All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key PDF Chapter 10 Position will give you a clear idea of the concepts.
McGraw-Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key Chapter 10 Position
Essential Question
How do I identify positions?
We can identify the positions Identify (such as beside, inside, outside, above, below, between, on, over, under, near, far, forward, backward, top, middle, bottom, left, and right)
Am I Ready?
Question 1.
– The eyes are below the forehead and above the nose.
– The nose is below the eyes and above the mouth.
– The mouth is below the nose and above the chin.
Question 2.
The wheels are round in shape. And they were coloured in black.
Question 3.
The legs are joined to the above-given chair.
Directions: 1. Draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the face. 2. Color the bus wheels. 3. Draw the missing chair legs.
My Math Words
Review Vocabulary
Directions: Trace each word. Discuss how the birds are alike and how they are different. Colour the birds that are alike blue. Draw an X on the birds that are different. Explain your answer.
The above-given:
The alike birds should be coloured blue.
– The birds that differ should be crossed.
– In my point of view, the three birds are alike and also they were eating grains. Two are on the tree and another one is on down to the tree.
– The other two birds one is swimming in the water and the other one is the woodpecker (northern flicker). Flickers have extremely strong tongue and strong neck muscle that allows them to keep their head up while drilling into wood.
My Vocabulary Cards
Teacher Directions: Ideas for Use
- Ask students to arrange the cards to show the meaning of each word. For example, they might place the above card over of the below card.
- Have students sort the words by the number of letters in each word.
Cards are arranged as per the above-given sheet.
The fish is behind the tree.
The butterfly is above the flowers.
The pig is beside the house.
The bug is below the flowers.
The chick is next to the nest.
The fish is in front of the tree.
My Foldable
Follow the steps on the back to make your Foldable.
The first step is already given
The second step is shown in the below figure:
The bench is above the legs.
The legs are below the bench.
The black horse is behind the white horse.
The white horse is in front of the black horse.
3. The third step is to cut and fold.