McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess, Check, and Revise

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key PDF Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess, Check, and Revise will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess, Check, and Revise

Question 1.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 1
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 2
Teacher Directions: Compare the objects. Trace the circle around the object that is longer. Then guess how many cubes long the longer object is. Write the number. Use cubes to check. Is your answer close? Trace the cubes. Trace the number.
The object is 2 cubes longer than the other object.

Question 2.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 3
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 4
Directions: Compare the objects. Circle the object that is longer. Then guess how many cubes long the longer object is. Write the number. Use cubes to check. Is your answer close? Trace the cubes. Write the number.
The object is 6 cubes long.
My guess is close to the answer.
Guess is 6.
The check is 6.
The object is 3 cubes longer than the first object.

Question 3.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 5
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 4
The guess is 4.
The check is 4.
1 cube is longer than the other object.
Directions: Compare the objects. Circle the object that is longer. Then guess how many cubes long the longer object is. Write the number. Use cubes to check. Is your answer close? Trace the cubes. Write the number.

Question 4.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 6
The guess is 6.
The check is 6.
4 cubes are longer than the other object.
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 4
Directions: Compare the objects. Circle the object that is longer. Then guess how many cubes long the longer object is. Write the number. Use cubes to check. Is your answer close? Trace the cubes, Write the number.

McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 My Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 7
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 8
Directions: Compare the objects. Circle the object that is longer. Then guess how many pennies long the longer object is. Write the number. Use pennies to check. Is your answer close? Trace the pennies. Trace the number.
2 pennies longer than the other object.

Question 2.
How long?
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 9
Guess, Check, and Revise
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Answer Key Problem-Solving Strategy Guess, Check, and Revise 10

Directions: Compare the objects. Circle the object that is longer. Then guess how many pennies long the longer object is. Write the number. Use pennies to check. Is your answer close? Trace the pennies. Write the number.

Math at Home Take advantage of problem-solving opportunities during daily routines such as riding in the car, bedtime, doing laundry, putting away groceries, and so on.

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