Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key

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Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Answer Key Unit 4 Module 4

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Session 2 Answer Key

Number Relationships

Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
\(\frac{3}{4}\) of 12 is ______, so 0.75 × 12 = ___, and 75 × 12 = _____
(3/4) X 12 =9 , So 0.75 X 12 = 9 , and 75 X 12 = 900,

Given from the question fraction form that is (3/4) X 12 = 3 X 3=9 ,so decimal form 0.75 that is 0.75 X 12 = 900/100= 9 and 75 X 12=900.

Question 2.
\(\frac{1}{4}\) of 8 is ______, so 0.25 × 8 = ___, and 25 × 8 = _____
(1/4) X 8 is 2, so 0.25 X 8 = 2 and 25 X 8 = 200,

Given from the question fraction form (1/4) X 8 is 8/4 = 2 ,so decimal form 0.25 that is 0.25 X 8 = 200/100 = 2 and 25 X 8 =200.

Question 3.
\(\frac{1}{4}\) of 9 is ______, so 0.25 × 9 = ___, and 25 × 9 = _____
(1/4) X 9 = 2.25 so 0.25 X 9 =2.25 and 25 X 9 = 225,

Given from the question fraction form (1/4) X 9 is 9/4 = 2.25, so 0.25 decimal form that is 225/100 = 2.25 and 25 X 9 = 225.

Question 4.
\(\frac{3}{4}\) of 82 is ______, so 0.75 × 82 = ___, and 75 × 12 = _____
(3/4) X 82 = 61.5 so 0.75 X 82 = 61.5 and 75 X 82 = 6150,

Given from the question the fraction form (3/4) X 82 = 0.75 X 82 =61.5 and 75 X 82 = 6,150.

Question 5.
Complete the problems.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 1

therefore completed the given sums.

Question 6.
Fill in the table to round numbers to the nearest ten, one, tenth, and hundredth.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 2

Given from table completed the table with filling rounding of nearest Ten, one, Tenth, Hundredth respectively.

Story Problems

Read the story problems. Choose one problem to solve with the standard algorithm. Choose any strategy for the other problems. Show your work and explain your choices.

Question 7.
Chloe bought sets of markers for all of her classmates. Each set cost $0.99. If Chloe has 28 classmates, how much did all of the sets of markers cost?
Strategy: Standard algorithm,

Given that number of classmates Chole has is 28 and cost of each set is $0.99 so cost of all sets of markers are 0.99 X 28
So, cost of all sets of markers is  2772/100 = $27.72

Why did you choose this strategy?
This strategy is easier for multiplying whole numbers involves breaking the numbers down into their place values and multiplying each place value separately.

Question 8.
The base of Tyler’s cabin is a 56 feet by 78 feet rectangle. What is the area of the base of Tyler’s cabin?
Area model divided into four regions,


Given measurements of Tyler’s cabin 56 feet length and width is 78 feet, area of base of Tyler’s cabin is 56 xX78 that is ,

Given from the figure an area 56 x 78  divided into four regions so 56 as 50+6 ;78 as 70+8 that is by multiplying we get 50 x 70 =3500; 50 x 8=400 ; 6 x 70 =420 ; 6 x 8 =48 so adding all these  3500 + 400 + 420 + 48 =4,368 square feet therefore area of base of Tyler’s cabin is 4,368 square feet.

Why did you choose this strategy?
This strategy the area model helps the students to understand how math works.

ExplanationThe most important use of this model is to visually differentiate between addition and multiplication demonstrate how distributive property uses for both addition and multiplication.

Question 9.
A female mouse can give birth to one dozen babies in a single litter. 78 mice each had a dozen babies, called pups. How many pups are there?
Standard algorithm multiplication,

Why did you choose this strategy?
This strategy is easier for multiplying whole numbers involves breaking the numbers down into their place values and multiplying each place value separately.

Given from above gave birth to babies is one dozen that is 12 and total mice are 78 so, total number of pups are 936.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Session 4 Answer Key

Unit 4 Review

Note to Families
We have been practicing division at school. First we used sketches to help, and now we are practicing using a numerical method that probably looks somewhat similar to the way you learned to do long division. Look at the comparison below, and then talk to your fifth grader as he or she completes problem 2. You might enjoy using this method to solve some long division problems yourself. If so, your child can help you.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 3

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks.

a. \(\frac{1}{4}\) of 36 is _____, so 0.25 × 36 is _____, so 25 × 36 is _____, so 26 × 36 is ____, and 24 × 36 is _____.
(1/4) x 36 is 9 , so 0.25 x 36 is 9 , so 25 x 36 is 900, and 26 x 36 =936 , and 24 x 36 is 864,

Given from the above question one fourth of 36 is 9 , 0.25 x 36 that is 900/100 is 9 ,25 x 36=900 , and 26 x 36 that is (25+1) x 36= (25 x 36) + (1 x 36)=900+36=936; and in 24 x 36 = (25-1) x 36 = (25 x 36) – (1 x 36) = 900- 36=864.

b. \(\frac{1}{4}\) of 48 is ____, so\(\frac{3}{4}\) of 48 is , so 75 × 48 is ____. so 76 × 48 = ______, and 74 × 48 is _____.
(1/4) x 48 is 12, so (3/4) x 48 is 36, so,75  x 48  is 3,600, so 76 x 48 =3,648, and 74 x 48 = 3,552,

Given from above that (1/4) x 48 =48/4 = 12 , (3/4) x 48 = 3 x 12 =36so, 75 x 48 = 3600 so, 76 x 48 = (75+1)x 48= (75×48)+(1×48)=3600+48=3648 and 74 x 48 =(75-1) x 48 = (75×48) – (1 x 48)=3600  -48 =3552.

Question 2.
Solve the division problems below. For each one, complete the ratio table first. Then you can solve the problem using only numbers, or you can use sketches and numbers together. You can also add more entries to the ratio table if you want to. The first problem has been done for you as an example.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 4

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 5

Given from above division the ratio table completed then on adding  together we get 10 + 5 +2 = 17 groups that means 272 divides 16 is 17 respectively.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 6

Given from above table completed the ratio table so on adding 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 18 groups that means 216 divides 12 is 18 respectively.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 7

Given from the above completed the ratio table so on adding 20 + 3 +1 = 24 groups that means 408 divides 17 is 24 respectively.

Question 3a.
Maria is planning to make friendship bracelets to sell at the farmers’ market. Each bracelet costs $1.25 to make. Use the ratio table to show your strategy for finding the cost to make 19 bracelets.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 8
The cost to make 19 bracelets is ______
Given from above table cost of one bracelet is $1.25 so cost of 19 bracelets is $23.75.

b. Use the ratio table to show your strategy for finding how many bracelets Maria can make for $126.25.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 9
Maria can make ____ bracelets for $126.25.

Given from table found the number of bracelets made with $126.25 that is $126.25/$1.25= 12625/125= 101 bracelets  therefore 101 bracelets can made with$126.25.

Question 4.
Solve the problems below. Use the standard algorithm for one problem. Use any strategies for the other problems. Show your work. Explain your choice of strategy.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 10

Given from above table completed the multiplication using different strategies .

Question 5.
Fill in the boxes to complete each multiplication combination below using the standard algorithm.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 5 Home Connections Unit 4 Module 4 Answer Key 11

Given from above table completed the multiplication by standard algorithm.

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