We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 22 Understand Fractions to make students experts in learning maths.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 22 Answer Key Understand Fractions
Lets’s Cut the Pizza
Mia’s family ordered two round pizzas. Show two different ways the pizzas could be cut into halves.
Mia’s family ordered two round pizzas.
Javy’s family ordered two square pizzas. Show two different ways the pizzas could be cut into fourths.
Javy’s family ordered two square pizzas.
Turn and Talk
When you draw halves, can one half be larger than the other half? Explain.
Answer: One half is one of two equally sized parts. The square below is split into two halves by dividing it down the middle. The square is divided so that there are a total of 2 parts and both parts are exactly the same size.
Are You Ready?
Complete these problems to review prior concepts and skills you will need for this module.
Equal Shares
Circle the shape that has two equal shares.
Question 1.
Square that is divided into 2 equal parts.
Question 2.
Circle that is equally divided into 2 parts i.e., halves.
Explore Halves
Circle the shape that shows halves.
Question 3.
In the given picture we can observe three different shapes.
1. Square that is divided into 2 unequal parts
2. Circle that is equally divided into 2 parts i.e., halves
3. Rectangle that is divided into 2 unequal parts.
Explore Fourths
Circle the shape that shows fourths.
Question 4.
In the given picture we can observe three different shapes.
1. Rectangle that is divided into halves.
2. Circle that is unequally divided into 4 parts.
3. Square that is equally divided into 4 parts i.e, fourths.