Engage NY Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 5 Lesson 8 Answer Key
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 8 Sprint Answer Key
Identify Fractions.
Answer :
Fraction of the shaded region is represented as Ratio of Shaded regions by Total Number of Equal Parts .
Identify Fractions.
Answer :
Fraction of the shaded region is represented as Ratio of Shaded regions by Total Number of Equal Parts .
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 8 Problem Set Answer Key
Show a number bond representing what is shaded and unshaded in each of the figures. Draw a different visual model that would be represented by the same number bond.
Question 1.
The Given Figure contains 5 equal triangle parts where 3 parts are shaded and 2 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{3}{5}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{5}\)
With the same fractions another rectangle strip is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 2.
The Given Figure contains 4 equal triangle parts where 3 parts are shaded and 2 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{3}{4}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
With the same fractions another rectangle strip is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 3.
The Given Figure contains 6 equal Rectangle parts where 3 parts are shaded and 3 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{3}{6}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{3}{6}\)
With the same fractions another Circle is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 4.
The Given Figure contains 9equal Rectangle parts where 2 parts are shaded and 7 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{9}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{7}{9}\)
With the same fractions another Rectangle Strip is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 5.
Draw a number bond with 2 parts showing the shaded and unshaded fractions of each figure. Decompose both parts of the number bond into unit fractions.
Question 6.
The chef put \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the ground beef on the grill to make one hamburger and put the rest in the refrigerator. Draw a 2-part number bond showing the fraction of the ground beef on the grill and the fraction in the refrigerator. Draw a visual model of all the ground beef. Shade what is in the refrigerator.
a. What fraction of the ground beef was in the refrigerator?
b. How many more hamburgers can the chef make if he makes them all the same size as the first one?
c. Show the refrigerated ground beef broken into unit fractions on your number bond above.
Answer a :
The Fraction of the ground beef in the refrigerator = \(\frac{3}{4}\) .
Answer b :
Amount of beef used to make hamburger = \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Amount of beef in the refrigerator \(\frac{3}{4}\)
that means \(\frac{3}{4}\)Â = \(\frac{1}{4}\)Â + \(\frac{1}{4}\)Â + \(\frac{1}{4}\)
Chef can make 3 hamburgers using the beef that is in Refrigerator .
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 8 Exit Ticket Answer Key
Question 1.
Draw a number bond that shows the shaded and the unshaded parts of the shape below. Then, show each part decomposed into unit fractions.
The Given Figure contains 5 equal Rectangle parts where 2 parts are shaded and 3 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{5}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{3}{5}\)
Question 2.
Complete the number bond. Draw a shape that has shaded and unshaded parts that match the completed number bond.
Explanation :
The Whole part is 1
Fraction of shaded part = \(\frac{2}{7}\)
Fraction of unshaded part = Whole – shaded part = 1 – \(\frac{2}{7}\) = \(\frac{7 – 2 }{7}\) = \(\frac{5}{7}\)
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 8 Homework Answer Key
Show a number bond representing what is shaded and unshaded in each of the figures. Draw a different visual model that would be represented by the same number bond.
Question 1.
The Given Figure contains 4 equal parts where 2 parts are shaded and 2 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{4}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{4}\)
With the same fractions another Rectangle Strip is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 2.
The Given Figure contains 7 equal Rectangle parts where 5 parts are shaded and 2 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{5}{7}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{2}{7}\)
With the same fractions another triangles is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 3.
The Given Figure contains 5 equal parts where 4 parts are shaded and 1 parts is not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{4}{5}\)
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = \(\frac{1}{5}\)
With the same fractions another Rectangle Strip is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 4.
The Given Figure contains 8 equal parts where 0 parts are shaded and 8 parts are not shaded .
Fraction of shaded region is shaded parts ÷ Total equal parts = 0
Fraction of unshaded parts is unshaded parts ÷ Total equal parts =1
With the same fractions another circle is drawn and shown in the above figure .
Question 5.
Draw a number bond with 2 parts showing the shaded and unshaded fractions of each figure. Decompose both parts of the number bond into unit fractions.
Question 6.
Johnny made a square peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He ate \(\frac{1}{3}\) of it and left the rest on his plate. Draw a picture of Johnny’s sandwich. Shade the part he left on his plate, and then draw a number bond that matches what you drew. What fraction of his sandwich did Johnny leave on his plate?
Explanation :
The Fraction of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich ate = \(\frac{1}{3}\) .
The Fraction of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich left over on plate =1 – \(\frac{1}{3}\) = \(\frac{3-1}{4}\) = \(\frac{2}{3}\)