Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Answer Key

Engage NY Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 2 Lesson 23 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Sprint Answer Key

*Write the missing number.
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Sprint Answer Key 1

Question 1.
2 + ☐ = 3
2 + 1 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with one then we got three.

Question 2.
1 + ☐ = 3
1 + 2 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with two then we got three.

Question 3.
☐ + 1 = 3
2 + 1 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with one then we got three.

Question 4.
☐ + 2 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with two then we got four.

Question 5.
3 + ☐ = 4
3 + 1 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with one then we got four.

Question 6.
1 + ☐ = 4
1 + 3 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with three then we got four.

Question 7.
1 + ☐ = 5
1 + 4 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with with then we got five.

Question 8.
4 + ☐ = 5
4 + 1 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with one then we got five.

Question 9.
3 + ☐ = 5
3 + 2 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with two then we got five.

Question 10.
3 + ☐ = 6
3 + 3 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with three then we got six.

Question 11.
☐ + 2 = 6
4 + 2 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with two then we got six.

Question 12.
0 + ☐ = 6
0 + 6 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD zero with six then we got six.

Question 13.
1 + ☐ = 7
1 + 6 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with six then we got seven.

Question 14.
☐ + 5 = 7
2 + 5 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with five then we got seven.

Question 15.
☐ + 4 = 7
3 + 4 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with four then we got seven.

Question 16.
2 + ☐ = 8
2 + 6 = 8
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with six then we got eight.

Question 17.
4 + ☐ = 8
4 + 4 = 8
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with four then we got eight.

Question 18.
8 = ☐ + 6
8 = 2 + 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with six then we got eight.

Question 19.
8 = 3 + ☐
8 = 3 + 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with five then we got eight.

Question 20.
☐ + 3 = 9
6 + 3 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD six with three then we got nine.

Question 21.
2 + ☐ = 9
2 + 7 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with seven then we got nine.

Question 22.
9 = ☐ + 1
9 = 8 + 1
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD eight with one then we got nine.

Question 23.
9 = 4 + ☐
9 = 4 + 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with five then we got nine.

Question 24.
2 + 2 + ☐ = 9
2 + 2 + 5 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with two and five then we got nine.

Question 25.
2 + 2 + ☐ = 8
2 + 2 + 4 = 8
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with two and four then we got eight.

Question 26.
3 + ☐ + 3 = 9
3 + 3 + 3 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with three and three then we got nine.

Question 27.
3 + ☐ + 2 = 9
3 + 4 + 2 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with four and two then we got nine.

Question 28.
5 + 3 = ☐ + 4
5 + 3 = 4 + 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD five with three then we got eight. ADD four with four then we got eight. Both expressions are equal.

Question 29.
☐ + 4 = 1 + 5
2 + 4 = 1 + 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with four then we got six. ADD one with five then we got six. Both expressions are equal.

Question 30.
3 + ☐ = 2 + 6
3 + 5 = 2 + 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with five then we got eight. ADD two with six then we got eight. Both expression are equal.

*Write the missing number.
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Sprint Answer Key 2

Question 1.
1 + ☐ = 3
1 + 2 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with one then we got three.

Question 2.
0 + ☐ = 3
0 + 3 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD zero with three then we got three.

Question 3.
☐ + 3 = 3
0 + 3 = 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD zero with three then we got three.

Question 4.
☐ + 2 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with two then we got four.

Question 5.
3 + ☐ = 4
3 + 1 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with one then we got four.

Question 6.
4 + ☐ = 4
4 + 0 = 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with zero then we got four.

Question 7.
4 + ☐ = 5
4 + 1 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with one then we got five.

Question 8.
1 + ☐ = 5
1 + 4 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with four then we got five.

Question 9.
2 + ☐ = 5
2 + 3 = 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with three then we got five.

Question 10.
4 + ☐ = 6
4 + 2 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with two then we got six.

Question 11.
☐ + 2 = 6
4 + 2 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with two then we got six.

Question 12.
3 + ☐ = 6
3 + 3 = 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with three then we got six.

Question 13.
3 + ☐ = 7
3 + 4 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with four then we got seven.

Question 14.
☐ + 4 = 7
3 + 4 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with four then we got seven.

Question 15.
☐ + 5 = 7
2 + 5 = 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with five then we got seven.

Question 16.
3 + ☐ = 8
3 + 5 = 8
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with five then we got eight.

Question 17.
2 + ☐ = 8
2 + 6 = 8

An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with six then we got eight.

Question 18.
8 = ☐ + 1
8 = 7 + 1
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD seven with one then we got eight.

Question 19.
8 = 4 + ☐
8 = 4 + 4
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with four then we got eight.

Question 20.
☐ + 2 = 9
7 + 2 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD seven with two then we got nine.

Question 21.
4 + ☐ = 9
4 + 5 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with five then we got nine.

Question 22.
9 = ☐ + 5
9 = 4 + 5
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with five then we got nine.

Question 23.
9 = 6 + ☐
9 = 6 + 3
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD six with three then we got nine.

Question 24.
1 + 5 + ☐ = 9
1 + 5 + 3 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD one with five and three then we got nine.

Question 25.
3 + 2 + ☐ = 8
3 + 2 + 3 = 8
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with two and three then we got eight.

Question 26.
2 + ☐ + 6 = 9
2 + 1 + 6 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD two with one  and six then we got nine.

Question 27.
3 + ☐ + 4 = 9
3 + 2 + 4 = 9
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD three with two and four then we got nine.

Question 28.
5 + 4 = ☐ + 6
5 + 4 = 3 + 6
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD five with four then we got nine. ADD three with six then we got nine. Both expressions are equal.

