Spectrum Math Grade 5 Chapter 7 Posttest Answer Key

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Spectrum Math Grade 5 Chapter 7 Posttest Answers Key

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The table provides x coordinates. Complete the table with 2 sets of y coordinates. Then, complete the graph based on the table.

Question 1.
Spectrum Math Grade 5 Chapter 7 Posttest Answer Key 1

Add 2 and Add 4 to the given numbers in the table as shown in the above table,
then mark the points on the graph to plot the blue lines, as as shown in the above pictures.

Find the value of each expression.

Question 2.
a. (6 – 1) × 3 = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
(6 – 1) × 3 =
= (5) × 3

b. (9 + 5) – (3 × 2) = ________________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
(9 + 5) – (3 × 2)
= (9 + 5) – (3 × 2)
= 14 – 6
= 8

Question 3.
a. [(4 × 3) – 1] – 4 = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
When a problem has a combination of parentheses, brackets, and braces, work the problem from the inside out.
Then calculate the numbers in parentheses.
[(4 × 3) – 1] – 4
= [(12) – 1] – 4
= 11 – 4
= 7
b. {[6 × (1 + 2) + 4] – 5} × 3 = ________________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
When a problem has a combination of parentheses, brackets, and braces, work the problem from the inside out.
Then calculate the numbers in parentheses.
{[6 × (1 + 2) + 4] – 5} × 3
= {[6 × (3) + 4] – 5} × 3
= {[18 + 4] – 5} × 3
= {22 – 5} × 3
= 17 × 3
= 51

Question 4.
a. [(9 × 5) – 3] ÷ 6 = _____________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
When a problem has a combination of parentheses, brackets, and braces, work the problem from the inside out.
Then calculate the numbers in parentheses.
[(9 × 5) – 3] ÷ 6
= [45 – 3] ÷ 6
= 42÷ 6
= 7

b. (7 × 4) + (8 × 2) = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
(7 × 4) + (8 × 2)
= (28) + (16)
= 44

Question 5.
a. (7 – 1) × 4 = _____________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
(7 – 1) × 4
= 6 × 4
= 24

b. 88 – 25 + 5 = _____________

According to the DMAS rule,
First Division, Multiplication, Addition, and at the end Subtraction.
88 – 25 + 5
=  88 – 20
= 68

Question 6.
a. [76 + (3 × 3)] ÷ 5 = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
When a problem has a combination of parentheses, brackets, and braces, work the problem from the inside out.
Then calculate the numbers in parentheses.
[76 + (3 × 3)] ÷ 5
= [76 + (9)] ÷ 5
= 85 ÷ 5
= 17

b. 3 × (1 + 9) = ________________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
3 × (1 + 9)
= 3 × (10)
= 30

Question 7.
a. 22 – (2 × 9) = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
22 – (2 × 9)
= 22 – (18)
= 4

b. 18 ÷ (6 – 3) = ______________

As we know that,
Parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to show that one part of a mathematical expression should be solved before the rest of the equation.
Calculate the numbers in parentheses first.
18 ÷ (6 – 3)
= 18 ÷ (3)
= 18 ÷ 3
= 6

Write the expression for each phrase.

Question 8.
eleven times the sum of 8 and 5
11 x (8 + 5)

eleven times the sum of 8 and 5
the sum of 8 and 5 is written as, 8 + 5
eleven times the sum of 8 and 5 = 11 x (8 + 5)

Question 9.
six times the difference between 16 and 2
6 x (16 – 2)

six times the difference between 16 and 2
the difference between 16 and 2 is written as, 16 – 2
equation for six times the difference between 16 and 2 is written as, 6 x (16 – 2)

Question 10.
one half of 8 increased by 6
\(\frac{1}{2}\) x 8 + 6

one half of 8 increased by 6
one half of 8 is written as, \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 8
equation for one half of 8 increased by 6 is written as, \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 8 + 6

Question 11.
the sum of 8 and 12 divided by 4
(8 + 12) ÷ 4

the sum of 8 and 12 divided by 4
the sum of 8 and 12 is written as, (8 + 12)
equation for the sum of 8 and 12 divided by 4 is written as, (8 + 12) ÷ 4

Write the expression needed and solve each problem. Show your work.

Question 12.
Maria paints pictures and sells them at a gift shop. She charges $62.00 for a large painting and $25.50 for a small painting. Last month she sold eight large paintings and four small paintings. How much did she make in all?
Expression: ______________
Maria made ___________ in all.
Expression: ($62.00 x 8) + ($25.50 x 4) = $598.00
Maria made $598.00 in all.

Maria charges $62.00 for a large painting and $25.50 for a small painting.
she sold eight large paintings and four small paintings.
she make in all = ($62.00 x 8) + ($25.50 x 4)
= $598.00

Question 13.
Brandon and Cole were playing touch football against Austin and Greg. Touchdowns were worth 7 points. Brandon and Cole scored 4 touchdowns. Austin and Greg’s team scored 8 touchdowns. How many more points did Austin and Greg have than Brandon and Cole?
Expression: ______________
They scored _____________ more points.
Expression: (7 x 8) – (7 x 4) = 28
They scored 28 more points.

Touchdowns were worth 7 points.
Brandon and Cole scored 4 touchdowns.
Austin and Greg’s team scored 8 touchdowns.
Number of more points did Austin and Greg have than Brandon and Cole,
(7 x 8) – (7 x 4) = 28 more points.

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