Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9

Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9

Curious George

Rides are popular at fairs.
• What can you tell me about this ride?

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Show What You Know

Explore Numbers to 5

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 1

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 2

Compare Numbers to 5

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 3

Write Numbers to 5

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 4

This page checks understanding of important skills needed for success in Chapter 3.

DIRECTIONS 1. Circle the dot cards that show 3. 2. Circle the dot cards that show 5. 3. Write the number of cubes in each set. Circle the greater number. 4. Write the numbers 1 to 5 in order.

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Vocabulary Builder

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 5

Point to sets of objects as you count. Circle two sets that have the same number of objects. Tell what you know about sets that have more objects or fewer objects than other sets on this page.

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Game: Number Line Up

Number Line Up

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 6

Play with a partner. Place numeral cards as shown on the board. Shuffle the remaining cards and place them face down in a stack. Players take turns picking one card from the stack. They place the card to the right to form a number sequence without skipping any numbers. The number sequence can be forward from 0 or backward from 5. If a player picks a card that is not next in either number sequence, the card is returned to the bottom of the stack. The first player to complete a number sequence wins the game.
2 sets of numeral cards 0–5

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Vocabulary Game

Going Places with GOMATH! Words

Picture It

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 7

DIRECTIONS Players take turns. A player chooses a secret word from the Word Box and then sets the timer. The player draws pictures to give hints about the secret word. If the other player guesses the secret word before time runs out, he or she puts a counter in the chart. The first player who has counters in all his or her boxes wins.

MATERIALS timer, drawing paper, two-color counters for each player

The Write Way

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 8

DIRECTIONS Trace the 8. Draw to show what you know about 8. Reflect Be ready to tell about your drawing.

Lesson 3.1 Model and Count 6

Essential Question
How can you show and count 6 objects?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 9

DIRECTIONS Place a counter on each ticket in the set as you count them. Move the counters to the ten frame. Draw the counters.

Share and Show

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 10
Number of cars  = 6
So , the counters are = 6
The counters are represented as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The counters are moved to the parking lot.

DIRECTIONS 1. Place a counter on each car in the set as you count them. Move the counters to the parking lot. Draw the counters. Say the number as you trace it.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 11

Explanation :
Number of Yellow counters are 4
Number of Red counters are 4
So, to make a sum of 6 we add two counters. That is represented in 4 different ways.
1 red + 5 yellow, 2 red + 4 yellow, 3 red + 3 yellow, 5 red + 1 yellow all these expressions on adding gives the sum 6.

DIRECTIONS 2. Trace the number 6. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 6. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 6.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 12
Given three set of pop cone buckets
Number of buckets each sets contains 6 , 5 , 6.
The set containing 6 buckets are circled

Question 4.
There is a set of 6 popcorn buckets.
I have represented set of 6 as 3 – 2 -1.

DIRECTIONS 3. Six people each bought a bucket of popcorn. Count the buckets of popcorn in each set. Circle all the sets that show six buckets. 4. Draw to show a set of six objects. Tell about your drawing.

• Ask your child to show a set of five objects. Have him or her show one more object and tell how many objects are in the set.

Model and Count 6 Homework & practice 3.1

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 13


Explanation :
Number of Yellow counters are 4
Number of Red counters are 4
So, to make a sum of 6 we add two counters. That is represented in 4 different ways.
1 red + 5 yellow, 2 red + 4 yellow, 3 red + 3 yellow, 5 red + 1 yellow all these expressions on adding gives the sum 6.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number 6. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 6. Color to show the counters below. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 6.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 14
Given a number 6 to trace.
Number of counter given in the ten frame  = 3
Sum = 6
To make a 6 we need 3 more counters to  ad into the ten frame.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 15
From the fig
There are 3 counters in 1st set and 2 counters in 2nd set.
2 is less than 3. So, 2 has been circled.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 16
In the figure given
3 counters and Number 3 is drawn beside the counters.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number. How many more counters would you place in the ten frame to model a way to make 6? Draw the counters. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is less. 3. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson 3.2 Count and Write to 6

Essential Question
How can you count and write up to 6 with words and numbers?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 17
Number of cubes = 6
Number of caps  = 6
Number 6 is Traced  6 times and 6 is written in number name.

