Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups

We included HMH Into Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Module 1 Lesson 1 Count Equal Groups to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups

I Can count equal groups to find the total number of objects when the number of equal groups and the number of objects in each group is given.

Spark Your Learning
Suppose you are building more robots like this one. Choose any number of robots to build. How many wheels do you need?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups 1

Show your thinking.
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3 + 3 + 3 = 9
If I build 3 robots with 3 wheels each, I need 9 wheels.

Turn and Talk What if you build one more robot? How many more wheels do you need? How many wheels do you need now?

Build Understanding

1. Raj makes 5 robots like this one. How many legs do the 5 robots have?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups 3
Show equal groups.
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A. What is the same about each of your groups?
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4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20
There are same numbers of legs on each robot.

Connect to Vocabulary
Equal groups means that each group has the same number of objects.

B. How can you use the number in each group to find the total number of legs?
I can add the number in each group to find the total number of legs
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20

C. How many legs do the 5 robots have? ______________________________
So, 5 robots will have 20 legs.

Turn and Talk What if you are finding the number of legs on 5 robots with 6 legs on each robot? What would you do the same? What would you do differently?
If i find the number of legs on 5 robots with 6 legs on each robot
I would make 5 groups of 6 legs
6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30
I would make same number of groups with different number of legs.

2. Aisha makes 4 of these robots. How many wheels does Aisha use?
A. How many robots are there? ____
How many wheels are on each robot? ____
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Show equal groups. Write the numbers.
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B. How many wheels does Aisha use? _____
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There are 4 robots
There are 6 wheels on each robot
I need to make 4 groups of 6 wheels to find the number of wheels in all
6 + 6 + 6 + 6
Therefore, Aisha uses 24 wheels to make 4 robots.

Check Understanding Math Board

Show equal groups. Count equal groups to find the total.

Question 1.
Ty makes 8 robots. Each robot has 2 arms. How many arms are there?
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There are 8 robots
There are 2 arms on each robot
8 groups of 2 objects
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
Therefore, there are 16 arms for 8 robots.

Question 2.
Each robot has 3 wheels. There are 6 robots. How many wheels are there?
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There are 6 robots
There are 3 wheels on each robot
6 groups of 3 objects
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3
Therefore, 18 wheels are there on 6 robots.

On Your Own

Question 3.
Use Tools Keiko has 4 shirts. Each shirt has 7 buttons. How many buttons are there?

  • Draw a visual model.
  • Describe your visual model.
  • How many buttons are there?

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I drew a picture to solve the problem
Keiko has 4 shirts
Each shirt has 7 buttons
4 groups of 7 objects
7 + 7 + 7 + 7
Therefore, Keiko has 28 button son all the 4 shirts.

Question 4.
Open Ended Sal is putting rocks into bags. Write and solve a word problem that describes equal groups and asks for the total number of rocks.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups 7
Sal puts 5 rocks in each bag
Sal make 10 such bags
Find the total number of rocks that Sal put in all the bags

We know that
There are 10 bags
There are 5 such bags
10 groups of 5 objects
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
Therefore, there are 50 rocks in all the 10 bags.

Use Structure Count equal groups to find the total.

Question 5.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups 8
___ groups of ___ buttons
____ buttons
15 buttons

There are 5 buttons in each Jar
There are 3 such jars
3 groups of 5 buttons
5 + 5 + 5  = 15
So, there are 15 button sin all the 3 jars.

Question 6.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 1 Lesson 1 Answer Key Count Equal Groups 9
___ groups of ___ beads
____ beads
20 beads

There are 5 beads in each jar
There are 4 such jars
4 groups of 5 beads
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20
So, there are 20 beads in all.

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