Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts

Go Math Answer Key for Grade 1 aids teachers to differentiate instruction, building, and reinforcing foundational mathematics skills that alter from the classroom to real life. With the help of Go Math primary school Grade 1 Answer Key, you can think deeply regarding what you are learning, and you will really learn math easily just like that.

Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Subtraction Concepts

To  achieve high scores in Grade 1, students need to solve all questions and exercises included in Go Math book considers both the content and problems. Students of Grade 1 can get a strong foundation on mathematics concepts by referring to the Go Math course Book. It was highly professional mathematics educators and the solutions prepared by them are in a concise manner for easy grasping.

Curious George

Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 1
Look at the picture. Make up a subtraction story problem.

The number of dogs = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 dogs.
out of 3 dogs, 1 take away.
3 – 1 = 2.
The number of dogs = 2.

Subtraction Concepts Show What You Know

Explore Numbers 1 to 4

Show the number with Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 2.
Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 2.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 4

The number is 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the number is 4.
so we have to draw the 4 buttons.
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Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 5

The number is 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the number is 2.
so we have to draw the 2 buttons.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2

Numbers 1 to 10
How many objects are in each set?

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 6
_10_ butterflies

There are 10 butterflies.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 butterflies.
so the number of butterflies = 10.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 7
_1_ cat

There is 1 cat.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 1 cat.
so the number of cats = 1.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 8
_8_ leaves

There are 8 leaves.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 leaves.
so the number of leaves = 8.

Use Pictures to Subtract

How many are left?

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 9
5 – 4 = _1_

The number of apples = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 apples.
5 – 4 = 1 apple.

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 10
4 – 2 = _2_

The number of fishes = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 fishes.
4 – 2 = 2 fishes.

Subtraction Concepts Vocabulary Builder

Visualize It
Sort the review words from the box.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 11

Understand Vocabulary
Circle the part you take from the group. Then cross it out

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 12

The number of oranges = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 oranges.
2 oranges are eaten.
5 – 2 = 3 oranges.
The number of oranges = 3.
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Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 13

The number of balloons = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 ballons.
out of 4 ballons, 3 fly away.
4 – 3 = 1.
The number of ballons = 1
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Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 14

The number of toy cars = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 toy cars.
out of 3 toy cars, 1 rolls away.
3 – 1 = 2.
The number of toy cars = 2.
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Subtraction Concepts Game: Subtraction Slide

Subtraction Slide

Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 15

Play with a partner.
Take turns.
1. Toss the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 16
2. Take away that number from Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 17. Use to find what is left.
3. If you see the answer on your slide, cover it with a Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 17.1.
4. If the answer is not on your slide, your turn is over.
5. The first player to cover a whole slide wins.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 18.1

Subtraction Concepts Vocabulary Game


• 1 set of word cards
• 18 Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 18.1

How to Play
Play with a partner.
1. Mix the cards. Put the cards in a pile with the blank side up.
2. Take a card. Read the word.
3. Find the matching word on your Bingo board. Cover the word with a Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 18.1. Put the card at the bottom of the pile.
4. The other player takes a turn.
5. The first player to cover 3 spaces in a line wins. The line may go across or down.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 19

The Write Way

Choose one idea. Draw and write about it.
• Think about what you did during math today. Complete one of the sentences:
I learned _____.
I want to learn more about _____.
• Read the problem:
Sophie has 5 stickers.
She gives 2 to Olivia.
Sophie has 2 stickers left.
Is the answer correct? Draw and write to explain. Use another piece of paper for your drawing.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 19.1
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 19.2

Lesson 2.1 Use Pictures to Show Taking From

Essential Question
How can you show taking from with pictures?
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 20
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 20.1
__ children now

Math Talk
Model How did you find how many are in the sandbox now?

Share and Shhow MATH BOARD

Circle the part you are taking from the group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 21
6 bugs 2 bugs fly away. _4_ bugs now

The number of bugs= 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 bugs.
out of 6 bugs, 2 fly away.
6 – 2 = 4.
The number of bugs = 4.
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Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 22
3 dogs 1 dog walks away. _1_ dogs now

The number of dogs= 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 dogs.
out of 3 dogs,  1 walks away.
3 – 1 = 2.
The number of dogs = 2.
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On Your Own

Circle the part you are taking from the group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 23
7 chicks 2 chicks walk away. __ chicks now

The number of chicks = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 chicks.
out of 7 chicks,  2 walk away.
7 – 2 = 5.
The number of dogs = 2.
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Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 24
6 ducks 3 ducks walk away. __ ducks now

The number of ducks = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 ducks.
out of 6 ducks  3 walk away.
6 – 3 = 3.
The number of ducks = 3.
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Question 5.
Ellie and Sara see 8 birds in the tree. Ellie sees 2 fewer birds than Sara. Sara sees 5 birds. How many birds does Ellie see?
_3_ birds
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 25

Ellie sees 3 birds.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Ellie and Sara see 8 birds in the tree.
Sara sees 5 birds.
Ellie sees 2 fewer birds than Sara.
5 – 2 = 3.
Ellie sees 3 birds.

Question 6.
Choose numbers to complete the story. Write the numbers. Draw to show the problem.
__5_ worms _2_ worms wiggle away. 3 worms now

The number of worms = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 worms.
out of 5 worms 2 wiggle away.
5 – 2 = 3.
The number of worms = 3.

Problem Solving • Applications

Use Diagrams Solve.

Question 7.
There are 6 cats. 1 cat runs away. How many cats are there now? Draw to show your work.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 27
__ cats

The number of cats = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 cats.
out of 6 cats 1 cat runs away.
6 – 1 = 5.
The number of cats = 5.
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Question 8.
There are 6 dogs. 3 dogs run away. Then 1 more dog runs away. How many dogs are there now?
_2_ dogs now

The number of dogs= 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 dogs.
out of 6 dogs,  4 runs away.
3 + 1 = 4
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of dogs = 2.

Question 9.
Use the picture. Write the numbers.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 28
8 birds _5_ birds fly away. _3_ birds now

The number of birds= 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 birds.
out of 8 birds,  5 fly away.
8 – 5 = 3.
The number of birds = 8.

Question 10.
Circle and cross out the part that goes away. Write how many there are now.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 29
10 fish 6 fish swim away. _4_ fish now

The number of fish= 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 fish.
out of 10 fish,  6 swim away.
10 – 6 = 6.
The number of fish = 4.
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• Have your child draw and solve the subtraction problem: There are 6 cows. 3 cows walk away. How many cows are there now?

The number of cows = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 cows.
out of 6 cows, 3 walk away.
6 – 3 = 3.
The number of cows = 3.

Use Pictures to Show Taking From Homework & Practice 2.1

Use the picture. Circle the part you take from the whole group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 30
3 cats 1 cat walks away. _2_ cats now

The number of cats = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 cats.
out of 3 cats 1 cat runs away.
3 – 1 = 2.
The number of cats = 2.
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Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 31
5 horses 2 horses walk away. _3_ horses now

The number of horses = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 horses.
out of 5 horses, 2 horses walk away.
5 – 2 = 3.
The number of horses = 3
.Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.1-8

Problem Solving


Question 3.
There are 7 birds. 2 birds fly away. How many birds are there now?
_5_ birds

The number of birds= 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 birds.
out of 7 birds,  2 fly away.
7 – 2 = 5.
The number of birds = 5.

Question 4.
Draw a picture to show the problem. There are 9 turtles. 3 turtles walk away. How many turtles are there now?
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 32

The number of turtles= 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 turtles.
out of 9 turtles,  3 walk away.
9 – 3 = 6.
The number of turtles = 6.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
There are 4 ducks. 2 ducks swim away. How many ducks are there now?
_2_ ducks

The number of ducks = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 ducks.
out of 4 ducks  2 walk away.
4 – 2 = 2.
The number of ducks = 2.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
What is the sum for 2 + 0?
Draw Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 33 to show each addend. Write the sum.
2 + 0 = _2_

The sum for 2 + 0 = 2.
6 + 2 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The number 2 + 0 = 2.
The sum for 2 + 0 = 2.
6 + 2 = 8.
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Question 3.
How many birds? Write how many.
5 birds and 2 birds _7_ birds.