Question 29.
☐ + 3 = 6 + 2
4 + 4 = 6 + 2
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with four then we got eight. ADD six with two then we got eight. Both expressions are equal.

Question 30.
4 + ☐ = 2 + 7
4 + 5 = 2 + 7
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD four with five then we got nine. ADD two with seven then we got nine. Both expressions are equal.

Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Problem Set Answer Key

Read the word problem.
Draw and label.
Write a number sentence and a statement that matches the story.

Question 1.
Janet read 8 books during the week. She read some more books on the weekend. She read 12 books total. How many books did Janet read on the weekend?
Janet read 4 books on the weekend.
Total number of books read by Janet are 12. Janet read 8 books during the week. She read some more books on the weekend. Draw a circle for books read during the week. First draw eight squares and label it with week. Then keep drawing squares until we have 12 squares. We need two more squares to make ten and draw two more squares to make twelve. That four squares represents the books read on the weekend.  Color the squares so we can tell which squares we are added. Janet read four books on the weekend.

Question 2.
Eric scored 13 goals this season! He scored 5 goals before the playoffs. How many goals did Eric score during the playoffs?
Eric scored 8 goals during the playoffs.
Eric scored thirteen goals this season. He scored five goals before the playoffs. First draw five circles and label it with before the playoffs. Then keep drawing circles until we have thirteen circles. We need five more circles to make ten and three more circles to make thirteen. Cross out five circles which represents the goals before the playoffs. Draw a circle for the circles during the playoffs so we can tell which circles we are added. Eric scored eight goals during the playoffs.

Question 3.
There were 8 ladybugs on a branch. Some more came. Then, there were 15 ladybugs on the branch. How many ladybugs came?
7 more lady bugs came.
Total number of ladybugs on the branch are fifteen. There were eight ladybugs on the branch and some more came. Draw a circle for eight ladybugs on the branch and label it as lady bugs. Then keep drawing circles until we have fifteen circles. We need two more circles to make ten and draw five more circles to make fifteen. That seven circles represents the some more lady bugs on the branch. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added. Seven more lady bugs came.

Question 4.
Marco’s friend gave him some baseball cards at school. If he was already given 9 baseball cards by his family, and he now has 19 cards in all, how many baseball cards did he get in school?

Marco’s got 10 baseball cards in school.
Marco’s friend gave him some baseball cards at school. If he was already given 9 baseball cards by his family and now he has 19 cards in all. Draw a circle for nine baseball cards given by his family. Break nineteen into two parts as ten and nine. Subtract nine from ten then we got one. ADD one with nine then we got ten. Marco’s got ten baseball cards in school.

Meet with a partner and share your drawings and sentences. Talk with your partner about how your drawing matches the story.

Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Read the word problem.
Draw and label.
Write a number sentence and a statement that matches the story.

Shanika ate 7 mini-pretzels in the morning. She ate the rest of her mini-pretzels in the afternoon. She ate 13 mini-pretzels altogether that day. How many mini-pretzels did Shanika eat in the afternoon?
Shanika ate 6 mini-pretzels in the afternoon.
Shanika ate 7 mini-pretzels in the morning. She ate the rest of her mini-pretzels in the afternoon. She ate 13 mini-pretzels altogether that day. Draw a circle for seven mini-pretzels and label it as morning. Then keep drawing circles until we have thirteen circles. We need three more circles to make ten and draw three more circles to make thirteen. That six circles represents the mini-pretzels in the afternoon. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added. Shanika ate six mini-pretzels in the afternoon.

Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 23 Homework Answer Key

Read the word problem.
Draw and label.
Write a number sentence and a statement that matches the story.

Question 1.
Micah collected 9 pinecones on Friday and some more on Saturday. Micah collected a total of 14 pinecones. How many pinecones did Micah collect on Saturday?
Micah collected five pinecones on Saturday.
Micah collected 9 pinecones on Friday and some more on Saturday. Micah collected a total of 14 pinecones. Draw a circle for nine pinecone and label it as Friday. Then keep drawing circles until we have fourteen circles. We need one more circle to make ten and draw five more circles to make fourteen. That five circles represents the pinecone on Saturday. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added. Micah collected five pinecones on Saturday.

Question 2.
Giana bought 8 star stickers to add to her collection. Now, she has 17 stickers in all. How many stickers did Giana have at first?
Giana have 9 stickers at first.
Giana bought 8 star stickers to add to her collection. Now, she has 17 stickers in all. Draw a circle for eight star stickers and label it as collection. Then keep drawing circles until we have seventeen circles. We need two more circles to make ten and draw nine more circles to make seventeen. That nine circles represents the Star stickers at first. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added. Giana have nine stickers at first.
Question 3.
Samil counted 5 pigeons on the street. Some more pigeons came. There were 13 pigeons in all. How many pigeons came?
8 more pigeons came.
Samil counted 5 pigeons on the street. Some more pigeons came. There were 13 pigeons in all. Draw a circle for five pigeons on the street and label it as street. Then keep drawing circles until we have thirteen circles. We need five more circles to make ten and draw eight more circles to make thirteen. That eight circles represents the some more pigeons came. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added.

Question 4.
Claire had some eggs in the fridge. She bought 12 more eggs. Now, she has 18 eggs in all. How many eggs did Claire have in the fridge at first?
Clair have 6 eggs in the fridge at first.
Claire had some eggs in the fridge. She bought 12 more eggs. Now, she has 18 eggs in all. Draw a circle for twelve eggs and label it as bought. Then keep drawing circles until we have eighteen circles. That six circles represents the some eggs in the fridge at first. Color the circles so we can tell which circles we are added. Clair has six eggs in the fridge at first.

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