Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals

We included HMH Into Math Grade 5 Answer Key PDF Module 14 Lesson 5 Subtract Decimals to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals

I Can use a written method and strategies based on place value to subtract decimals.

Step It Out

Question 1.
Santiago is at the store with his brother. He reads the total for his purchase on the cash register and realizes that he has only $4.73. His brother pays the difference. How much does Santiago’s brother pay?
HMH Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals 1
Use the chart to help you solve the problem.
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A. Write the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is subtracted from the greater number. Line up the place values.
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Given Santiago is at the store with his brother.
He reads the total for his purchase on the cash register and
realizes that he has only $4.73. His brother pays the difference.
Wrote the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is
subtracted from the greater number as shown above.
Lined up the place values so Santiago’s brother pay $1.56.

B. Subtract the hundredths. Regroup as needed.
Subtracted the hundredths 9 -3,

Subtracted the hundredths 9 – 3 got 6,

C. Subtract the tenths. Regroup as needed.
Subtracted the tenths 12 – 7 and regrouped units,

Subtracted the tenths as 12 – 7 and took 1 from units
and regrouped 6 to 5 in units place.

D. Subtract the ones.
5 – 4 = 1,

Subtracted the ones as 5 – 4 got 1.

E. How much does Santiago’s brother pay?
Santiago’s brother pay $1.56,

Given Santiago is at the store with his brother.
He reads the total for his purchase on the cash register and
realizes that he has only $4.73. His brother pays the difference.
Wrote the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is
subtracted from the greater number as shown above.
Lined up the place values so Santiago’s brother pay $1.56.

F. How is the written method you used in your chart related to using base-ten blocks or quick pictures to subtract decimals?
Similar way, Subtraction Method,

The written method I used in my chart relates in using
base ten blocks or quick pictures to subtract decimals will be
the same instead of writing we use base ten blocks or
quick pictures to subtract decimals similar like addition only
by adding place values and regrouping.

Turn and Talk How can you use the relationship between addition and subtraction to check your answer?
Addition and subtraction are the inverse operations of each other,

Addition and subtraction are the inverse operations of
each other, The addition symbol tells us to bring more,
whereas the subtraction symbol tells us to do the
opposite and take some away. We’ve found that there’s not
only a strong relationship between addition and subtraction
themselves, but also between specific problems.
We know that 5 + 2 = 7, and that 7 – 2 = 5.

Question 2.
Ms. Gomez goes to the butcher shop to buy 17.5 ounces of chicken for her dinner party. She looks at the weight of the chicken that the butcher has put on the scale. How much more chicken does the butcher need to put on the scale?
HMH Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals 3
Use the chart to help you solve the problem.
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A. Write the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is subtracted from the greater number. Line up the place values.
Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals-2
More chicken does the butcher need to put on the scale is 3.82 ounces,

Given Ms. Gomez goes to the butcher shop to buy 17.5 ounces of
chicken for her dinner party. She looks at the weight of the
chicken that the butcher has put on the scale.
Wrote the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is
subtracted from the greater number as shown above.
Lined up the place values so more chicken does the
butcher need to put on the scale is 3.82 ounces.

B. What do you need to do to keep place values aligned when subtracting?
Subtract according to place values,

To subtract decimals: Align the decimal points,
which will allow all of the digits to be aligned according to
their place values. Subtract just as you would subtract
whole numbers, beginning on the right and progressing to the left.

C. Subtract the hundredths and the tenths. Regroup as needed.
Hundredths – 10 – 8 = 2,
Tenths – 14 – 6 = 8,

Subtracted the hundredths and tenths as
Hundredths – 10 – 8 = 2,
Tenths – 14 – 6 = 8, Regrouped hundredths and tenths.

D. Subtract the ones and tens. Regroup as needed.
Ones – 6 – 3 = 3,
Tens – 1 – 1 = 0,

Subtracted the ones and tens as
Ones – 6 – 3 = 3,
Tens – 1 – 1 = 0 and regrouped ones as it is 7 but
carried 1 forward to tenth’s unit has become 6.

E. How much more chicken does the butcher need to put on the scale?
More chicken does the butcher need to put on the scale is 3.82 ounces,

Given Ms. Gomez goes to the butcher shop to buy 17.5 ounces of
chicken for her dinner party. She looks at the weight of the
chicken that the butcher has put on the scale.
Wrote the numbers in the chart so that the lesser number is
subtracted from the greater number as shown above.
Lined up the place values so more chicken does the
butcher need to put on the scale is 3.82 ounces.

Turn and Talk How can you determine whether your answer is reasonable?
A reasonable estimate does not exceed the
original numbers in a problem.

Make my estimate first. Once I have completed my
exact calculations, compare your answer to your estimate.
If my answer is close to my estimate, then my answer can be
considered reasonable.
Checking for reasonableness is a process by which students
evaluate estimations to see if they are reasonable guesses for
a problem. Estimating in multiplication helps students to check
their answers for accuracy. Then they would multiply 20 times 30
to get 600. Numbers ending in zero are easier to multiply.
The general rule for estimating is to look at the digit to the
right of the digit you want to estimate. Estimating or rounding to
the nearest whole number means looking at the digit to the right of
the decimal. If I see a digit greater than 5, round up, and
if it’s less than 5, round down.

Check Understanding

Question 1.
A bicycle costs $129.98. A man pays for the bike with $140. How much change should he get back?
Change he should get back $10.02,

Given a bicycle costs $129.98. A man pays for the bike with $140.
Change should he get back is

Find the difference.