The number of birds = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 birds and 2 birds = 7 birds.
5 + 2 = 7.
The number of birds = 7.

Question 4.
What is the sum? Write the sum.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 33

The sum for 6 + 2 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 6 and 2.
6 + 2 = 8.
the sum for 6 + 2 = 8.
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Lesson 2.2 Model Taking From

Essential Question
How do you model taking from a group?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 34 to show taking from. Draw to show your work.

Math Talk
Reasoning Are there more than or fewer than 9 butterflies now?

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 35 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 36. Circle the part you take away from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 1.
8 dogs 3 dogs run away.
8 – 3 = _5_

The number of dogs = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 dogs.
out of 8 dogs, 3 runs away.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of dogs = 5.
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Question 2.
6 frogs 4 frogs hop away.
6 – 4 = _2_

The number of frogs = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 frogs.
out of 6 frogs  4 hop away.
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of frogs = 2.
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On Your Own

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 36 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 36. Circle the part you take away from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 3.
5 seals 4 seals swim away.
5 – 4 = _1_

The number of seals = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 seals.
out of 5 seals  4 swim away.
5 – 4 = 1.
The number of seals = 1.
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Question 4.
9 bears 6 bears run away.
9 – 6 = _3_

The number of bears = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 bears.
out of 9 bears  6 run away.
9 – 6 = 3.
The number of bears = 3.
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Question 5.
Kelly sees some fish at the pet shop. A man buys 2 fish. A boy buys 4 fish. Now there are 3 fish. How many fish did Kelly see at first?
_9_ fish
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 38

Kelly sees 9 fish at first.

In the above-given explanation,
given that,
A man buys 2 fish.
A boy buys 4 fish.
Now there are 3 fish.
3 + 4 + 2 = 9.
Kelly sees 9 fish at first.

Question 6.
Use the picture. Circle a part to take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the subtraction sentence.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 39

The number of cubes = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 cubes.
out of 9 cubes  3 take away.
9 – 3 = 6.
The number of cubes = 6.
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Problem Solving • Applications

Make Sense of Problems

Draw to solve. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 7.
There are 5 boys. 3 boys go home. How many are there now?
_5_ – _3_ = __2_
_2_ boys

The number of boys = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boys.
out of 5 boys  3 boys go home.
5 – 3 = 2.
The number of boys = 2.
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Question 8.
There are 8 bunnies. 2 bunnies hop away. How many bunnies are there now?
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 40
_8_ – _2_ = _6_
_6_ bunnies

The number of bunnies = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 bunnies.
out of 8 bunnies  2 bunnies hop away.
8 – 2 = 6.
The number of bunnies = 6.
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Question 9.
Draw a picture to show a subtraction sentence. Write the subtraction sentence.
_3_ – _1_ = _2_

The number of cats = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 cats.
out of 3 cats 1 cat runs away.
3 – 1 = 2.The number of cats = 2.
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Question 10.
Take away Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 36 to show the problem. Write the difference. There are 7 mice. 5 run away.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 42
7 – 5 = _2_

The number of mice = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 mice.
out of 7 mice 5 runs away.
7 – 5 = 2.
The number of mice = 2.

• Use small objects of the same kind to model a subtraction situation for numbers within 10. Ask your child to write the subtraction sentence for it. Then switch roles and repeat the activity.

Model Taking From Homework & Practice 2.2

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 43 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 43. Circle the part you take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 1.
4 turtles 1 turtle walks away.
4 – 1 = _3_

The number of turtles = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 turtles.
out of 4 turtles, 1 walks away.
4 – 1 = 3.
The number of turtles = 3.
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Question 2.
8 birds 7 birds fly away.
8 – 7 = _1_

The number of birds = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 birds,  7 birds fly away.
8 – 7 = 1.
The number of birds = 1.
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Problem Solving

Draw Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 43 to solve. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 3.
There are 8 fish. 4 fish swim away. How many fish are there now?
_8_ – _4_ = _4_
_4_ fish

The number of fish = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fish.
out of 8 fish, 4 fish swim away.
8 – 4 = 4.
The number of fish = 4.
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Question 4.
Use pictures and numbers to model 9 − 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 46

The number of fish = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 fish.
out of 9 fish, 2 fish swim away.
9 – 2 = 7.
The number of fish = 7.
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Lesson Check

Question 1.
Show taking from. Circle the part you take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 47
5 – 2 = _3_

The number of cubes = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 cubes.
out of 5 cubes, 2 take away.
5 – 2 = 3.
The number of cubes = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-13

Spiral Review

Question 2.
How many snails? Write the number.
7 snails and 1 snail _6_ snails

The number of snails = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 snails.
out of 7 snails 1 runs away.
7 – 1 = 6.
The number of snails = 6.

Question 3.
Circle the number sentences that show the same addends in a different order.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 48

The number sentences that show the same addends = 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The number sentences are
7 + 1 = 8, 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.
The number sentences that show the same addends = 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-14

Lesson 2.2 Model Taking From

Essential Question
How do you model taking from a group?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 49 to show taking from. Draw to show your work.

Math Talk
Reasoning Are there more than or fewer than 9 butterflies now?

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 50 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 50. Circle the part you take away from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 1.
8 dogs 3 dogs run away.
8 – 3 = _5_

The number of dogs = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 dogs.
out of 8 dogs, 3 runs away.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of dogs = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-15

Question 2.
6 frogs 4 frogs hop away.
6 − 4 = _2_

The number of frogs = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 frogs.
out of 6 frogs, 4 hop away.
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of frogs = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-16

On Your Own

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 52 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 52. Circle the part you take away from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 3.
5 seals 4 seals swim away.
5 – 4 = _1_

The number of seals = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 seals.
out of 5 seals, 4 swim away.
5 – 4 = 1.
The number of seals = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-17

Question 4.
9 bears 6 bears run away.
9 – 6 = __

The number of bears = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 bears.
out of 9 bears, 6 runs away.
9 – 6 = 3.
The number of bears = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-18

Question 5.
Kelly sees some fish at the pet shop. A man buys 2 fish. A boy buys 4 fish. Now there are 3 fish. How many fish did Kelly see at first?
_9_ fish
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 54

Kelly sees 9 fish at first.

In the above-given explanation,
given that,
A man buys 2 fish.
A boy buys 4 fish.
Now there are 3 fish.
3 + 4 + 2 = 9.
Kelly sees 9 fish at first.

Question 6.
Use the picture. Circle a part to take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the subtraction sentence.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 55

The number of cubes = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 cubes.
out of 9 cubes, 4 take away.
9 – 4 = 5.
The number of cubes = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-19

Problem Solving • Applications WRITE Math


Make Sense of Problems

Draw Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 56 to solve. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 7.
There are 5 boys. 3 boys go home. How many are there now?
_5_ – _3_ = _2_
__ boys

The number of boys = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boys.
out of 5 boys  3 boys go home.
5 – 3 = 2.
The number of boys = 2.

Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-6

Question 8.
There are 8 bunnies. 2 bunnies hop away. How many bunnies are there now?
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 56.1
__ – __ = __
__ bunnies

The number of bunnies = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 bunnies.
out of 8 bunnies  2 bunnies hop away.
8 – 2 = 6.
The number of bunnies = 6.

Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-7

Question 9.
Draw a picture to show a subtraction sentence. Write the subtraction sentence.
__ – __ = __

The number of cats = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 cats.
out of 3 cats 1 cat runs away.
3 – 1 = 2.
The number of cats = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-20

Question 10.
Take away Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 57 to show the problem. Write the difference. There are 7 mice. 5 run away.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 57
7 – 5 = _2_

The number of mice = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 mice.
out of 7 mice 5 runs away.
7 – 5 = 2.
The number of mice = 2.

• Use small objects of the same kind to model a subtraction situation for numbers within 10. Ask your child to write the subtraction sentence for it. Then switch roles and repeat the activity.

Model Taking From Homework & practice 2.2

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 58 to show taking from. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 58. Circle the part you take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 1.
4 turtles 1 turtle walks away.
4 – 1 = __

The number of turtles = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 turtles.
out of 4 turtles, 1 walks away.
4 – 1 = 3.
The number of turtles = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-9

Question 2.
8 birds 7 birds fly away.
8 – 7 = _1_

The number of birds = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 birds,  7 birds fly away.
8 – 7 = 1.
The number of birds = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-10

Problem Solving

Draw Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 60 to solve. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 3.
There are 8 fish. 4 fish swim away. How many fish are there now?
_8_ – _4_ = _4__
_4_ fish

The number of fish = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fish.
out of 8 fish, 4 fish swim away.
8 – 4 = 4.
The number of fish = 4.

Question 4.
Use pictures and numbers to model 9 − 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 61

The number of fish = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 fish.
out of 9 fish, 2 fish swim away.
9 – 2 = 7.
The number of fish = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-12

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Show taking from. Circle the part you take from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 62
5 – 2 = _3_

The number of cubes = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 cubes.
out of 5 cubes, 2 take away.
5 – 2 = 3.
The number of cubes = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-21

Spiral Review

Question 2.
How many snails? Write the number.
7 snails and 1 snail _6_ snails

The number of snails = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 snails.
out of 7 snails 1 runs away.
7 – 1 = 6.
The number of snails = 6.

Question 3.
Circle the number sentences that show the same addends in a different order.
Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 63

The number sentences that show the same addends = 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The number sentences are
7 + 1 = 8, 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.
The number sentences that show the same addends = 6 + 2 = 8 and 2 + 6 = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.2-14

Lesson 2.3 Model Taking Apart

Essential Question
How do you model taking apart?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 64 to model the problem. Draw and color to show your model. Write the numbers and a subtraction sentence.

_5_ red apples _2_ yellow apples
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 65
Jeff has _2_ yellow apples.

Jeff has 2 yellow apples.

In the above-given question,
given that
There are 5 red apples.
3 yellow apples.
5 – 3 = 2.
Jeff has 2 yellow apples.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-1

Math Talk
Use Tools How does using the counters help you write the subtraction sentence?

Model and Draw

Subtract to find how many small cups there are.
Maria has 6 cups. 2 cups are big. The rest are small. How many cups are small?
_ small cups
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 66

The number of small cups = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Maria ha 6 cups.
2 cups are big.
the rest are small.
6 – 2 = 4.
The number of small cups = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-2

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 67 to solve. Draw to show your work. Write the number sentence and how many.

Question 1.
There are 7 folders. 6 folders are red. The rest are yellow. How many folders are yellow?
_1_ yellow folder Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 68

The number of yellow folders = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 folders.
6 folders are red.
the rest are yellow.
7 – 6 = 1.
The number of yellow folders = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-3

Question 2.
There are 8 pencils. 3 pencils are short. The rest are long. How many pencils are long?
_5_ long pencils
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 69

The number of long pencils = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 pencils.
3 pencils are short.
the rest are long.
8 – 5 = 3.
The number of long pencils = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-4

On Your Own

Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 70


Write an Equation
Use Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 71 to solve. Draw to show your work. Write the number sentence and how many.

Question 3.
There are 9 fish. 5 fish are red. The rest are yellow. How many fish are yellow?
_4_ yellow fish Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 72

The number of yellow fish = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 9 fish.
5 fish are red.
the rest are yellow.
9 – 5 = 4.
The number of yellow fish = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-5

Question 4.
There are 7 ants. 4 ants are big. The rest are small. How many ants are small?
_3_ small ants
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 73

The number of small ants = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 ants.
4 ants are big.
the rest are small.
7 – 4 = 3.
The number of small ants = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-6

Question 5.
There are 5 trees. 1 tree is short. The rest are tall. How many trees are tall?
_4_ tall trees Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 74

The number of tall trees = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 trees.
1 tree is short.
the rest are tall.
5 – 1 = 4.
The number of tall trees = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-7

Question 6.
There are 8 birds. 1 bird flies away. Then 2 more birds fly away. How many birds are there now?
_5_ birds

The number of birds= 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 birds.
out of 8 birds,  3 fly away.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of birds = 5.

Problem Solving • Applications

Solve. Draw a model to explain.

Question 7.
There are 6 bears. 4 are big. The rest are small. How many bears are small?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 75
_2_ small bears

The number of small bears = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 6 bears.
4 bears are big.
the rest are small.
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of small bears = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-8

Question 8.
There are 7 bears. 1 bear walks away. Then 4 more bears walk away. How many bears are there now?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 76
_2_ bears

The number of bears= 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 bears.
out of 7 bears,  5 walk away.
7 – 5 = 2.
The number of bears = 2.

Question 9.
There are 4 bears. Some are black and some are brown. There are fewer than 2 black bears. How many bears are brown?
__ brown bears

The number of brown bears = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 4 bears.
2 bears are black.
the rest are brown.
4 – 2 = 2.
The number of brown bears = 2.

Question 10.
Draw Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 77.1 to solve. Write the number sentence. There are 8 flowers. 4 flowers are red. The rest are yellow. How many flowers are yellow?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 77

The number of yellow flowers = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 flowers.
4 flowers are red.
the rest are yellow.
8 – 4 = 4.
The number of yellow flowers = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-9

• Have your child collect a group of up to 10 small objects of the same kind and use them to make up subtraction stories.

Model Taking Apart Homework & Practice 2.3

Use Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 78 to solve. Draw to show your work. Write the number sentence and how many.

Question 1.
There are 7 bags. 2 bags are big. The rest are small. How many bags are small?
__5 small bags Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 79

The number of small bags = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 bags.
2 bags are big.
the rest are small.
7 – 2 = 5.
The number of small bags = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-10

Problem Solving

Solve. Draw a model to explain.

Question 2.
There are 8 cats. 6 cats are white. The rest are black. How many cats are black?
_2_ black cats

The number of black cats = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 cats.
6 cats are white.
the rest are black.
8 – 6 = 2.
The number of black cats = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-11

Question 3.
Use pictures and numbers to model 8 – 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 79.3

The number of fish = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fish.
out of 8 fish, 3 fish swim away.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of fish = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-12

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Solve. Draw a model to explain. There are 8 blocks. 3 blocks are white. The rest are blue. How many blocks are blue?
_5_ blue blocks

The number of blue blocks = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 block.
3 blocks are white.
the rest are blue.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of blue blocks = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-13

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Draw Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 80 to solve. Write the number sentence and how many. There are 4 green grapes and 5 red grapes. How many grapes are there?
_9_ grapes Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 81

The number of grapes = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 9 grapes.
4 grapes are green.
the rest are red grapes.
5 + 4 = 9
The number of grapes = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-14

Question 3.
Solve. Complete the model and the number sentence. 3 ducks swim in the pond. 2 more join them. How many ducks are in the pond now?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 82
3 + 2 = _5_ ducks

The number of ducks in the pond = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
3 ducck swim in the pond.
2 more join them.
3 + 2 = 5.
The number of ducks in the pond = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-15

Question 4.
Draw the Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 83. Write the sum. What is the sum of 1 and 4?
1 + 4 = _5_

The sum of 1 and 4 is 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The sum of 1 and 4 is 5.
1 + 4 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.3-16

Lesson 2.4 Problem Solving • Model Subtraction

Essential Question
How do you solve subtraction problems by making a model?
Tom has 6 crayons in a box. He takes 2 crayons out of the box. How many crayons are in the box now? How can you use a model to find out?

