Place Value and Face Value

Place Value and Face Value – Definition, Examples | Difference Between Place Value and Face Value

Place Value of a Number deals majorly with the position of the digit i.e. where does it live in the number. Whereas face value deals with the actual digit and how much is the digit worth. Face Value remains the same irrespective of the place it is present in the number. Check out the Definition of Place Value and Face Value, Key Differences that Separate Place Value and Face Value, Writing the Expanded Form of a Given Number, etc.

Definition of Place Value and Face Value

Place Value: Place Value defines the value of a digit depending on the position in a number. It changes according to the digit’s place. For Example: In 3456 place value of 5 is 5*10 i.e. 50
Face Value: Face Value of a Number is the Actual Value of a Digit in a Number. It is definite and cannot be changed. For Example: In 456 the face value of 6 is 6 the digit itself.

How to find the Place Value?

Follow the simple steps listed below to determine the Place Value of a Number. They are along the lines

  • Note down the digit for which you want to determine the place value.
  • Count the number of digits next to the digit you want to find the place value.
  • Place as many zeros as the number of the digits after the number you want to calculate the place value and that is the actual place value of the number.

You can better understand this by considering an example.

Find the place value of 8 in 5536891?

  • Firstly find the number you want to determine the place value. i.e. 8
  • Count the number of digits after 8.
  • As there are 2 digits place 2 zeros after 8 to obtain the place value.
  • By doing so, we will get 800.

Therefore, the place value of 8 in the 5536891 is 800.

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Difference Between Place Value and Face Value

One can find the key differences that separate the Place Value and Face Value in the below sections. In the case of place value, the number system starts from 0 to tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Refer to the following table to know about the major differences between place value and face value.

Place value

Face value

Place Value denotes the position of a digit in the given number. Face Value represents the value of the digit itself.
The Value of Each digit in the number depends on its position. The value of the digit is independent of the position or place of the digit in a number.
Place Value of digit can be obtained using the formula Place Value = (Face value) × (Numerical Value of Place) Face Value of the digit = Numerical Value of the Digit Itself.
Place Value of 0 is always 0 no matter it is present in any position of a number. Face Value of 0 is also 0.
Example: The place value of digit 3 in 7,831 = 3 × 10 = 30. Example: The face value of digit 3 in 7831 is 3

Place Value and Face Value of Digits Examples

Go through the below provided examples on determining the face and place value to understand the concept better. We have provided the expanded form of a given number, how to express them in words, as well as place value, face value for the respective number.

Number Expanded Form in Words Place Value Face Value
12 10+2 Twelve 10 1
35 30+5 Thirty Five 30 3
74 70+4 Seventy Four 70 7
46 40+6 Forty Six 40 4
68 60+8 Sixty Eight 60 6
83 80+3 Eighty Three 80 8
29 20+9 Twenty Nine 20 2
58 50+8 Fifty Eight 50 5
123 100+20+3 One Hundred Twenty Three 20 2
134 100+30+4 One Hundred Thirty Four 30 3
175 100+70+5 One Hundred Seventy Five 70 7
164 100+60+4 One Hundred Sixty Four 60 6
193 100+90+3 One Hundred Ninty Three 90 9
278 200+70+8 Two Hundred Seventy Eight 200 2
281 200+80+1 Two Hundred Eighty One 80 8
387 300+80+7 Three Hundred Eighty Seven 300 3
394 300+90+4 Three Hundred Ninty Four 90 9
423 400+20+3 Four Hundred Twenty Three 400 4
569 500+6+9 Five Hundred Sixty Nine 60 6
673 600+70+3 Six Hundred Seventy Three 600 6
749 700+40+9 Seven Hundred Forty Nine 40 4
836 800+30+6 Eight Hundred Thirty Six 800 8
932 900+30+2 Nine Hundred Thirty Two 30 3
1234 1000+200+30+4 One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four 200 2
1576 1000+500+70+6 One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Six 1000 1
2345 2000+300+40+5 Two Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five 40 4
4567 4000+500+60+7 Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven 500 5
5678 5000+600+70+8 Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Eight 5000 5
6789 6000+700+80+9 Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Nine 9 9
87654 80000+7000+600+50+4 Eighty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Four 7000 7
65434 60000+5000+400+30+4 Sixty Five Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Four 60000 6
76543 70000+6000+500+40+3 Seventy Six Thousand Five Hundred Forty Three 40 4
65432 60000+5000+400+30+2 Sixty Five Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Two 5000 5
543256 500000+40000+3000+200+50+6 Five Lakh Forty Thousand Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Six 3000 3
765434 700000+60000+5000+400+30+4 Seven Lakh Sixty Thousand Five Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Four 400 4
765813 700000+60000+5000+800+10+3 Seven Lakh Sixty Thousand Five Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen 60000 6
345656 300000+40000+5000+600+50+6 Three Lakh Forty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six 5000 5
776543 700000+70000+6000+500+40+3 Seven Lakh Seventy Thousand Six Thousand Five Hundred Forty Three 70000 7
345643 300000+40000+5000+600+40+3 Three Lakh Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Forty Three 40 4
5678987 5000000+600000+70000+8000+900+80+7 Fifty Six Lakh Seventy Eighty Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Seven 8000 8
6543566 6000000+500000+30000+2000+500+60+6 Sixty Five Lakh Forty Three Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-Six 3000 3
1356 1000+300+50+6 One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six 50 5
12567 10000+2000+500+60+7 Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven 2000 2
45362 40000+5000+300+60+2 Forty Five Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Two 60 6
92725 90000+2000+700+20+5 Ninty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Five 700 7
658493 600000+50000+8000+400+90+3 Six Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Ninty Three 8000 8
884635 800000+80000+4000+600+30+5 Eight Lakh Eighty Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Five 80000 8
749352 700000+40000+9000+300+50+2 Seven Lakh Forty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Two 9000 9
926455 900000+20000+6000+400+50+5 Nine Lakh Twenty Six Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Five 50 5

FAQs on Place Value and Face Value

1. What is Place Value?
Place Value is defined as the value represented by the digit in a number depending on the position in the number.

2. What is Face Value?
Face Value is defined as the digit itself within a number.

3. What is the face value of 4 in 94206?
Face Value of 4 in 94206 is 4.

4. When will Place Value and Face Value be the same?
Place Value and Face Value will be the same if both are at one’s digit place.

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