Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Subtraction Word Problems

We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 15 Lesson 1 Solve Subtraction Word Problems to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Subtraction Word Problems

I Can write on equation and use it to solve addition word problems.

Step It Out

1. Kara has some stamps in her collection. She gets 24 stamps from a friend. Now she has 56 stamps. How many stamps does Kara have to start?
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Addition Word Problems 1
A. Choose the operation you will use to solve this Add To problem.
THINK: How can I find the number of stamps Kara has to start?
B. Complete the bar model.
She gets 24 stamps from a friend.
Now she has 56 stamps.
n be the number of stamps to start
n = 56 – 24
n = 32

Connect to Vocabulary
Addition and subtraction are operations.
In the equation 21 + 42 = 63, the operation is addition. In the equation 63 – 21 = 42, the operation is subtraction.

C. Write an equation to show the problem.

D. Solve.
Kara has ___ stamps to start.
Kara has 32 stamps to start.
we are using the equation

Step It Out

2. Georgia has 39 pennies. She has 7 fewer pennies than Greyson. How many pennies does Greyson have?
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Addition Word Problems 2
A. Choose the operation you will use to solve this Compare problem.
THINK: How can I find the number of pennies Greyson has?
B. Write an equation to show the problem.
C. Solve.
Greyson has ___ pennies.
Georgia has 39 pennies.
She has 7 fewer pennies than Greyson.
let n be number of pennies that Greyson have
n = 39 – 7
n = 32
Greyson has 32 pennies.

Turn and Talk How do you decide which operation you will use to solve the problem? Explain.

Check Understanding Math Board

Question 1.
Write an equation to solve the problem. Matt collected some shells last week. He collects 33 shells this week. Now he has 61 shells. How many shells did he have to start?
Mati had ___ shells to start.
Mati had 28 shells to start.
He collects 33 shells this week.
Now he has 61 shells.
let n be the number of shells to start
n = 61 – 33
n = 28

On Your Own

Reason Write an equation to show the problem. Solve.

Question 2.
Kayla sees 55 toy cars. Kayla sees 23 fewer toy cars than Sam sees. How many toy cars does Sam see?
Sam sees ___ toy cars.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Addition Word Problems 3
How did you decide which operation to use to solve the problem? Explain.
as they mentioned fewer we have to subtract
Kayla sees 55 toy cars. Kayla sees 23 fewer toy cars than Sam sees
let n be number of cars that Sam see
n = 55 – 23
n = 32

Question 3.
There are some sports balls in a basket. Carl puts 8 more sports balls in the basket. Now there are 32 sports balls in the basket. How many sports balls are in the basket to start?
There are ___ sports balls in the basket to start.
There are 24 sports balls in the basket to start.
Carl puts 8 more sports balls in the basket.
Now there are 32 sports balls in the basket.
let n be the number of sports balls to start
n = 32 – 8
n = 24

On Your Own

Question 4.
Sara has 48 dog treats. She has 32 fewer than Min. How many dog treats does Min have? Write an equation to show the problem. Solve.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 15 Lesson 1 Answer Key Solve Addition Word Problems 4
Min has ___ dog treats.
Min has 80 dog treats.
Sara has 48 dog treats.
She has 32 fewer than Min.
let n be the dog treats that Min had
n = 48 + 32
n = 80

Question 5.
Model with Mathematics Casey has some shells. Zeke gives him 28 shells. Now Casey has 74 shells. How many shells does Casey have to start? Write an equation to show the problem. Solve.
Casey has ____ shells to start.
Casey has 46 shells to start.
Zeke gives him 28 shells.
Now Casey has 74 shells.
let n be number of shells to start
n = 74 – 28
n = 46

Question 6.
Open Ended Write a word problem for this equation.
23 + 39 = 62
23 + 39 = 62
Kelly has 23 candies. Her sister gave her 39  candies. How many candies did Kelly have now altogether?

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