Unlock the Problem
What do I need to find?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 84
What information do I need to use?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 85

The number of crayons in the box = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Tom has 6 crayons in a box.
He takes 2 crayons out of the box.
6 – 2 = 4.
The number of crayons in the box = 4.

Show how to solve the problem.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 86
6 – 2 = _4_

The number of crayons in the box = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Tom has 6 crayons in a box.
He takes 2 crayons out of the box.
6 – 2 = 4.
The number of crayons in the box = 4.

• Your child used a bar model to help him or her understand and solve the subtraction problem.

Try Another Problem

Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Complete the model and the number sentence.

Question 1.
There are 10 stickers. 7 stickers are orange. The rest are brown. How many stickers are brown?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 87
10 – 7 = __

The number of  brown stickers = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 10 stickers.
7 stickers are orange.
the rest are brown.
10 – 7 = 3.
The number of brown stickers = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-1

Question 2.
Eight birds were in the tree. 2 birds flew away. How many birds were left in the tree?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 88
8 – 2 = _6_

The number of birds in the tree= 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 birds.
2 birds flew away.
8 – 2 = 6.
The number of birds in the tree = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-2

Question 3.
There were 5 cars. Some cars drove away. Then there was 1 car. How many cars drove away?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 89
5 – __ = 1

The number of  cars drove away  = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 cars.
some cars drove away.
there was 1 car.
5 – 4 = 1.
The number of cars drove away = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-3

Math Talk

Model What does each part of the model show?

Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 90

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use Models Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Complete the model and the number sentence.

Question 4.
Some goats were in the field. 3 goats ran away. Then there were 4 goats. How many goats were in the field before?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 91
_7_ – 3 = 4

The number of goats in the field before = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
some goats were in the field.
3 goats ran away.
then there were 4 goats.
7 – 3 = 4.
The number of goats in the field before = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-4

Question 5.
There are 8 sleds. Some sleds slide down the hill. Then there are 4 sleds. How many sleds slide down the hill?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 92
8 – __ = 4

The number of sleds slides down the hill = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 sleds.
some sleds slide down the hill.
there are 4 sleds.
8 – 4 = 4.
The number of sleds slide down the hill = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-5

Question 6.
There are 10 buttons. 3 buttons are small. The rest are big. How many buttons are big?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 93
10 – 3 = __

The number of big buttons = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 10 buttons.
3 buttons are small.
the rest are big.
10 – 3 = 7.
The number of big buttons = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-6

On Your Own WRITE Math


Question 7.
There were 8 spiders in the grass. Some spiders crawled away. Then there were 3 spiders. How many spiders crawled away? Complete the number sentence.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 94
_5_ spiders

The number of spiders crawled away = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 spiders.
out of 8 spiders, 5 crawled away.
there were 3 spiders.
8 – 5 = 3.
The number of spiders crawled away = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-7

Question 8.
Write your own story problem using the model.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 95

The number of big buttons = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 9 buttons.
2 buttons are small.
the rest are big.
9 – 2 = 7.
The number of big buttons = 7.

Question 9.
Complete the model and number sentence. There are 7 toy rockets. 4 toy rockets are red. The rest are black. How many toy rockets are black?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 96
7 – 4 = _3_

The number of black rockets = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 rockets.
4 rockets are red.
the rest are black.
7 – 4 = 3.
The number of black rockets = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-8
• Ask your child to describe what the bottom part of a bar model means when subtracting.

Problem Solving • Model Subtraction Homework & Practice 2.4

Read the problem. Use the model to solve. Complete the model and the number sentence.

Question 1.
There were 7 ducks in the pond. Some ducks swam away. Then there were 4 ducks. How many ducks swam away?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 97

The number of  ducks swan away = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 ducks.
some ducks swan away.
there were 4 ducks.
7 – 3 = 4.
The number of ducks swan away = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-9

Question 2.
Tom had 9 gifts. He gave some away. Then there were 6 gifts. How many gifts did he give away?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 98

The number of  gifts did he give away = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Tom had 9 gifts.
then there were 6 gifts.
9 – 3 = 6.
The number of gifts did he give away = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-10

Question 3.
Some ponies were in a barn. 3 ponies walked out. Then there were 2 ponies. How many ponies were in the barn before?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 99

The number of ponies was in the barn = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
some ponies were in a barn.
3 ponies walked out.
then there were 2 ponies.
5 – 3 = 2.
The number of ponies was in the barn = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-11

Question 4.
Choose a model from a problem you solved. Write a new subtraction problem to match.

The number of  gifts did he give away = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Tom had 9 gifts.
then there were 6 gifts.
9 – 6 = 3.
The number of gifts did he give away = 6.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Complete the model and the number sentence. There are 8 shells. 6 shells are white. The rest are pink. How many shells are pink?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 100
86 = __2_

The number of pink shells = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 shells.
6 shells are white.
The rest are pink.
The number of  pink shells = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-12

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Circle the number sentences that show the same addends in a different order.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 101

The number sentences that show the same addends = 2 + 4 = 6 and 4 + 2 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The number sentences are
6 – 2 = 4, 2 + 4 = 6 and 4 + 2 = 6.
The number sentences that show the same addends = 2 + 4 = 6 and 4 + 2 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-13

Question 3.
What is the sum? Write the sum.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 102

The sum for 4 + 3 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 4 and 3.
4 + 3 = 7.
the sum for  4 + 3 = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.4-14

Lesson 2.5 Use Pictures and Subtraction to Compare

Essential Question
How can you use pictures to compare and subtract?

Listen and Draw

Draw bowls to show the problems. Draw lines to match.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 103

The number of  brown bowls = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 16 bowls.
brown bowls = 9.
white bowls = 7.
16 – 7 = 9.
The number of brown bowls = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-1

Math Talk
Compare How do the drawings show the answers?

Model and Draw

Compare the groups. Subtract to find how many fewer or how many more.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 104

The more nests = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 6 nests.
4 birds.
6 – 4 = 2.
the more nests = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-2

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Draw lines to match. Subtract to compare.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 105

The fewer flowers = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 honey bees.
There are 5 flowers.
8 – 5 = 3.
the fewer flowers = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-3

On Your Own


Reason Quantitatively
Draw lines to match. Subtract to compare.

Question 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 106

The more bees = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 9 bees.
there are 3 leaves.
9 – 3 = 6.
the more bees = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-4

Question 3.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 107

The fewer frogs = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 10 leaves.
There are 6 frogs.
10 – 6 = 4.
the fewer frogs = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-5

Question 4.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 108

The fewer wood = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 7 squirrles.
There are  2 wood.
7 – 2 = 5.
the fewer wood = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-6

Question 5.
Evie has 3 red marbles and 4 blue marbles. Kai has 6 marbles. How many more marbles does Evie have than Kai?
_1 more

Evie have more marbles = 1 marbles.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Evie has 3 red marbles and 4 blue marbles.
Kai has 6 marbles.
Evie have more marbles = 1.

Problem Solving • Applications WRITE Math

Draw a picture to show the problem. Write a subtraction sentence that your picture shows.

Question 6.
Aki has 5 baseball bats and 3 baseballs. How many fewer baseballs does Aki have?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 109

The fewer baseball = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 baseball bats.
There are  3 baseballs.
5 – 3 = 2.
the fewer baseball = 2.

Question 7.
Jill has 2 more cats than she has dogs. How many fewer dogs does Jill have?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 110
_0_ fewer dogs

The fewer dogs = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
jill has 2 more cats than she has dogs.
There are 0 fewer dogs.
2 – 0 = 0
the fewer dogs = 0.