DIRECTIONS Count and tell how many cubes. Trace the numbers. Count and tell how many hats. Trace the word.

Share and Show

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 18
Group of 6 people is circled.
Group of 6 balloons is circled.
Group of 6 rectangle shaped pic is circled.

DIRECTIONS 1. Look at the picture. Circle all the sets of six objects. Circle the group of six people.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 19
Number 6 is represented 5 times.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 20
In the above figure
5 images are given .
Number 5 is represented at the bottom.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 21

In the above figure
6 different colored circled images  are represented .
Number 6 is represented at the bottom.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 22

In the above figure
6 colored whistles  are represented .
Number 6 is represented at the bottom.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 23

In the above figure
6 different colored Hats  are represented .
Number 6 is represented at the bottom.

DIRECTIONS 2. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 3–6. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 7.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 24
Given 3 sets of whistles
1st set contains 6, 2nd set contains 4, 3rd set contains 5 .
Number of whistles Marta have are 2 less  than 6 = 4 whistles.
So, set is circled as it have 4 whistles.

Question 8.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 25
6 objects have be drawn as 6 represent the number which is 1 greater than 5.
5 +1 = 6.

DIRECTIONS 7. Marta has a number of whistles that is two less than 6. Count the whistles in each set. Circle the set that shows a number of whistles two less than 6. 8. Draw a set of objects that has a number of objects one greater than 5. Tell about your drawing. Write how many objects.

Count and Write to 6 Homework & Practice 3.2

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 26
Answer :
Explanation :
The Number 6 is written for 6 times .

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 27
Answer :
Explanation :
The Number of teddy bears are 6 .The number 6 is written .

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 28
Answer :
Explanation :
The Number of Jokers are 6 and the number is written .

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 29
Answer :
Explanation :
Number of bicycles are 5 and the number is written as shown in above figure .

Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 30
Answer :
Explanation :
Number of kites are 6 and the number is written as shown in above figure .

DIRECTIONS 1. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 2–5. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 31
Answer :
Explanation :
The Number of buses are 6 and the same number is written .

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 32
Answer :
Explanation :
The number of counters in first row are 3 and number of counters in second row are 4 and the respective numbers are written .
The greater number is circled .

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 33
Answer :
Explanation :
The given Number is 2 so, 2 counters are represented in the given frame of five .

DIRECTIONS 1. How many school buses are there? Write the number. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater. 3. How many counters would you place in the five frame to show the number? Draw the counters.

Lesson 3.3 Model and Count 7

Essential Question
How can you show and count 7 objects?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 34
Answer :
Explanation :
Number of counters given are 6 and one more added . Now, number of counters are 7 and the number is written as shown in the above figure .

DIRECTIONS Model 6 objects. Show one more object. How many are there now? Tell a friend how you know. Draw the objects.

Share and Show

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 35
Answer :
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Question-1

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 36
Answer :
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Question-2
2 more than 5 gives 7.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 37
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Question-3
Given a ten frame. To make model 7 we need to fill with 7 counters as shown in the figure. 7 is the number 2 more than 5. and 1 more than 6.

DIRECTIONS 1. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many counters. Trace the number. 2. How many more than 5 is 7? Write the number. 3. Place counters in the ten frame to model seven. Tell a friend what you know about the number 7.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 38
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Question-4
Number 7 has been traced.
Used two color counters  to model the different ways to make 7 in the ten frame box.
Few combinations of the two color counters have been  written in the above figure that can make 7.

DIRECTIONS 4. Trace the number 7. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 7. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 7.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 39
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Problem-Solving-Applications-Question-5
Given 3 sets of images. 1st image have 7 horses , 2nd set have 6 horses, 3rd set have 7 horses.
The set with 7 horses are circled.

Question 6.
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Lesson-3.3-Model-and-Count-7-Share- Show-Problem-Solving-Applications-Question-6

To show the number 7 there are 7 colored triangles drawn.
7 triangles are drawn to represent  the number 7.
Number 7 is represents beside the triangles in the above figure.

DIRECTIONS 5. A carousel needs seven horses. Count the horses in each set. Which sets show seven horses? Circle those sets. 6. Draw to show what you know about the number 7. Tell a friend about your drawing.

