Engage NY Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 2 Lesson 16 Answer Key
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 16 Problem Set Answer Key
Solve the problem by counting on (a) and using a number bond to take from ten (b).
Question 1.
Lucy had 12 balloons at her birthday party. She gave 9 balloons to her friends. How many balloons did she have left?
a. 12 – 9 = __
Lucy had 3 balloons left.
Lucy had 12 balloons at her birthday party. She gave 9 balloons to her friends. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to twelve start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with two then we got three. She had 3 balloons left.
Lucy had ___ balloons left.
Lucy had 3 balloons left.
Lucy had 12 balloons at her birthday party. She gave 9 balloons to her friends. In the above image we can observe a number sentence 12 – 9 = 3. Break twelve balloons into ten and two. Take nine balloons from the ten balloons. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and two on other side make three. Lucy had 3 balloons left.
Question 2.
Justin had 15 blueberries on his plate. He ate 9 of them. How many does he have left to eat?
a. 15 – 9 = __
Justin had 15 blueberries on his plate. He ate 9 of them. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to fifteen start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with five then we got six. Justin has 6 blueberries left to eat.
Justin has __ blueberries left to eat.
Justin has 6 blueberries left to eat.
Justin had 15 blueberries on his plate. He ate 9 of them. In the above image we can observe a number sentence 15 – 9 = 6. Break fifteen blueberries into ten and five. Take nine blueberries from the ten blueberries. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and five on other side make six. Justin has 6 blueberries left to eat .
Complete the subtraction sentences by using the take from ten strategy and counting on. Tell which strategy you would prefer to use for Problems 3 and 4.
Question 3.
a. 11 – 9 = __
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to eleven start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with one then we got two.
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 11 – 9 = 2. Break eleven into ten and one. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and one on other side make two.
Question 4.
a. 18 – 9 = ___9
9 + 9 = 18.
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD nine with nine then we got eighteen.
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 18 – 9 = 9. Break eighteen into ten and eight. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and eight on other side make nine.
Question 5.
Think about how to solve the following subtraction problems:
Choose which problems you think are easier to count on from 9 and which are easier to use the take from ten strategy. Write the problems in the boxes below.
The problems easier to count on from nine are 11- 9, 12 – 9, 13 – 9. The numbers are so close to nine so counting is easier. The problems which are easier to use the take from ten strategy are 14 – 9, 15 – 9, 16 – 9, 17 – 9, 18 – 9, 19 – 9.
Were there any problems that were just as easy using either method? Did you use a different method for any problems?
11- 9 is easy by using either method. 18 – 9 uses doubles method.
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 16 Exit Ticket Answer Key
Complete the subtraction sentences by using both the count on and take from ten strategies.
Question 1.
a. 13 – 9 = ___
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to thirteen start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with three then we got four.
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 13 – 9 = 4. Break thirteen into ten and three. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and three on other side make four.
Question 2.
a. 17 – 9 = ___
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. ADD nine with eight then we got seventeen.
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 17 – 9 = 8. Break seventeen into ten and seven. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and seven on other side make eight.
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 2 Lesson 16 Homework Answer Key
Complete the subtraction sentences by using either the count on or take from ten strategy. Tell which strategy you used.
Question 1.
17 – 9 = ___
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 17 – 9 = 8. Break seventeen into ten and seven. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and seven on other side make eight.
Question 2.
12 – 9 = ___
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to twelve start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with two then we got three.
Question 3.
16 – 9 = ___
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 16 – 9 = 7. Break sixteen into ten and six. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and six on other side make seven.
Question 4.
11 – 9 = ___
An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to eleven start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with one then we got two.
Question 5.
Nicholas collected 14 leaves. He pasted 9 into his notebook. How many of his leaves were not pasted into his notebook? Choose the count on or take from ten strategy to solve.
In the above image we can observe a number sentence 14 – 9 = 5. Break fourteen into ten and four. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and four on other side make five.
Question 6.
Sheila had 17 oranges. She gave 9 oranges to her friends. How many oranges does Sheila have left? Choose the count on or take from ten strategy to solve.
Sheila have 8 oranges left.
Sheila had 17 oranges. She gave 9 oranges to her friends. In the above image we can observe a number sentence 17 – 9 = 8. Break seventeen oranges into ten and seven. Take nine oranges from the ten oranges. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and seven on other side make eight oranges. Shelia have 8 oranges left.
Question 7.
Paul has 12 marbles. Lisa has 18 marbles. They each rolled 9 marbles down a hill. How many marbles did each student have left? Tell which strategy you chose for each student.
Paul has ____ marbles left.
Lisa has ____ marbles left.
Paul has 3 marbles left.
Lisa has 9 marbles left.
Paul has 12 marbles. Paul rolled 9 marbles down a hill. An addition sentence is a mathematical expression that shows two or more values added together. Nine is so close to twelve start counting at nine and count on. ADD one with two then we got three. Paul has three marbles left.
Lisa has 18 marbles. Lisa rolled 9 marbles down a hill. In the above image we can observe a number sentence 18 – 9 = 9. Break eighteen into ten and eight. Take nine from the ten. It’s called the take from ten strategy. Cross out nine circles in the frame. Then one in the frame and eight on other side make nine. Lisa has nine marbles left.
Question 8.
Just as you did today in class, think about how to solve the following problems, and talk to your parent or caregiver about your ideas.
Circle the problems you think are easier to solve by counting on from 9. Put a rectangle around those that are easier to solve using the take from ten strategy. Remember, some might be just as easy using either method.
The problems that are easier to solve by counting on from nine are 11 – 9, 12 – 9, 13 – 9. Draw a circle for this problems. These problems are so close to nine so counting process is easy. The problems that are easier to solve using the take from ten strategy are 14 – 9, 15 – 9, 16 – 9, 17 – 9, 18 – 9, 19 – 9. 18 – 9 is easy using either method.