examples | How to Simplify Unlike Terms?

Individual components of an equation separated by plus or minus signs are called algebraic terms. There are two kinds of algebraic terms: like algebraic terms and unlike algebraic terms. Let us look at the definitions of 6th Grade Math unlike terms definition, meaning as well as some examples of identifying unlike terms in this article.

Unlike Terms Definition

Unlike terms are ones whose variables and exponents differ from one another. When the coefficient of an expression is different, the variables are different (two variables), and the exponent powers are different, the expression is known to obtain, unlike terms. In contrast to algebraic terms, the algebraic equation 8x + 5y, where x and y are two separate variables with different coefficients, is known as, unlike algebraic terms.

Adding and Subtracting Unlike Terms

Expressions cannot be simplified or combined by combining like phrases since the variables and exponents are not the same. Those terms that differ in their variables and exponents from each other are not algebraic terms. When the coefficient of an expression is different, the variables are different (two variables), and the exponent powers are different, the expression is considered to obtain, unlike terms.


8xy + 6y – 9x – 10x², there are several exponents, variables, and coefficients. This expression cannot be simplified since all of the terms are distinct from one another.

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Identifying Unlike Terms Examples

1. Identify the unlike terms in the algebraic expression: – 16x² – 5y + 3x² + 22x² – 7xy – 9x?

Given expression: 16x² – 5y + 3x² + 22x² – 7xy – 9x

Unlike terms: 5y – 7xy – 9x are unlike terms(Because the variable and coefficients are distinct.)

 2. 16a²b² + 5ab²

We see that two binomial expressions (16a²b² and 5ab²) have the same variables raised to different powers. As a result, the binomial is made up of two unlike or different words.

3. 9m² – 3m + 8m³

The three components of the trinomial have the same variable (m) raised to different powers. As a result, the above trinomial is composed of three unlike or different words.

 4. 8x² – 3xy + 9x²y

We notice that the three trinomial terms (8x², 3xy, and 9x²y) have different variables raised to different powers. As a result, the trinomial is composed of three dissimilar components.

FAQs on Unlike Terms

1. Is it possible to mix terms that are unlike?

No, unlike terms in an algebraic equation, they cannot be combined. Because the unlike terms have two distinct variables, they cannot be subtracted or added.

2. Is it possible to add or subtract like and unlike algebraic terms?

Any number of like algebraic expressions can be added or subtracted. Unlike algebraic terms are those that do not have the same variables. An equation containing opposing terms cannot be added or removed. For example, 9a – 13z, 6×3 + 33xy, and 16z + xy + 8 all include two dissimilar concepts.

3. How can we identify Like and unlike Algebraic Terms?

If the variables in an algebraic expression are the same regardless of coefficients, and the exponents are comparable, such terms are referred to as like terms. In contrast, an expression is known to have dissimilar algebraic terms if it has two separate variables, different exponents, and different coefficients.

For example, in the equation 9xy + 3x – 6y + 18xy – 5x + 33z2, we may distinguish between like and unlike algebraic terms. Similar terms are 9xy + 3x + 18xy – 5x which may be further simplified to 27xy-2x. The, unlike terms, are 33z2 – 6y.

4. What are the Benefits of Algebraic Expressions?

In order to depict a real-life event, algebraic expressions employ variables (which accept numerous multiples). Instead of expressing “the cost of three pencils and four erasers,” just state 3x+4y, where x and y are the prices of each pencil and eraser. In addition, phrasing a real-life event as an expression aids in mathematical computations.

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