• Ask your child to show a set of six objects. Have him or her show one more object and tell how many objects are in the set.

Model and Count 7 Homework & Practice 3.3

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 40
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Model-and-Count-7-Homework- Practice-3.3-Question-1
Number 7 has been traced.
Used two color counters  to model the different ways to make 7 in the ten frame box.
Few combinations of the two color counters have been  written in the above figure that can make 7.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number 7. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 7. Color to show the counters below. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 7.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 41
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Model-and-Count-7-Homework- Practice-3.3-Lesson-Check-Question-1
Number 7 have been traced.
In the ten frame 5 counters are placed and to make it 7. 2 more different colored counter is added.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 42
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Model-and-Count-7-Homework- Practice-3.3-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-2
Explanation :
The number of counters in first row are 2 and number of counters in second row are 1 and the respective numbers are written .
The less number is circled .

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 43
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Model-and-Count-7-Homework- Practice-3.3-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-3
Number of birds in the above figure are 3. The number is represented in the figure.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number. How many more counters would you place in the ten frame to model a way to make 7? Draw the counters. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is less. 3. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson 3.4 Count and Write to 7

Essential Question
How can you count and write up to 7 with words and numbers?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 44
Number of cubes = 7
Number 7 is traced 6 times.
Number of hats are 7. The number 7 is represented  in number name and traced.

DIRECTIONS Count and tell how many cubes. Trace the numbers. Count and tell how many hats. Trace the word.

Share and Show

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 45
In the picture above a set of 7 objects have been circled.
There are 3 sets of object with 7 objects.

DIRECTIONS 1. Look at the picture. Circle all the sets of seven objects.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 46
The number 7 is traced.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 47
Number of dolls are 7 and the number 7 is represented.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 48

Number of balloons are 7 and the number 7 is represented.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 49
Number of bowling stack are 6 and the number 6  is represented.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 50

Number of hats are 7. The number 7 is represented.

DIRECTIONS 2. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 3–6. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

• Show your child seven objects. Have him or her point to each object as he or she counts it. Then have him or her write the number on paper to show how many objects.

Count and Write to 7 Homework & Practice 3.4

Question 1.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 51
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Question-1
The number 7 is traced.

Question 2.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 52

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Question-2
Number of crayons are 7. 7 is represented.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 53

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Question-3
Number of scissors are 7.
Number 7 is also represented.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade K Chapter 3 Answer Key Pdf Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 54

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Question-4
Number of bottles are 6.
The number is is also represented.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 55

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Question-5
Number of bags are 7.
Number 7 is represented.

DIRECTIONS 1. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 2–5. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 56

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Lesson-Check-Question-1
Number of erasers are 7.
7 is also represented.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 57

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-2
Given the number 3. So, we need three counters to fill in the 5 frame to show the number 3.Counter is represented as triangle.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 58

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Count-and-Write-to-7-Homework- Practice-3.4-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-3
Number of cubes are 2.
Number 2 is also represented.

DIRECTIONS 1. Count and tell how many erasers. Write the number. 2. How many counters would you place in the five frame to show the number? Draw the counters. 3. Count and tell how many cubes. Write the number.

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Concepts and Skills

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 59
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Represent-Count- and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Mid-Chapter-Checkpoint-Concepts-and-Skills-Question-1
Given a 5 frame and have to make 7 we need to add 2 more counter to the 5 counter.
5 triangle counters are in  the 5 frame and 2 rhombus counters are at the below .
Both on adding make 7.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 60
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Represent-Count- and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Mid-Chapter-Checkpoint-Concepts-and-Skills-Question-2
There are 6 counters.
The number 6 is also represented.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 61

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Represent-Count- and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Mid-Chapter-Checkpoint-Concepts-and-Skills-Question-3
There are 7 duck counters. The number 7 is also represented in the picture.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 62

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Represent-Count- and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Mid-Chapter-Checkpoint-Concepts-and-Skills-THINK-SMARTER-Question-4
There are 3 set of counters in the picture. Each set contains
1st set 7 whistles, 2nd set have 7 whistles, 3rd set have 6 whistles.
The sets with 7 whistles are circled.

DIRECTIONS 1. Use counters to model the number 7. Draw the counters. Write the number. 2–3. Count and tell how many. Write the number. 4. Circle all the sets of 7 whistles.

