Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens

We included HMH Into Math Grade 1 Answer Key PDF Module 9 Lesson 3 Make Tens to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens

I Can represent groups of ten from 10 to 90 as tens and ones and show the number with objects and drawings.

Spark Your Learning

Draw some groups of 10 marbles. How many marbles are there?
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 1
________ tens __________ ones = __________ marbles
Allow children to choose tools. Ask children to draw some groups of marbles. Each group should have 10 marbles. Then have children count the total number of marbles and write to show how many.

Children drew some group of 10 marbles
They drew 6 groups
So, 6 tens = 60
6 tens 0 ones = 60 marbles.

Build Understanding

Question 1.
There are 3 flowers. Each flower has 10 petals. How many petals are there in all?
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 2
A. How can you use tens to show the problem?
________ ones = __________ tens __________ ones
30 ones = 3 tens 0 ones

There are 3 flowers. Each flower has 10 petals
I counted 10’s 3 times
10, 20, 30
So, there are 30 petals in all.

B. How can you count the tens?
_______, ________, _______
_______ tens = ________
We can count the numbers are 10, 20 and 30
3 tens = 30.

C. How many petals are on the 3 flowers?
_________ petals
There are 30 petals in 3 flowers.

Turn and Talk What is the same about the tens numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90?
The same thing about the tens numbers is they are multiples of ten and all the numbers have 0 ones.

Step It Out

Question 1.
There are 5 children at the beach. Each child picks up 10 shells. How many shells do they have altogether?
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 3
A. Draw a quick picture to show the problem.
_________ tens _________ ones

There are 5 children at the beach. Each child picks up 10 shells.
I counted by 10’s 5 times
10, 20, 30, 40, 50
I drew the quick picture of shells
There are 5 tens and 0 ones.

B. Count by tens.
_______, ________, ________, ________, ________
If we count by 10’s 5 times the numbers we count are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.

C. The children have _________ shells.
The children have 50 shells.

Check Understanding

Draw a quick picture to solve.

Question 1.
Pete plants 10 seeds in each row. There are 9 rows. How many seeds does he plant?
_________ seeds

Pete plants 10 seeds in each row
There are 9 rows
I counted by 10’s 9 times
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
I drew a quick picture to show 9 tens
So, Pete plants 90 seeds.

Write the number shown by the quick picture.

Question 2.
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 4
______ tens _________ ones = _________
8 tens 0 ones

The above quick picture shows 8 ten bars
8 tens is 80
8 tens 0 ones = 80.

On Your Own

Draw a quick picture to solve.

Question 3.
Use Tools Jose packs soup into 2 boxes. Each box holds 10 cans of soup. How many cans does Jose pack in the boxes?
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 5
________ cans
20 cans

Jose packs soup into 2 boxes
Each box holds 10 cans of soup
I counted by 10’s 2 times
10, 20
So, Jose packs 20 cans in 2 boxes.

Question 4.
Reason There are 70 books in a bookcase. There are 10 books on each shelf. How many shelves are there?
_________ shelves
7 shelves

There are 70 books in a bookcase
There are 10 books on each shelf
I counted by tens until i get 70
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
7 times 10 is 70
So, there are 7 shelves.

Write the number shown by the quick picture.

Question 5.
HMH Into Math Grade 1 Module 9 Lesson 3 Answer Key Make Tens 6
______ tens _________ ones = _________
4 tens 0 ones

The above quick picture shows 4 ten bars
4 tens is 40
4 tens 0 ones = 40.

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