Question 8.
Look at the picture. How many fewer leaves are there than ladybugs? Choose the answer.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 111

The fewer leaves = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 3 fewer leaves.
There are 8 leaves.
8 – 3 = 5.
the fewer leaves = 3.

Use Pictures and Subtraction to Compare Homework & Practice 2.5

Draw lines to match. Subtract to compare.

Question 1.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 112

The more dogs = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 dogs.
there are 5 bones.
8 – 5 = 3.
the more dogs = 3.

Problem Solving

Draw a picture to show the problem. Write a subtraction sentence to match your picture.

Question 2.
Jo has 4 golf clubs and 2 golf balls. How many fewer golf balls does Jo have?
_4_ – _2_ = _2_
_2_ fewer Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 113

The fewer balls = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 2 fewer balls.
There are 4 golf clubs.
4 – 2 = 2.
the fewer balls = 2.

Question 3.
Draw pictures to compare to find 8 – 2.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 114

The more dogs = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 8 dogs.
there are 2 bones.
8 – 2 =  6.
the more dogs = 6.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Draw lines to match. Subtract to compare. How many fewer Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 115 are there?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 115.1

The fewer teddys = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There is 1 fewer teddys.
There are 4 caps.
4 – 3 = 1.
the fewer teddys = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-7

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Draw the 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 116.1. Write the sum. What is the sum of 5 and 1?
5 + 1 = _6_

The sum for 5 + 1 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 5 and 1.
5 + 1 = 6.
the sum for  5 + 1 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-8

Question 3.
Write the sum. What is the sum?
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 117

The sum for 4 + 5 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 4 and 5.
4 + 5 = 9.
the sum for  4 + 5 = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.5-9

Question 4.
How many flowers? Write the number.
4 flowers and 3 flowers _7_ flowers

The sum for 4 + 3 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 4 and 3.
4 + 3 = 7.
the sum for  4 + 3 = 7.

Lesson 2.6 Subtract to Compare

Essential Question
How can you use models to compare and subtract?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 118 to show the problem. Draw the Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 118. Model the problem using the bar model.
Go Math Answer Key Grade 1 Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 120

Math Talk
Explain how counters and a bar model can be used to find how many more puzzle pieces Mindy has than David.

Model and Draw
James has 4 stones. Heather has 7 stones. How many fewer stones does James have than Heather?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 121__ fewer stones

The number of fewer stones = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
james has 4 stones.
heather has 7 stones.
the fewer tones = 3
7 – 4 = 3.
The number of fewer stones = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-1

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Write the number sentence. Then write how many.

Question 1.
Abby has 8 stamps. Ben has 6 stamps. How many more stamps does Abby have than Ben?
__ more stamps
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 122

The number of more stamps Abby has = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Abby has 8 stamps.
ben has 6 stamps.
Abby has more stamps = 2.
8 – 6 = 2.
The number of more stamps Abby has = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-2

Question 2.
Daniel has 3 books. Vicky has 6 books. How many fewer books does Daniel have than Vicky?
_3_ fewer books
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 123

The number of fewer books daniel have = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Daniel has 3 books.
Vicky has 6 books.
6 – 3 = 3.
The number of fewer books daniel have = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-3

On Your Own

Use Models Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Write the number sentence. Then write how many

Question 3.
Pam has 4 marbles. Rick has 10 marbles. How many fewer marbles does Pam have than Rick?
_6_ fewer marbles
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 124

The number of fewer marbles pam have = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
pam has 4 marbles.
Rick has 10 marbles.
10 – 4 = 6.
The number of fewer marbles pam have = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-4

Question 4.
Sally has 5 feathers. James has 2 feathers. How many more feathers does Sally have than James?
_3_ more feathers
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 125

The number of more feathers does sally have = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
sally has 5 feathers.
james has 2 feathers.
5 – 2 = 3.
The number of more feathers does sally have = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-5

Question 5.
Kyle has 6 keys. Kyle has 4 more keys than Lee. How many keys does Lee have?
_2_ keys
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 126

The number of keys lee have = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
kyle has 6 keys.
kyle has 4 more keys than lee.
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of keys lee have = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-6

• Have your child explain how he or she solved exercise 3 using the bar model.

Subtract to Compare Homework & practice 2.6

Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Write the number sentence. Then write how many.

Question 1.
Ben has 7 flowers. Tim has 5 flowers. How many fewer flowers does Tim have than Ben?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 127
_2_ fewer flowers

The number of fewer flowers Tim have = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
ben has 7 flowers.
Tim has 5 flowers.
7 – 5 = 2.
The number of fewer flowers Tim have = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-7

Problem Solving

Complete the number sentence to solve.

Question 2.
Maya has 7 pens. Sam has 1 pen. How many more pens does Maya have than Sam?
_7_ – _1_ = __6
_6_ more pens

The number of more pens maya have = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
maya has 7 pens.
sam has 1 pen.
7 – 1 = 6.
The number of more pens maya have = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-8

Question 3.
Write a subtract to compare problem and draw a bar model to solve it.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 128

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Use the bar model to solve. Write the number sentence. Jesse has 2 stickers. Sara has 8 stickers. How many fewer stickers does Jesse have than Sara?
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 129.1
_8_ – _2 = _6_
_6_ fewer stickers

The number of fewer stickers jesse have = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
jesse has 2 stickers.
sara has 8 stickers.
8 – 2 = 6.
The number of  fewer tickers jesse have = 6.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Solve. There are 6 sheep. 5 sheep walk away. How many sheep are there now?
__ sheep

The number of sheeps = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 sheeps.
out of 6 sheeps, 5 sheep walk away.
6 – 5 = 1.
The number of  sheeps = 1.

Question 3.
Complete the bar model and the number sentence. 5 cows stand in a field. 2 more cows join them. How many cows are in the field now?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 130
5 + 2 = __

The number of cows in the field = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
5 cows stand in a field.
2 more coins join them.
5 + 2 = 7.
The number of cows in the field = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-9

Subtraction Concepts Mid-Chapter Checkpoint

Concepts and Skills

Circle the part you are taking from the group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 131
7 birds 3 birds fly away. __ birds now
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-10

Use Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 132 to solve. Draw to show your work. Write the number sentence and how many.

Question 2.
There are 4 cans. 1 can is red. The rest are yellow. How many cans are yellow?
_3_ yellow cans
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 133

The number of yellow cans = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 cans.
out of 5 cans, 1 can is red.
the rest are yellow.
4 – 1 = 3.
The number of yellow cans= 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-11

Question 3.
Jennifer has 3 crayons. Brad has 9 crayons. How many fewer crayons does Jennifer have than Brad?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 134
9 – 3 = __

The number of fewer crayons does Jennifer have = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Jennifer has 3 crayons.
brad has 9 crayons.
9 – 3 = 6.
The number of fewer crayons does Jennifer have = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.6-12

Lesson 2.7 Subtract All or Zero

Essential Question
What happens when you subtract 0 from a number?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 135 to show the problem. Draw the Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 135. Write the numbers.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 137

The number of yellow cans = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 cans.
out of 3 cans, 0 can is red.
the rest are yellow.
3 – 0 = 3.
The number of yellow cans = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-1

Math Talk
Generalize What happens when you subtract zero from a number?

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use the picture to complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 1.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 138
_2_ – 0 = _2_

The number of frogs = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 2 frogs.
out of 2 frogs, 2 is sitting.
2 – 0 = 2.
the number of frogs = 2.
Question 2.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 139
_2_ – _2_ = 0

The number of frogs = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 2 frogs.
out of 2 frogs, 2 are jumping.
1 – 1 = 0.
The number of frogs = 0.

Question 3.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 140
_3_ – _3_ = 0

The number of frogs = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 frogs.
out of 6 frogs, 6 are jumping.
3 – 3 = 0.
The number of frogs = 0.

