Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key

Engage NY Eureka Math 5th Grade Module 5 Lesson 4 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Each rectangular prism is built from centimeter cubes. State the dimensions, and find the volume.
a. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 1
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm 3


Length: 5 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height:2 cm

Volume = length x width x height

5 x 2 x 2 = 20

= 20 cm 3


b. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 2
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm3


Length: 3 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height: 4 cm

Volume = length x width x height

3 x 2 x 4 = 24

= 24 cm 3

c. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 3
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm3


Length: 4 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height: 4 cm

Volume = length x width x height

4 x 2 x 4 = 32

= 32 cm 3

d. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 4
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm3

Length: 4 cm
Width: 3 cm
Height:3 cm

Volume = length x width x height

4 x 3 x 3 = 36

= 36 cm 3

Question 2.
Write a multiplication sentence that you could use to calculate the volume for each rectangular prism in Problem 1. Include the units in your sentences.
a. _____________
b. _____________
c. ______________
d. ______________

Multiplication sentences:

a. 5 cm x 2 cm x 2 cm = 20 cm 3

b. 3 cm x 2 cm x 4 cm = 24 cm 3

c. 4 cm x 2 cm x 4 cm = 32 cm 3

d. 4 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm = 36 cm 3

Question 3.
Calculate the volume of each rectangular prism. Include the units in your number sentences.
a. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 5
V= ________________


Volume = length x width x height

Given, length = 4 inches

Width = 3 inches  and

height = 4 inches

V= 4 in x 3 in x 4 in

V=  48 in 3

Therefore, Volume = 4 in x 3 in x 4 in = 48 in 3

b. Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 6
V = ______________

Volume = length x width x height

Given, length = 3 metres

Width = 2 metres  and

height = 6 metres

V= 3 m x 2 m x 6 m

V=  36 m 3

Therefore, Volume = 3 m x 2 m x 6 m =  36 m 3


Question 4.
Tyron is constructing a box in the shape of a rectangular prism to store his baseball cards. It has a length of 10 centimeters, a width of 7 centimeters, and a height of 8 centimeters. What is the volume of the box?


The measurements of box are,

Length = 10 centimetres

Width = 7 centimetres

Height = 8 centimetres

Volume = length x width x height

V = 10 x 7 x 8

V = 560 cm 3

Therefore, the volume of the box is  560 cubic centimetres.

Question 5.
Aaron says more information is needed to find the volume of the prisms. Explain why Aaron is mistaken, and calculate the volume of the prisms.
Engage NY Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Problem Set Answer Key 7


Aaron can multiply area x width to find the volume

We know that,

Area = length x width

Volume = length x width x height

Given, Area = 60 sq. cm

And width = 5 cm

Now, V = 60 x 5 = 300 cm 3


Aaron can multiply area x height to find the volume


Area = 20 sq. inches and

Height = 12 inches

Now, volume = 20 sq. inches x 12 inches

V= 20 x 12 = 240 in 3

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1.
Calculate the volume of prism.
Eureka Math 5th Grade Module 5 Lesson 4 Exit Ticket Answer Key 1
Length: _______ mm
Width: _______ mm
Height: _______ mm
Volume: ____________ mm3
Write the multiplication sentence that shows how you calculated the volume. Be sure to include the units.

Length: 2 mm
Width: 2 mm
Height: 4 mm
Volume: 16 mm 3

Multiplication sentence :

Volume = length x width x height

V= 2 x 2 x 4 =16 mm 3

Question 2.
A rectangular prism has a top face with an area of 20 ft2 and a height of 5 ft. What is the volume of this rectangular prism?

Volume = length x width x height


Area of rectangular prism = 20 sq. ft. and

Height = 5 feet

Volume = 20 x 5 = 100 ft 3

Therefore, the volume of the rectangular prism = 100 ft 3

Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
Each rectangular prism is built from centimeter cubes. State the dimensions, and find the volume.
a. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key 1
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm3

Answer :

Length: 5 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height: 4 cm
Volume: 40 cm3

b. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key 2
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm 3


Length: 3 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height: 5 cm
Volume: 30 cm 3

c. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key 3
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm3

Answer :

Length: 4 cm
Width: 2 cm
Height: 4 cm
Volume: 32 cm 3

d. Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key 4
Length: _______ cm
Width: _______ cm
Height: _______ cm
Volume: _______ cm 3

Length: 8 cm
Width: 3 cm
Height: 3 cm
Volume: 72 cm 3

Question 2.
Write a multiplication sentence that you could use to calculate the volume for each rectangular prism in Problem 1. Include the units in your sentences.
a. ______________
b. ______________
c. ________________
d. ________________

a. 5 cm x 2 cm x 4 cm = 40 cm 3

b. 3 cm x 2 cm x 5 cm = 30 cm 3

c. 4 cm x 2 cm x 4 cm = 32 cm 3

d. 8 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm = 72 cm 3

Question 3.
Calculate the volume of each rectangular prism. Include the units in your number sentences.
Eureka Math Grade 5 Module 5 Lesson 4 Homework Answer Key 5



length = 8 inches

width = 4 inches and

Height = 8 inches

Volume = Length x width x height

V = 8 in x 3 in x 8 in = 256 in 3

Therefore, Volume of rectangular prism = 256 in 3



length = 10 m

Width = 3 metres and

Height = 7 metres

Volume = length x width x height

V= 10 m x 3 m x 7 m

V= 210 m 3

Therefore, the volume = 210 m 3

Question 4.
Mrs. Johnson is constructing a box in the shape of a rectangular prism to store clothes for the summer. It has a length of 28 inches, a width of 24 inches, and a height of 30 inches. What is the volume of the box?

Given, the measurements of the rectangular prism are

Length = 28 inches

Width = 24 inches and

height = 30 inches

Volume = length x width x height

V= 28 x 24 x 30 = 20,160 in 3

Therefore, the volume of the prism = 20,160 in 3

Question 5.
Calculate the volume of each rectangular prism using the information that is provided.
a. Face area: 56 square meters
Height: 4 meters
b. Face area: 169 square inches
Height: 14 inches


Area = 56 sq. cm

and height = 4 metres

Volume = area x height

V = 56 x 4 = 224 m 3

Therefore, the volume of prism = 224 cm 3



Area = 169 sq. inches and

Height = 14 inches

Volume = Area x height

V = 169 x 14 = 2,366 in 3

Therefore, the volume of the prism = 2,366 in 3

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