Lesson 3.5 Model and Count 8

Essential Question
How can you show and count 8 objects?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 63

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw
In the 10 frame 7 is represented by 7 triangle counters and 1 more circle counter is added to that 7 triangle counters to represent to make 8.
8 is made with adding 1 more to 7.

DIRECTIONS Model 7 objects. Show one more object. How many are there now? Tell a friend how you know. Draw the objects.

Share and Show

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 64

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Question-1
Given two counters in the picture.
5 counters are represented in a 5 frame and 3 more counter below the frame.
Adding 5 counters and 3 counters make 8.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 65

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Question-2
5 and 3 more make 8.
5 + 3 = 8.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 66

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Question-3
I took two different counters to make 8
A set of 6 counters and another set of 2 counters. On adding these two set gives 8.
6 + 2 = 8.

DIRECTIONS 1. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many counters. Trace the number. 2. How many more than 5 is 8? Write the number. 3. Place counters in the ten frame to model eight. Tell a friend what you know about the number 8.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 67

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Question-4
In the above picture their are different pair of counters that make 8.
These counters are represented with different colored numbers.
On adding these two numbers we get the sum 8. The number 8 is traced.

DIRECTIONS 4. Trace the number 8. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 8. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 8.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 68

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Problem-Solving-Applications-Question-5
Dave sorted set of balls by color.
each set have the balls as
1st set – 8
2nd set – 8
3rd set – 6
4th set – 8
the sets with 8 are circled.

Question 6.
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9- Lesson-3.5-Model-and-Count-8-Listen-and-Draw-Share-and-Show-Problem-Solving-Applications-Question-6
I used a ten frame to represent 8
I presented 5 in first row and 3 in the second row on adding these counters gives the number 8.

DIRECTIONS 5. Dave sorted sets of balls by color. Count the balls in each set. Which sets show eight balls? Circle those sets. 6. Draw to show what you know about the number 8. Tell a friend about your drawing.

• Ask your child to show a set of seven objects. Have him or her show one more object and tell how many.

Model and Count 8 Homework & Practice 3.5

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 69

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Model-and-Count-8- Homework-Practice-3.5-Question-1
In the above picture their are different pair of counters that make 8.
These counters are represented with different colored numbers.
On adding these two numbers we get the sum 8. The number 8 is traced.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number 8. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 8. Color to show the counters below. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 8.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 70

Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Model-and-Count-8- Homework-Practice-3.5-Lesson-Check-Question-1
Given 4 counter in the ten frame to make 8.
To make 8 we need 4 more counter for the 4 counter which are given.
4 + 4 = 8.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 71
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Model-and-Count-8- Homework-Practice-3.5-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-2
The 1st set of cubes are 4
The 2nd set of cubes are 5
on comparing the both 5 is 1 more than 4. So, 5 is greater than 4.
So, 5 is circled.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 72
Go-Math-Grade-K-Chapter-3-Answer-Key-Represent-Count-and-Write-Numbers-6-to-9-Model-and-Count-8- Homework-Practice-3.5-Lesson-Check-Spiral-Review-Question-3
Number of STOP boards are 2.
The number 2 is represented.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number. How many more counters would you place in the ten frame to model a way to make 8? Draw the counters. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater. 3. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson 3.6 Count and Write to 8

Essential Question
How can you count and write up to 8 with words and numbers?

Listen and Draw

Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 73

A set of cubes of 8
A set of balls of 8
The number 8 is traced in number form and number name form.

DIRECTIONS Count and tell how many cubes. Trace the numbers. Count and tell how many balls. Trace the word.

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Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 74
A set of 8 object are circles.

DIRECTIONS 1. Look at the picture. Circle all the sets of eight objects.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 75
Number has been traced 5 times.

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 76

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 77
Number of images in the picture are 6.
The number 6 is represented.

Question 5.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 78

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

Question 6.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 79

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

DIRECTIONS 2. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 3–6. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 7.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 80

Given sets of frogs Ed have.
Number of toy frogs Ed had are 2 greater than 6 = 2+ 6 = 8 toy frogs.
The set with 8 frogs is circled.

Question 8.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 81
Number of prizes won by Robbie at the fair =10
Number of prizes won by Marissa are two less than Robbie = 10 – 2 = 8.
Marissa won 8 prizes at the fair.