Question 4.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 141
_6_ – 0 = _6_

The number of frogs = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 frogs.
out of 6 frogs, 6 are sitting.
6 – 0 = 6.
The number of frogs = 6.

Question 5.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 142
_4_ – 0 = _4_

The number of frogs = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 frogs.
out of 4 frogs, 4 are sitting.
4 – 0 = 4.
The number of frogs = 4.

Question 6.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 143
_2_ – _2_ = 0

The number of frogs = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 frogs.
out of 4 frogs, 4 are jumping.
2 – 2 = 0.
The number of frogs = 0.

On Your Own

Use Repeated Reasoning
Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 7.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 144
1 – 0 = _1_

The number of squirrels = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 1 squirrel.
out of 1 squirrel,
1 – 0 = 1.
The number of squirrels = 0.

Question 8.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 145
_0_ = 6 – 6

The number of squirrels = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 6 squirrels.
out of 6 squirrels, 6 are jumping.
6 – 6 = 0.
The number of squirrels = 0.

Question 9.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 146
0 = _3_ – 3

The number of squirrels = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 3 squirrels.
out of 3 squirrels, 3 are jumping.
3 – 3 = 0.
The number of squirrels = 3.

Question 10.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 147
1 – 1 = _0_

The number of squirrels = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 1 squirrel.
out of 1 squirrel, 1 is jumping.
1 – 1 = 0.
The number of squirrels = 0.

Question 11.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 148
0 = _3_ – 3

3 – 0 = 3.
0 = 3 – 3.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
3 – 0 = 3.
0 = 3 – 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-2

Question 12.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 149
1 – 1 = _0_

8 = 8 – 0.
1 – 1 = 0

In the above-given question,
Given that,
8 = 8 – 0.
1 – 1 = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-3
Question 13.

7 – _0 = 7

7 – 0 = 7.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
7 – 0 = 7.

Question 14.

8 – 8 = _0__

8 – 8 = 0.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
8 – 8 = 0.

Question 15.

5 – 5 = _0_

5 – 5 = 0.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
5 – 5 = 0.

Question 16.

_0_ = 0 – 0

0 = 0 – 0
In the above-given question,
Given that,
0 = 0 – 0.
Choose numbers to complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 17.
_1_ – _1_ = 0

1 – 1 = 0.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
1 – 1 = 0.

Question 18.
_2_ – _2_ = 0

2 – 2 = 0.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
2 – 2 = 0.

Problem Solving • Applications

Write the number sentence and tell how many.

Question 19.
There are 6 bookmarks on the table. 0 are blue and the rest are yellow. How many bookmarks are yellow?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 150
__ yellow bookmarks

The number of yellow bookmarks = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 6 bookmarks on the table.
0 are blue and the rest are yellow.
6 – 0 = 6.
The number of yellow bookmarks = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-4

Question 20.
Jared has 8 pictures. He gave some to Wendy. Jared has 0 pictures now. How many pictures did Jared give to Wendy?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 151

The number of pictures jared give to wendy = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
jared has 8 pictures.
he gave some to wendy.
jared has 0 pictures.
8 – 0 = 8.
The number of pictures jared give to wendy = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-5

Question 21.
Kevin has 3 fewer leaves than Sandy. Sandy has 3 leaves. How many leaves does Kevin have?
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 152

The number of leaves kevin have = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
kevin has 3 fewer leaves than sandy.
sandy has 3 leaves.
3 – 3 = 0.
The number of leaves kevin have = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-6

Question 22.
Is the answer correct? Choose Yes or No.
Go Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Answer Key Pdf Subtraction Concepts 153

5 – 0 = 5.
5 – 0 = 5.
5 – 5 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The numbers are
5 – 0 = 5.
5 – 0 = 5.
5 – 5 = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-7

• Have your child explain how 4 − 4 and 4 − 0 are different.

Subtract All or Zero Homework & Practice 2.7

Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 1.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 154
3 – 0 = _3_

The number of parrots = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 parrots.
out of 3 parrots, 3 are sitting.
3 – 0 = 3.
The number of parrots = 3.

Question 2.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 155
2 – 2 = _0_

The number of parrots = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 2 parrots.
out of 2 parrots, 2 are jumping.
2 – 2 = 0.
The number of parrots = 0.

Question 3.
5 – 0 = _5_

The number of parrots = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 parrots.
out of 5 parrots, 5 are sitting.
5 – 0 = 5.
The number of parrots = 5.

Question 4.
_1_ = 1 – 0

The number of parrots = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there is 1 parrot.
out of 1 parrot, 1 is sitting.
1 – 0 = 1.
The number of parrots = 1.

Question 5.
6 – 6 = _0_

The number of parrots = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 parrots.
out of 6 parrots, 6 are jumping.
6 – 6 = 0.
The number of parrots = 0.

Question 6.
0 = _8_ – 8

The number of parrots = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 parrots.
out of 3 parrots, 3 are sitting.
3 – 0 = 3.
The number of parrots = 3.

Problem Solving

Write the number sentence and tell how many.

Question 7.
There are 9 books on the shelf. 0 are blue and the rest are green. How many books are green?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 156
_9_ green books

The number of  green books = 9

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 9 books on the table.
0 are blue and the rest are green.
9 – 0 = 9.
The number of green books = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-8

Question 8.
Use pictures and numbers to show 2 − 0.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 157

The number of parrots = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 2 parrots.
out of 2 parrots, 2 are sitting.
2 – 0 = 2.
The number of parrots = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-9

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Complete the subtraction sentence. What is the difference for 4 – 0?
_4_ – _0_ = _4_

4 – 0 = 4.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
4 – 0 = 4.

Question 2.
Complete the subtraction sentence. What is the difference for 6 – 6?
_6_ – _6_ = _0_

6 – 6 = 0.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
6 – 6 = 0.

Spiral Review

Question 3.
Write the number. How many bunnies?
3 bunnies and 3 bunnies _6_ bunnies

The number of bunnies = 6.

In the above-given question,
Given that,
3 bunnies and 3 bunnies.
3 + 3 = 6.

Question 4.
Complete an addition sentence for each model.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 158

9 + 1 = 10.
2 + 7 = 9.
3 + 4 = 7.
4 + 4 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the cubes
9 + 1 = 10.
2 + 7 = 9.
3 + 4 = 7.
4 + 4 = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-10

Lesson 2.8 Algebra • Take Apart Numbers

Essential Question
How can you show all the ways to take apart a number?

Listen and Draw

Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 159 to show all the ways to take apart 5. Color and draw to show your work.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 159.1

Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.7-10

Math Talk
Apply How do you know you showed all the ways?

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 160 Color and draw to show how to take apart 9. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 3.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 161
9 – _2_ = _7_

9 – 2 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 2 cross out.
9 – 2 = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-1

Question 4.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 162
9 – _3_ = _6_

9 – 3 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 3 cross out.
9 – 3 = 6
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-2

Question 5.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 163
9 – _0_ = _0_

9 – 0 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 0 cross out.
9 – 0 = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-3

Question 6.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 164
9 – _2_ = _7_

9 – 2 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 2 cross out.
9 – 2 = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-1

Question 7.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 165
9 – _3_ = _6_

9 – 3 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 3 cross out.
9 – 3 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-2

Question 8.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 166
9 – _4_ = _5_

9 – 4 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 4 cross out.
9 – 4 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-4

Question 9.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 167
9 – _5_ = _4_

9 – 5 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 5 cross out.
9 – 5 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-5

Question 10.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 168
9 – _6_ = _3_

9 – 6 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 boxes, 6 cross out.
9 – 6 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-6

On Your Own

Look for a Pattern Use 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 186.1. Color and draw to show how to take apart 10. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 11.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 170
10 – _1_ = _9_

10 – 1 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 1 cross out.
10 – 1 = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-7

Question 12.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 170
10 – _2_ = _8

10 – 2 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 2 cross out.
10 – 2 = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-8

Question 13.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 171
10 – _3_ = _6

10 – 3 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 3 cross out.
10 – 3 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-9

Question 14.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 172
10 – _4_ = _6_

10 – 4 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 4 cross out.
10 – 4 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-4

Question 15.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 173
10 – _5_ = _5_

10 – 5 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 5 cross out.
10 – 5 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-5

Question 16.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 174
10 – __ = __

10 – 6 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 6 cross out.
10 – 6 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-5

Question 17.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 175
10 – __ = __

10 – 7 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 7 cross out.
10 – 7 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-5

Question 18.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 176
10 – _8_ = _2_

10 – 8 = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 8 cross out.
10 – 8 = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-8

Question 19.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 177
10 – _9_ = _1_

10 – 9 = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 9 cross out.
10 – 9 = 1.

