McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Chapter 1 Place Value will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 3 Answer Key Chapter 1 Place Value

Essential L Question
How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared?
Answer: The numbers can be expressed, ordered, and compared by using symbols. They are less than(<), greater than(>), and equal to (=).

Am I Ready?

Write each number.

Question 1.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 1
From the table, the number 1 is in the tens place.
2 is in the one’s place.
Therefore, the number is 14.

Question 2.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 2
From the table, the number 3 is in the tens place.
3 is in the one’s place.
Therefore, the number is 33.

Question 3.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 3
From the table, the number 1 is in the hundreds place.
Another 1 is in the tens place.
0 is in the one place
Therefore, the number is 110

Question 4.
1 ten 5 ones _____
Given that,
1 ten and 5 ones.
1 ten and 5 tens are called 15.

Question 5.
1 hundred 2 ones ____
Given that,
1 hundred 2 ones.
1 hundred 2 ones are called 102.
Here there is no tens place. So, keep the 0 in the tens place.

Write the number of tens and ones in each number.

Question 6.
12 ______
Answer: In 12, the number of tens is 1 and the number of ones are 2.

Question 7.
26 _______
Answer: In 26, the number of tens is 2 and the number of ones is 6

Compare. Use >, <, or =.

Question 8.
70 McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 4 61
70 > 61
70 is greater than 61.

Question 9.
98 McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 4 99
98 < 99
98 is less than 99.

Question 10.
155 McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 4 55
155 > 55
155 is greater than 55.

Question 11.
What number is 10 fewer than 66?
10 fewer than 66 means subtracting 10 from 66.
66 – 10 = 56

Question 12.
What number is 100 greater than 800?
Answer: 900 is the number is 100 greater than 800

Question 13.
Deidra has three cards each with a value of 10 and two cards each with a value of 1. Raul has three cards each with a value of 1 and two cards each with a value of 10. Whose cards have the lesser value? Explain.
Given that,
Deidra has three cards each with a value of 10 and two cards each with a value of 1.
Raul has three cards each with a value of 1 and two cards each with a value of 10.
The vale of Deidra is 10 x 3 + 1 x 1 = 31
The value of Raul is 3 x 1 + 1 x 10 = 13.
Therefore Raul has a lesser value

My Math Words

Review Vocabulary

hundreds is equal to (=) is greater than (>)
is less than (<) ones tens

Making Connections
Use the review vocabulary to complete the graphic organizer. You will not use every word. You will use a symbol in one of your answers.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 5
Write a sentence using one or more of the review vocabulary words.
Given that the number is 546
5 is in the hundreds place.
4 is in the tens place.
6 is in the ones place.

My Vocabulary Cards

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 6
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 7


Ideas for Use

  • During this school year, create a separate stack of cards for key math verbs such as round. Understanding these verbs will help you in your problem solving.
  • Practice your penmanship! Write each word in cursive.

A way of writing a number as a sum that shows the value of each digit.
Explain what expanded means in this sentence: The balloon expanded as it filled with air.
Expanded sentence means process of adding two or more words.
The balloon is expanded when the water is increasing in the balloon

Any symbol used to write whole numbers.
Write a three-digit number.
The symbol used to write the whole number is W.
236 is a whole number.

To change the value of a number to one that is easier to work with.
Round is a word with multiple meanings. Choose another meaning of round, and use it in a sentence.
Answer: The other name of the round is regularly converted route.

The value given to a digit by its place in a number.
Write a number in which 6 is in the tens place and in the hundreds place.
That the number is 660.
In the number 660 the 6 is in tens place and in the hundreds place.

The form of a number that uses written words.
Write the number 4,274 in word form.
Given that the number is 4,274.
4,274 in word form is four thousand two hundred and seventy-four.

The usual way of writing a number that shows only its digits, no words.
What is another way to write a number?
Another way of number is stranded form and place value
Consider a number is 126.
In 126 the 1 is in the hundreds place.
2 is in the tens place.
6 is in the ones place.
The standard form of 126 is 126

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 8

My Foldable
Foldables Follow the steps on the back to make your Foldable.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 9

Study organizer

Rounding Rules

  1. Circle the digit to be rounded
  2. Look at the digit to the right of the place being rounded.
  3. If the digit is less than 5, do not change the circled digit. If the digit is 5 or greater, add 1 to the circled digit.
  4. Replace all digits after the circled digit with zeros.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 3 Chapter 1 Answer Key Place Value 10

The number 737 is rounded to 740.
The place value of 7 is greater than 5. So, replace the 7 by 0 and add 1 in the circled place.

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