DIRECTIONS 7. Ed has a number of toy frogs two greater than 6. Count the frogs in each set. Circle the set of frogs that belongs to Ed. 8. Robbie won ten prizes at the fair. Marissa won a number of prizes two less than Robbie. Draw to show Marissa’s prizes. Write how many.

• Show eight objects. Have your child point to each object as he or she counts it. Then have him or her write the number on paper to show how many objects.

Count and Write to 8 Homework & practice 3.6

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 82
Number 8 is traced 7 times.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 83

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 84

Number of images in the picture are 7
The number 7 is represented.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 85

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 86

Number of images in the picture are 8.
The number 8 is represented.

DIRECTIONS 1. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 2–5. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 87

Number of bees are 8.
Number 8 is represented beside the image.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 88

Two set of counters.
set 1 have 4 counters.
set 2 have 5 counters.
set with greater counter is circled. That is set 2 with 5 counters.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 89
Number of beetles are 5.
Number 5 is represented beside the image

DIRECTIONS 1. Count and tell how many bees. Write the number. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater. 3. Count and tell how many beetles. Write the number.

Lesson 3.7 Model and Count 9

Essential Question
How can you show and count 9 objects?

Listen and Draw

Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 90

In the above image
Given a model 8 object with 8 counters and later 1 more counter is added to the model 8.
When you add 1 to 8 it becomes 9.
The model 9 object is represented in the second table and the number 9 is represented below that.

DIRECTIONS Model 8 objects. Show one more object. How many are there now? Tell a friend how you know. Draw the objects.

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Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 91

Given two set of counters
set 1 with 5 counters and set 2 with 4 counters to make a 9 model.
On adding 5 and 4 we get 9.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 92
To get 9 we need to add 4 more to 5.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 93
The ten frame is taken to make a model nine.
To make the model nine i have used two sets of counters.
set 1 have 5 rectangle counters
set 2 have 4 triangle counters.
ADDING these two gives the model 9.

DIRECTIONS 1. Place counters as shown. Count and tell how many counters. Trace the number. 2. How many more than 5 is 9? Write the number. 3. Place counters in the ten frame to model nine. Tell a friend what you know about the number 9.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 94
The above image represent the model 9.
Above image represents the different ways to make 9 using two-color counters.
Pair of numbers are written that make 9.

DIRECTIONS 4. Trace the number 9. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 9. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 9.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 95

Mr.Lopez making a display of flags.
He made 3 set. Each set containing 7 flags, 9 flags, 9 flags and Mr. Lopez need a set of nine flags.
Out of the 3 set he made 2 sets of 9 flags .
Those 2 sets are circled.

Question 6.
In the image i have taken triangles to make the model 9.
first row with 4
second row with 1
third row with 4
adding these three rows value = 4 + 1 + 4 = 9 give sum 9.

DIRECTIONS 5. Mr. Lopez is making displays using sets of nine flags. Count the flags in each set. Which sets show nine flags? Circle those sets. 6. Draw to show what you know about the number 9. Tell a friend about your drawing.

• Ask your child to show a set of eight objects. Have him or her show one more object and tell how many.

Model and Count 9 Homework & Practice 3.7

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 96

The above image represent the model 9.
Above image represents the different ways to make 9 using two-color counters.
Pair of numbers are written that make 9.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number 9. Use two-color counters to model the different ways to make 9. Color to show the counters below. Write to show some pairs of numbers that make 9.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 97

A ten frame to make a model 9.
There are 6 counters in the frame and we need 3 more to make it a 9 model.So, i added 3 more counters .
6 + 3 = 9.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 98
Given two sets of images
set 1 contains 3 cats
set 2 contains 4 dolphins.
4 is 1 more than 3. So, 4 is circle as it is greater.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 99

The frame of 5 with 4 counter is given.

DIRECTIONS 1. Trace the number 9. How many more counters would you place in the ten frame to model a way to make 9? Draw the counters. 2. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater. 3. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson 3.8 Count and Write to 9

Essential Question
How can you count and write up to 9 with words and numbers?

Listen and Draw

Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 100

Number of cubes = 9
Number of ducks = 9
The number 9 is traced. 9 is written in name form is also traced.