Question 2.
8.5 – 6.7

Given to find 8.5 – 6.7 it is

Question 3.
32.4 – 19.52

Given to find 32.4 – 19.52 it is

Question 4.
76.5 – 57.42

Given to find 76.5 – 57.42 it is

On Your Own

Question 5.
In 1984, a new Olympic record of 49.8 seconds was set for the men’s 100-meter freestyle swim. At the 2016 Olympics, the winning time for this race was 2.22 seconds less than the 1984 Olympic record. What was the winning time in 2016?
HMH Into Math Grade 5 Module 14 Lesson 5 Answer Key Subtract Decimals 5
The winning time in 2016 is 47.58 seconds,

Given in 1984, a new Olympic record of 49.8 seconds
was set for the men’s 100-meter freestyle swim.
At the 2016 Olympics, the winning time for this race
was 2.22 seconds less than the 1984 Olympic record.
The winning time in 2016 is
47.58 seconds

Question 6.
Val spends $16.37 at a store. She pays the sales clerk with a $20 bill and two quarters. How much change should Val get back?
Val will get change of $4.13,

Given Val spends $16.37 at a store. She pays the sales
clerk with a $20 bill and two quarters.
Much change should Val get back is as
two quarters is $0.5 so it is
– $16.37

Question 7.
Critique Reasoning Omar finds the difference of 5,000 and 0.9 to be 4,991. Is he correct? If not, what is his error and what is the correct answer?
Omar is not correct, The correct difference is
4,999.1 not 4,991,

Given Omar finds the difference of 5,000 and 0.9 to be 4,991.
He is not correct as it is not 4,991 the difference is
4,999.1 he has subtracted 9 in units place value not in the
tenths place.

Find the difference.

Question 8.
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Given to find the difference of 0.60 – 0.38 it is 0.22.

Question 9.
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Given to find the difference of 27.40 – 9.13 it is 18.27.

Question 10.
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Given to find the difference of 34.6 – 8.72 it is 25.88.

Question 11.
Attend to Precision In a relay race, athletes each run the same distance and carry a baton that is passed from one runner to the next. Emil’s school is holding 3-person relay races for field day. Cassidy’s time is 13.5 seconds. Emil’s time is 13.87 seconds. Alejandro’s time is 12.95 seconds. What is the team’s time for the relay race?
Team’s time is 40.32 seconds,

Given in a a relay race, athletes each run the same distance and
carry a baton that is passed from one runner to the next.
Emil’s school is holding 3-person relay races for field day.
Cassidy’s time is 13.5 seconds. Emil’s time is 13.87 seconds.
Alejandro’s time is 12.95 seconds.
The team’s time for the relay race  is
40.32 seconds.

How much faster is Cassidy’s time than Emil’s time?
0.37 seconds faster,

As Cassidy’s time is 13.5 seconds.
Emil’s time is 13.87 seconds. Much faster is Cassidy’s
time than Emil’s time is
0.37 seconds.

How much faster is Alejandro’s time than Cassidy’s time?
0.55 seconds faster,

As Alejandro’s time is 12.95 seconds,
Cassidy’s time is 13.5 seconds.
Much faster is Alejandro’s time than Cassidy’s time is
0.55 seconds.

Question 12.
Geography In the Northern Hemisphere, the fall equinox marks the first day of fall. On this September day, day and night are each about 12 hours long. Then daylight shortens daily until the winter solstice in December. On September 22, 2018, Juneau, Alaska had about 734 minutes of daylight, and it began losing about 5.02 minutes of daylight each day.

About how many minutes of daylight did Juneau have on September 25? Show your work.
718.94 minutes of daylight did Juneau have on September 25,

Given geography In the Northern Hemisphere,
the fall equinox marks the first day of fall.
On this September day, day and night are each about
12 hours long. Then daylight shortens daily until the winter
solstice in December. On September 22, 2018, Juneau,
Alaska had about 734 minutes of daylight and it began
losing about 5.02 minutes of daylight each day.
Number of minutes of daylight did Juneau have on September 25 as
it is 3 days from September 22 to September 25 it will lose
3 X 5.02 minutes = 15.06 minutes, So it is
718.94 minutes.

Question 13.
Find the difference.

  • four and fifty-six hundredths subtracted from seven and thirty-eight hundredths
  • two and eighty-four hundredths subtracted from six and five tenths

2.82 and 3.66,

The difference of four and fifty-six hundredths subtracted from
seven and thirty-eight hundredths is
and the difference of
two and eighty-four hundredths
subtracted from six and five tenths is

Find the difference.

Question 14.
4.28 – 3.16

Given to find 4.28 – 3.16 it is

Question 15.
27.64 – 16.98

Given to find 27.64 – 16.98 it is

Question 16.
84.35 – 67.27

Given to find 84.35 – 67.27 it is

Find the unknown number.

Question 17.
3.74 – 2.8 = ________

Given to find 3.74 – 2.8 it is

Question 18.
1.7 = _______ – 4.63

Given 1.7 = _______ – 4.63 to find the unknown number let it be x
So x = 1.7 + 4.63,

Question 19.
21.3 – _______ = 12.45

Given 21.3 – ______= 12.45 to find the unknown number let it be x
So x = 21.3 – 12.45,

Question 20.
How can you use mental math to subtract 0.9 from 500?
By adding 0.1 to both then subtracting we get 499.1,

Given to use mental math to subtract 0.9 from 500,
In this method, we think in terms of addition and
use addition to subtract, so first we add 0.1 to both
500 and 0.9 and subtract as 500 + 0.1 = 500.1, 0.9 + 0.1 = 1.0,

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