McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Chapter 14 Check My Progress will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key

Check My Progress Page No. (857 – 858)

Vocabulary Check

State whether each sentence is true or false. If false, replace the highlighted word to make a true sentence.

Question 1.
A triangle with a right angle is a right triangle.
Answer: The statement “A triangle with a right angle is a right triangle.” is true.

Question 2.
A polygon that has 5 sides and 5 angles is a hexagon.
Answer: The statement “A polygon that has 5 sides and 5 angles is a hexagon.” is false. The true statement is A polygon that has 5 sides and 5 angles is a pentagon.

Question 3.
An octagon is made when two rays share the same endpoint.
Answer: The statement “An octagon is made when two rays share the same endpoint.” is false.

Concept Check

Describe each shape. Determine the number of sides and angles. Then classify each shape.

Question 4.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key 1
_____________ sides
_____________ angles
This is a(n) ______________.
Four sides
Four angles
This is a Quuadrilareral.

Question 5.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key 2
_____________ sides
_____________ angles
This is a(n) ______________.
Three sides
Three angles
This is a Right-angled triangle.

Question 6.
Describe the attributes of the quadrilateral below. Then classify the quadrilateral.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key 3
The shape has two parallel sides. This is a parallelogram.

Problem Solving

Question 7.
A triangle is a musical instrument. Circle the phrase that best describes the angles of the red triangle.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key 4
all angles are greater than a right angle
all angles are less than a right angle
one angle is equal to a right angle
The above triangle has equal sides.
So, all angles are less than a right angle.

Question 8.
Rhonda created two differently-named quadrilaterals with toothpicks. Both quadrilaterals have sides of the same length. What two quadrilaterals did she create?
The quadrilateral with the same length is known as a square.
Thus Rhonda created a square with toothpicks.

Question 9.
Cole says that all quadrilaterals are polygons, but not all polygons are quadrilaterals. Is he correct? Explain.
Given the statement is Cole says that all quadrilaterals are polygons, but not all polygons are quadrilaterals.
What is Cole said is correct.
A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides.
But not all polygons are quadrilaterals.

Question 10.
Three picture frames are on a dresser. Two are shaped like squares and the other is shaped like a trapezoid. How many sides are there in the frames altogether?
Three picture frames are on a dresser. Two are shaped like squares and the other is shaped like a trapezoid.
4 + 4 + 4 = 12 sides
Thus there are 12 sides in the frame.

Test Practice

Question 11.
Mr. Corwin drew four shapes on the whiteboard. Which shape does not appear to have a right angle?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Check My Progress Answer Key 5
Option B does not appear to have a right angle as it is a parallelogram.

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