DIRECTIONS Count and tell how many cubes. Trace the numbers. Count and tell how many ducks. Trace the word.

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Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 101


In the above image the objects with group of 9 are circles.

DIRECTIONS 1. Look at the picture. Circle all the sets of nine objects.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 102
Number 9 is traced.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 103
Number of admit card = 9
3 cards each in 3 rows.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 104
Number of admit card = 8
3 cards each in 2 first and last columns and 2 in middle column.

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 105

Number of admit card = 9
4 cards each in first and middle rows. and 1 card in the last row.
4 + 4 + 1 = 9.

Question 6.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 106

Number of admit card = 9
4 cards each in first and last columns. and 1 card in the middle column.
4 + 1 + 4 = 9

DIRECTIONS 2. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 3–6. Count and tell how many. Write the number

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 7.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 107
Eva have  3 sets of bears . She wants to find the bears one less than 10.
1 less than 10 =9
The third st in the image have 9 bears. It is circled.

Question 8.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 108

DIRECTIONS 7. Eva wants to find the set that has a number of bears one less than 10. Circle that set. 8. Draw a set that has a number of objects two greater than 7. Write how many.

• Ask your child to find something in your home that has the number 9 on it, such as a clock or a phone.

Count and Write to 9 Homework & Practice 3.8

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 109


Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 110

Number of crayons are 9.
9 is represented under the image.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 111

There are 7 pencils in the image and the 7 is represented under the image.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 112

There are 9 bottles in the image and the 9 is represented under the image.

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 113

There are 9 scissors in the image and the 9 is represented under the image.

DIRECTIONS 1. Say the number. Trace the numbers. 2–5. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 114
Number of squirrels are 9.
Number 9 is represented best the image.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 115

Number of birds  in the cage are 0.
Number 0 is represented best the image.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 116
Number of counters are 5.
Number 5 is represented best the image.

DIRECTIONS 1. Count and tell how many squirrels. Write the number. 2. How many birds are in the cage? Write the number. 3. How many counters are there? Write the number.

Lesson 3.9 Problem Solving • Numbers to 9

Essential Question
How can you solve problems using the strategy draw a picture?

Unlock the Problem

Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 117

Number of lags on the red tent are = 7.
Number on flags on the blue tent are one greater than red tent = 1 +7 = 8.
Number of flags on blue tent are 8 flags.

DIRECTIONS There are seven flags on the red tent. Trace the flags. The blue tent has a number of flags one greater than the red tent. How many flags are on the blue tent? Draw the flags. Tell a friend about your drawing.

Try Another Problem

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 118

Number of hats Bianca have are = 5
Number of hats Leigh have are 2 greater than 5 = 2 + 5 = 7.
These are represented in the above image.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 119

Number of tokens Donna won = 9
Number of tokens Jackie won re 2 less than 9= 9 – 2 = 7.
These are represented in the above image.

DIRECTIONS 1. Bianca buys five hats. Leigh buys a number of hats two greater than 5. Draw the hats. Write the numbers. 2. Donna wins nine tokens. Jackie wins a number of tokens two less than 9. Draw the tokens. Write the numbers.

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Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 120

Total number of tickets Gray have = 8
Number of red tickets out of 8 tickets are = 4
Number of blue tickets = total – red tickets
8 – 4 = 4.
These are represented in the above image with the values.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 121
Ann have a set of balloons = 7
Molly have a set of balloons less than 7 = 7 – 2 = 5.
These are represented in the above image.

DIRECTIONS 3. Gary has eight tickets. Four of the tickets are red. The rest are blue. How many are blue? Draw the tickets. Write the number beside each set of tickets. 4. Ann has seven balloons. Molly has a set of balloons less than seven. How many balloons does Molly have? Draw the balloons. Write the number beside each set of balloons.

On Your Own

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 122

Total number of seats for a teacup ride are = 6
Number of seats on a train ride are 2 less than 8 = 8 – 2 = 6.
Number of seats on the train ride are = 6.
The seats are drawn in the above image.

Question 6.
The number i choose from 0 -9 are = 6 and 9
To represent the numbers 6 and 9 i used two set of different shapes.
A set of rectangles are = 6.
A set of rhombus are = 9 .

