This handy Spectrum Math Grade 4 Answer Key Chapter 8 Lesson 8.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines provides detailed answers for the workbook questions.
Spectrum Math Grade 4 Chapter 8 Lesson 8.2 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Answers Key
Lines like \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\) are called parallel lines since they have no points in common. \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\) will never intersect.
Lines like \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\) are called intersecting lines. They have one point in common, point E. \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\) intersects \(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\) at point E.
Lines like \(\overleftrightarrow{A B}\)and \(\overleftrightarrow{C D}\) are called perpendicular lines. They form a right angle, shown by the symbol ¬ in the angle.
Identify each pair of lines as parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular.
Question 1.
Type of Lines _______________
Type of Lines: Intersecting
The above given pair of lines are intersecting lines. The two given lines are intersecting at one point.
Question 2.
Type of Lines _______________
Type of Lines: Parallel
The above given pair of lines are parallel lines. The two given lines are not intersecting at any point and are always the same distance apart.
Question 3.
Type of Lines _______________
Type of Lines: Perpendicular
The above given pair of lines are perpendicular lines. The two given lines are intersecting and forming a right angle at their intersection. Hence those two lines are perpendicular to each other.
Draw each type of line below.
Question 4.
In the above image we can observe two parallel lines. The lines are named as AB and CD. Lines AB and CD are not intersecting at any point and are always the same distance apart. Hence those two lines are called as parallel lines.
Question 5.
In the above image we can observe intersecting lines. The Lines AB and CD are intersecting at the common point E.
Question 6.
In the above image we can observe perpendicular lines. The Lines AB and CD are intersecting and forming a right angle at their intersection. Hence those two lines are perpendicular to each other.
Identify the lines in the figure that are parallel and perpendicular.
Question 7.
In the above we can observe AB and CD, AC and BD are parallel to each other. Parallel lines don’t intersect at any point.
Perpendicular lines are AB and AC, AB and BD, CD and DB, CD and CA. Perpendicular lines intersect and forms a right angle at their intersection.