McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Chapter 14 Geometry will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key Chapter 14 Geometry

Essential Question

How can geometric shapes help me solve real-world problems?
The geometric shapes helps to understand the shape in the nature like leaf, flowers, stem and fruits.

Am I Ready

Label each shape as a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, or a hexagon.

Question 1.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 1
The name of the shape is right triangle.

Question 2.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 2
The name of the shape is hexagon.

Question 3.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 3
The name of the shape is rectangle.

Question 4.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 4
The name of the shape is pentagon.

Draw lines to partition each shape.

Question 5.
3 equal parts
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 5
The 3 equal parts of the rectangle is

Question 6.
2 equal parts
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 6
The 2 equal parts of the circle is

Question 7.
Circle the figure that does not belong with the other three. Explain.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 7
The ovel shape is differ from the other three shape. because the other three shapes has the sides and the ovel shape has no sides.

My Math Words

Review Vocabulary

Making Connections
Draw or describe each review vocabulary word.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 8
What differences and similarities do you notice between each shape?
The shapes of the triangle are

My Vocabulary Cards

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 9

Ideas for Use

  • Group common words. Add a word that is unrelated to the group. Then work with a friend to name the unrelated word.
  • Design a crossword puzzle. Use the definition for each word as the clues.

A characteristic of a shape.
How can a shape’s attributes help you classify it?
The shape attributes helps the characteristics of a shape.

Two rays sharing the same endpoint.
Imagine a friend showed you a drawing of two rays. Is the drawing an angle? Explain.
The two rays of an angle are two sides of an angle.

A polygon with six sides and six angles.
Compare a hexagon with a right triangle. Use the space below to draw your comparison.
A polygon with six sides and six angles are called hexagon.

The point at the beginning of a ray.
Endpoint is a compound word made of the words end and point What is another example of a compound word?
The compound word is a type of word that is used to describe the word person or place. The another example of a compound word is the rain forest

Lying the same distance apart from one another.
Name an example of lines that are parallel that you might see during a walk down the street.
The Zebra crossing is an example of lines that are parallel that you might see during a walk down the street.

A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
Read and solve this riddle: I am an ocean animal. The prefix oct- is a part of my name. I have eight legs. What am I?
Given that,
I am an ocean animal.
The prefix oct- is a part of my name
The eight legs means the octagon.

A polygon with five sides and five angles.
Complete this sentence with a chapter vocabulary word: Five sides and five angles are called ____________ of a pentagon.
Five sides and five angles are called geometrical shape of a pentagon.

A quadrilateral that has both pairs of opposite sides parallel and equal in length.
What is the root word in parallelogram? Use it in a sentence.
The root word in parallelogram is whose opposite sides are parallel.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 10

Ideas for Use

  • Write a tally mark on each card every time you read or write each word. Challenge yourself to use at least 3 tally marks for each card.
  • Draw or write examples for each card. Be sure your examples are different from what is shown on each card.

A shape that has four sides and four angles.
What does the prefix quad- mean?
The prefix quad means the four.

A closed two-dimensional figure formed of three or more straight sides that do not cross each other.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the prefix poly-. How does it relate to the meaning of polygon?
The prefix poly means the many. It relate to the meaning of polygon because the polygon has many sides.

A parallelogram with four right angles, opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length.
Draw a rectangle. Then partition it into 3 equal areas. Write the fraction that describes your drawing.
The rectangle is divided into three equal parts.
The fraction is 1/3.

A part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending.
Write a sentence using another meaning for the word ray.
The other meaning for the word ray is any set of straight line passes through one point.

An angle that forms a square corner.
Give three examples of right angles in a classroom.
The three examples of the right angles in a classroom is the edges of the class board, edges of the bench and edges of the classroom.

A parallelogram with four sides of the same length.
Explain how a rhombus and square are alike.
All the sides of the rhombus and square has equal length. The diagonals of the square and rhombus has perpendicular to each other.

A parallelogram with four right angles and four sides of equal length.
Explain how a square and a trapezoid are similar.
The square and trapezoid as four sides. In square there has two pair of parallel sides. The trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides. the common similarity is both has one pair of parallel sides.

A triangle with one right angle.
The prefix tri- means “three.” How can you use this to help you remember a triangle’s attributes?
The prefix tri- means “three. It helps the tringle attributes means the attributes of the triangle are it has three sides and three angles.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 11


Ideas for Use

  • Write the name of a lesson on the front of a blank card. Write a few study tips for that lesson on the back of the card.
  • Use the blank cards to draw or write examples that will help you with concepts like the relationship between quadrilaterals and parallelograms.

A polygon with three sides and three angles.
Imagine your friend draws a shape with three sides and three angles. How would you classify the shape?
A polygon with three sides and three angles is called the triangle.

A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides.
Explain how a square and a trapezoid are different.
The square and  trapezoid is different. In square all sides are equal. In trapezoid 2 pair of sides are parallel.

The shared endpoint where 2 rays meet in an angle.
Vertex can mean “the highest point of something.” How is this similar to the math meaning?
The vertex meaning in math is the common end point of the sides of an angle.

My Foldable

Follow the steps on the back to make your Foldable.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 12
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 13
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 14 Answer Key Geometry 14
Triangles – 3 sides
Quadrilaterals – 4 sides
Pentagons – 5 sides
Hexagons – 6 sides
Octagons – 8 sides

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