DIRECTIONS 5. There are six seats on a teacup ride. The number of seats on a train ride is two less than 8. How many seats are on the train ride? Draw the seats. Write the number. 6. Pick two numbers between 0 and 9. Draw to show what you know about those numbers.

• Have your child say two different numbers from 0–9 and tell what he or she knows about them.

Problem Solving • Numbers to 9 Homework & practice 3.9

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 123
Total number of flowers with Sally = 6
Number of yellow flowers are = 3
The rest are red flowers.
Number of red flowers = total flowers – number of yellow flowers.
= 6 – 3 = 3.
There are 3 red flowers.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 124
Total acorns with Tim = 7
Number of acorns with Don are two less than 7 = 7 – 2 = 5.
Number of acorns with Don are 5.

DIRECTIONS 1. Sally has six flowers. Three of the flowers are yellow. The rest are red. How many are red? Draw the flowers. Write the number beside each set of flowers. 2. Tim has seven acorns. Don has a number of acorns that is two less than 7. How many acorns does Don have? Draw the acorns. Write the numbers.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 125
Number of marbles Pete has = 5.
Number of marbles Jay have are two more than 5 = 5 + 2 = 7.
Number of marbles Jay are = 7.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 126

In the picture above there are 5 books.

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 127
There are two sets of counters.
1st set have 4 turtles.
2nd set have 5 bees.
The counters with greater value is circled.

DIRECTIONS 1. Pete has 5 marbles. Jay has a number of marbles that is two more than 5. How many marbles does Jay have? Draw the marbles. Write the numbers. 2. Count and tell how many books. 3. Count and tell how many are in each set. Write the numbers. Compare the numbers. Circle the number that is greater.

Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Chapter 3 Review/Test

Question 1.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 128
There are three set of counters.
Set 1 have 6 counters, set 2 have 6 counters, set 3 have 4 counters.
The sets with 6 counters are circled.

Question 2.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 129
There are three sets of whistles.
Set 1 have 7 whistles, Set 2 have 6 whistles, Set 3 have 7 whistles.
The set with 7 whistles are circled

Question 3.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 130

Given a set of hats.
Number of hats in the set = 6.
The number is represented.

Question 4.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 131
Given a ten frame.
There are 7 counters.

DIRECTIONS 1. Circle all the sets that show 6. 2. Circle all the sets that show 7. 3–4. Count and tell how many. Write the number.

Question 5.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 132

Given 3 set of rabbit dolls.
Each set have a values and the values are represented at the bottom. we have to match the value with respected set.

Question 6.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 133


Number of spinner given are 8 .
The number 8 is represented.

Question 7.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 134
Number of hats given are 9.
The number 9 is represented.

Question 8.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 135
The ten frame with two different color counters to make model 9.
5 and 3 more gives 8
5 and 4 more gives 9
as we need to make model 9 we add 5 and 4 more .
4 is circled.

DIRECTIONS 5. Match each set to the number that tells how many. 6–7. Count to tell how many. Write the number. 8. The ten frame shows 5 red counters and some yellow counters. Five and how many more make 9? Choose the number.

Question 9.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 136

Number of marbles Jeffrey have = 8
Number of marbles Sarah have are one more than 8 = 8 + 1 = 9.
These values are represented with the set of 8 marbles and set of 9 marbles.

Question 10.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 137
Given 3 ten frames with the counters.
1st set have 6 counters
2nd set have 8 counters
3rd set have 9 counters.
The ten frames with the counters greater than 6 are circled.

DIRECTIONS 9. Jeffrey has 8 marbles. Sarah has a number of marbles that is one greater than 8. Draw the marbles. Write the number for each set of marbles. 10. Choose all the ten frames that have a number of counters greater than 6.

Question 11.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 138

Number of turtles in the pond = 2 less than 9

= 9 – 2 = 7.
7 turtles in the pond.

Question 12.
Grade K Go Math Answer Key Chapter 3 Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 139


A set of objects that is 2 more than 6 = 6 + 2 = 8.
8 objects are drawn to represent the number 8.

DIRECTIONS 11. The number of turtles in a pond is 2 less than 9. Draw counters to show the turtles. Write the number. 12. Draw a set that has a number of objects that is 2 more than 6. Write the number.

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