+Question 20.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 178
10 – __ = __

Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-7

10 – 10 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 10 cross out.
10 – 10 = 0.

Question 21.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 179
10 – __ = __

10 – 0 = 10.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 boxes, 0 cross out.
10 – 0 = 10.

Problem Solving • Applications WRITE Math

Question 22.
James has 10 books. He shares them with his sister. Draw one way he can share the books.

10 – 1 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
james has 10 books, 1 cross out.
10 – 1 = 9.

Question 23.
Hannah has 7 shells. She shares them with Emily. Draw two ways she can share the shells.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 180

7 – 2 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 shells, 1 cross out.
7 – 2 = 5.

Question 24.
I use 6 marbles to play a game. I lose 1 marble. Then I lose 1 more marble. How many marbles do I have left?
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 181
__4_ marbles

The number of marbles i have left = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
I use 6 marbles to play a game.
I lose 1 marble.
Then i lose 1 more marble.
6 – 2 = 4.
The number of  marbles i have left = 4.

Question 25.
Circle all the models that show a way to take apart 8.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 182

8 – 2 = 6.
8 – 5 = 3

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 boxes, 2 cross out.
8 – 2 = 6.
there are 8 boxes, 5 cross out.
8 – 5 = 3.

• Write 5 − 0 = 5 and 5 − 1 = 4. Ask your child to subtract from 5 another way. Take turns to show all the ways to subtract from 5.

5 – 2 = 3.
5 – 3 = 2.
5 – 4 = 1.
5 – 5 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
5 – 2 = 3.
5 – 3 = 2.
5 – 4 = 1.
5 – 5 = 0.
Algebra • Take Apart Numbers Homework & Practice 2.8

Use Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 183 Color and draw to show how to take apart 5. Complete the subtraction sentence.

Question 1.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 183.1
5 – _0_ = _5_

5 – 0 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 0 cross out.
5 – 0 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-10

Question 2.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 184
5 – _1_ = _4_

5 – 1 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 1 cross out.
5 – 1 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-11

Question 3.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 185
5 – _2_ = _3_

5 – 2 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 2 cross out.
5 – 2 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-12

Question 4.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 186
5 – _3_ = _2_

5 – 3 = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 2 cross out.
5 – 3 = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-12

Question 5.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 187
5 – _4_ = _1_

5 – 4 = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 1 cross out.
5 – 4 = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.8-11

Question 6.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 188
5 – _5_ = _0_

5 – 5 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 boxes, 5 cross out.
5 – 5 = 0.

Problem Solving


Question 7.
Joe has 9 marbles. He gives them all to his sister. How many marbles does he have now?
_0_ marbles

The number of marbles joe has left = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Joe has 9 marbles.
He gives them all to his sister.
9 – 9 = 0
The number of marbles joe has left = 0.

Question 8.
Use pictures and numbers to show all the ways to take apart 8.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 189

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Draw the Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 190. Show a way to take apart 8. Complete a number sentence to match your model.
8 – __ = __

Spiral Review

Question 2.
What is the sum? Write the sum.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 190

The sum for 6 + 4 = 10.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the sum of numbers 4 and 6.
4 + 6 = 10.
the sum for  4 + 6 = 10.

Question 3.
Solve. There are 7 fish. 3 fish swim away. How many fish are there now?
_4_ fish

The number of fish = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 fish.
out of 7 fish, 3 fish swim away.
7 – 3 = 4.
The number of fish = 4.

Question 4.
Solve. There are 10 bugs. 8 hop away. How many bugs are there now?
__ bugs

The number of bugs = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 bugs.
out of 10 bugs, 8 hop away.
10 – 8 = 2.
The number of bugs = 2.

Lesson 2.9 Subtraction from 10 or Less

Essential Question
Why are some subtraction facts easy to subtract?

Listen and Draw

Draw a picture to show the problem. Then write the subtraction problem two different ways.
Go Math 1st Grade Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 191

The number of fish = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fish.
out of 8 fish, 4 fish swim away.
8 – 4 = 4.
The number of fish = 4.

The number of fish = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fish.
out of 8 fish, 6 fish swim away.
8 – 6 = 2.
The number of fish = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-1

Math Talk
Look at the top problem. Explain why the difference is the same.

Model and Draw

Write the subtraction problem.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 192

The number of capsicums = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 capsicums.
out of 8 capsicums, 6 take away.
8 – 6 = 2.
The number of capsicums = 2.

The number of birds = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 birds.
out of 7 birds, 4 fly away.
7 – 4 = 3.
The number of birds = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-2

Share and Show MATH BOARD

Write the subtraction problem.

Question 1.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 193

The number of bugs = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 bugs.
out of 10 bugs, 4 fly away.
10 – 4 = 6.
The number of bugs = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-3

Question 2.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 194

The number of tomatoes = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 tomatoes.
out of 7 tomatoes, 2 takes away.
7 – 2 = 5.
The number of tomatoes = 7
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-4

Question 3.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 195

The number of leaves = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 leaves.
out of 4 leaves, 2 take away.
4 – 2 = 2.
The number of leaves = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-5

Question 4.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 196

The number of rabbits = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 3 rabbits.
out of 3 rabbits, 2 takes away.
3 – 2 = 1.
The number of rabbits = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-6

On Your Own


Attend to Precision
Write the difference.

Question 5.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 197

The difference for 2 – 1 = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 2 and 1.
2 – 1 = 1.
the difference for  2 – 1 = 1.

Question 6.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 198

The difference for 3 – 3 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 3 and 3.
3 – 3 = 0.
the difference for  3 – 3 = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-7

Question 7.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 199

The difference for 5 – 4 = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 5 and 4.
5 – 4 = 1.
the difference for  5 – 4 = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-8

Question 8.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 200

The difference for 7 – 3 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 7 and 3.
7 – 3 = 4.
the difference for  7 – 3 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-9

Question 9.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 201

The difference for 6 – 2 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 2 and 6.
6 – 2 = 4.
the difference for  6 – 2 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-10

Question 10.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 202

The difference for 10 – 7 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 10 and 7.
10 – 7 = 3.
the difference for  10 – 7 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-11

Question 11.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 203

The difference for 9 – 9 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 9 and 9.
9 – 9 = 0.
the difference for  9 – 9 = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-12

Question 12.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 204

The difference for 8 – 2 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 8 and 2.
8 – 2 = 6.
the difference for  8 – 2 = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-13

Question 13.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 205

The difference for  7 – 4 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 7 and 4.
7 – 4 = 3.
the difference for  7 – 4 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-14

Question 14.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 206

The difference for 6 – 3 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 6 and 3.
6 – 3 = 3.
the difference for  6 – 3 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-15
Question 15.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 207

The difference for 8 – 0 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 8 and 0.
8 – 0 = 8.
the difference for  8 – 0 = 8.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-16

Question 16.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 208

The difference for 9 – 4 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 9 and 4.
9 – 4 = 5.
the difference for  9 – 4 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-17

Question 17.
Write the number sentence. 9 ants are on a log. 3 ants walk away. How many ants are still on the log?
_9_ – _3_ = _6_

The number of ants = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 ants.
out of 9 ants, 3 ants walk away.
9 – 3 = 6.
The number of ants = 6.

Question 18.
Explain how the picture shows subtraction.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 209

The number of cherries = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 9 cherries.
out of 9 cherries, 5 take away.
9 – 5 = 4.
The number of cherries = 4.

Problem Solving • Applications

Question 19.
Draw a picture to show subtraction. Write the subtraction problem to match the picture.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 210

The number of bugs = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 7 bugs.
out of 7 bugs, 3 hop away.
7 – 3 = 4.
The number of bugs = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-18

Question 20.
Write the number sentence. 10 ducks are at the pond. All the ducks fly away. How many ducks are still at the pond?
_10_ – _10_ = _0_

The number of ducks = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 10 ducks.
out of 10 ducks, 10 fly away.
10 – 10 = 0.
The number of ducks = 0.

Question 21.
Write all of the subtraction sentences that can tell the story. Tell how you know. Max has 6 carrots. He eats more than 1 carrot. He has more than 1 carrot left. How many carrots are left?

The number of carrots = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Max has 6 carrots.
He eats more than 1 carrot.
6 – 4 = 2.
The number of carrots = 2.

• Tell your child a subtraction problem. Have your child write the problem to subtract two different ways. Then have your child find the difference.

Subtraction from 10 or Less Homework & Practice 2.9

Write the difference.

Question 1.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 211

The difference for 5 – 1 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 5 and 1.
5 – 1 = 4.
the difference for  5 – 1 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-19

Question 2.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 212

The difference for 3 – 2 = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 3 and 2.
3 – 2 = 1.
the difference for  3 – 2 = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-20

Question 3.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 213

The difference for 8 – 3 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 8 and 3.
8 – 3 = 5.
the difference for  8 – 3 = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-21

Question 4.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 214

The difference for 6 – 4 = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 6 and 4.
6 – 4 = 2.
the difference for  6 – 4 = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-22

Question 5.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 215

The difference for 7 – 0 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 7 and 0.
7 – 0 = 7.
the difference for  7 – 0 = 7.

Question 6.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 216

The difference for 5 – 3 = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 5 and 3.
5 – 3 = 2.
the difference for  5 – 3 = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-23

Question 7.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 217

The difference for 4 – 4 = 0.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 4 and 4.
4 – 4 = 0.
the difference for  4 – 4 = 0.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-24

Question 8.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 218

The difference for 8 – 1 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 8 and 1.
8 – 1 = 7.
the difference for  8 – 1 = 7.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-25

Problem Solving


Question 9.
6 birds are in the tree. None of the birds fly away. How many birds are left?
_6_ – _0_ = _6_

The number of birds = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 birds.
out of 6 birds, 0 fly away.
6 – 0 = 6.
The number of birds = 6.

Question 10.
WRITE Math Find 10 – 3. Write the subtraction fact two ways.

The difference for 10 – 3 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 10 and 3.
10 – 3 = 6.
the difference for  10 – 3 = 6.

Lesson Check

Question 1.
Write the difference.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 219

The difference for 4 – 0 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 4 and 0.
4 – 0 = 4.
the difference for  4 – 0 = 4.

Spiral Review

Question 2.
Solve. Write a number sentence. There are 8 pens. 3 pens are blue. The rest are red. How many pens are red?
_8_ – _3_ = 5

The number of red pens = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 pens.
out of 8 pens, 3 pens are blue.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of red pens = 5.

Question 3.
Circle the number sentences that show the same addends in a different order.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 220

The number sentences that show the same addends = 5 + 4 = 9 and 4 + 5 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
The number sentences are
4 – 9 = 5, 5 + 4 = 9 and 4 + 5 = 9.
The number sentences that show the same addends = 5 + 4 = 9 and 4 + 5 = 9.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-26

Subtraction Concepts Chapter 2 Review/Test

Question 1.
Circle the part you are taking from the group. Then cross it out. Write how many there are now.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 221
5 zebras 3 zebras walk away. __ zebras now

The number of zebras = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 5 zebras.
out of 5 zebras, 3 walk away.
5 – 3 = 2.
The number of zebras = 2.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-27

Circle the part you take away from the group. Then cross it out. Write the difference.

Question 2.
There are 6 cats. 5 cats run away.
6 – 5 = _1_

1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 222

The number of cats = 1.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 6 cats.
out of 6 cats, 5 walk away.
6 – 5 = 1.
The number of cats = 1.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-28

Question 3.
There are 4 dogs. 1 dog runs away.
4 – 1 = _3_

The number of dogs = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 4 dogs.
out of 4 dogs, 1 walk away.
4 – 1 = 3.
The number of dogs = 3.

Question 4.
Is the subtraction sentence true? Choose Yes or No.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 224

5 – 5 = 0.
2 – 2 = 0.
4 – 0 = 4

In the above-given question,
given that,
the numbers are
5 – 5 = 0.
2 – 2 = 0.
4 – 0 = 4
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-29

Question 5.
Color 1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 225 to solve. Write the number sentence and how many.
There are 9 pencils. 5 pencils are red. The rest are yellow. How many pencils are yellow?
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 225.1
__ yellow pencils
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-30

Question 6.
Read the problem. Use the model to solve. Complete the model and the number sentence.
There are 6 frogs on a log. 1 frog is big. The others are small. How many frogs are small?
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 226
6 – 1 = _5_

The small frogs = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 6 frogs.
1 frog is big.
6 – 1 = 5.
the small frogs = 5.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-31

Question 7.
Look at the picture. How many fewer bats are there than balls? Choose the number.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 227

The fewer bats = 2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
There are 5 balls.
There are 3 bats.
5 – 3 = 2.
the fewer bats = 2.

Question 8.
Read the problem. Use the bar model to solve. Maria has 2 rocks. Peter has 8 rocks. How many more rocks does Peter have than Maria?
_6_ rocks
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 228

The rocks does peter have = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Peter has 8 rocks.
Maria has 2 rocks.
8 – 2 = 6.
the rocks peter have = 6.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-32

Question 9.
The models show two ways to take apart 6. Complete the subtraction sentences. Use these numbers.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 229

The difference for 6 – 1 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 6 and 1.
6 – 1 = 5.
the difference for  6 – 1 = 5.

The difference for 6 – 2 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 6 and 2.
6 – 2 = 4.
the difference for  6 – 2 = 4.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-33

Question 10.
Write the subtraction sentence in the box that shows the difference.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 230

The difference for 10 – 5 = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 10 and 5.
10 – 5 = 5.
the difference for  10 – 5 = 5.

The difference for 5 – 1 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 5 and 1.
5 – 1 = 4.
the difference for  5 – 1 = 4.

The difference for 7 – 4 = 3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
the difference of numbers 7 and 4.
7 – 4 = 3.
the difference for  7 – 4 = 3.
Go-Math-Grade-1-Chapter-2-Answer-Key-Subtraction Concepts-2.9-34

Question 11.
Read the problem. Draw a model to solve. Complete the number sentence.
Mr. Bear catches 8 fish. He takes 3 fish home. He throws the other fish back in the water. How many fish does he throw back in the water?
_8_ – _3_= _5_ fish

The number of fishes = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 fishes.
out of 8 fish, he takes 3 fish home.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of fish = 5.

Question 12.
Write the subtraction sentence the picture shows.
1st Grade Go Math Answer Key Chapter 2 Subtraction Concepts 231
_8_ – _3_ = _5_

The number of flowers = 5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
there are 8 flowers.
out of 8 flowers, 3 take away.
8 – 3 = 5.
The number of flowers = 5.

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