Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 7 Module 1 Answer Key

Practicing the Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Answer Key Unit 7 Module 1 will help students analyze their knowledge of concepts.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Answer Key Unit 7 Module 1

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 7 Module 1 Session 1 Answer Key

Different Ways to Look at the Same Number

Question 1.
Use the pictures to help fill in the answers below.

a. Sara built 300 with hundreds mats.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 7 Module 1 Answer Key 1
There are _____________ 100s in 300.
Number of 100 strips Sara built = 3.
There are      3    100s in 300.

Number of strips in each box = 100.
Total number of strips Sara built = 300.
Number of 100 strips Sara built = Total number of strips Sara built ÷ Number of strips in each box
= 300 ÷ 100
= 3.

b. Her brother traded in each mat for 10 strips of tens.
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There are _____________ 10s in 300.
Number of 10 strips are there = 30.
There are _30__10s in 300.

Number of 10 strips in each box = 10.
Total number of boxes = 300.
Number of 10 strips are there = Total number of boxes ÷ Number of 10 strips in each box
= 300 ÷ 10
= 30.

c. If you traded in all the strips for units of one, how many is would that be?
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There are ____________ 1s in 300.
Number of 1 strips are there = 300.
There are __300____ 1s in 300.

Total number of boxes given = 300.
Number of 1 mats are there = Total number of boxes ÷ Number of 1 strips
= 300 ÷ 1
= 300.

Question 2.
Check to make sure there are really 300 units. Loop groups of 10s in different colors. Then label the groups of 10. (10, 20, 30, …)
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Total number of strips = 300.
Number of 10 strips = Total number of strips ÷ 10
= 300 ÷ 10
= 30.
=> 10 strips are coloured in 30 different colors.

Question 3.
Tell how many hundreds, tens, and ones there are in each number. Use the pictures to help.
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There are 2 hundreds in 280.
There are 28 tens in 280.
There are 280 ones in 280.

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There are _____________ hundreds in 310.
There are _____________ tens in 310.
There are _____________ ones in 310.
There are ______3_______ hundreds in 310.
There are _____31________ tens in 310.
There are ______310_______ ones in 310.

Number of strips given = 3.
Number of 10 strips in each box = 10.
Total number of strips in each box = Number of 10 strips in each box × 10
= 10 × 10
= 100.
Total number of strips there = Total number of strips in each box × 3 + 10
= (100 × 30) + 10
= 300 + 10
= 310.
=> 3 hundreds, 31 tens, 310 ones.

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There are _____________ hundreds in 350.
There are _____________ tens in 350.
There are _____________ ones in 350.
There are _____3________ hundreds in 350.
There are _____35________ tens in 350.
There are _____350________ ones in 350.

Number of strips of boxes given = 3.
Number of 10 strips in each box = 10.
Total number of strips in each box = Number of 10 strips in each box × 10
= 10 × 10
= 100.
Total number of strips there = Total number of strips in each box × 3 + 10
= (100 × 30) + (10 × 5)
= 300 + 50
= 350.
=> 3 hundreds, 35 tens, 350 ones.

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There are _____________ hundreds in 230.
There are _____________ tens in 230.
There are _____________ ones in 230.
There are ______2_______ hundreds in 230.
There are _______23______ tens in 230.
There are _____230________ ones in 230.

Number of strips of boxes given = 2 .
Number of 10 strips in each box = 10.
Total number of strips in each box = Number of 10 strips in each box × 10
= 10 × 10
= 100.
Total number of strips there = (Total number of strips in each box × 3) + (10 × 3)
= (100 × 2) + (10 × 3)
= 200 + 30
= 230.
=> 2 hundreds, 23 tens, 230 ones.

Question 4.
CHALLENGE Draw a line from the number on the left to its matching number on the right.
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5 hundreds + 2 tens + 9 ones = 500 + 20 + 9 = 529.
52 tens + 9 ones = 520 + 9 = 529.
42 tens =420.
420 ones = 420.
30 tens + 9 ones = 300 + 9 = 309.
3 hundreds + 9 ones = 300 + 9 = 309.
1 hundred + 20 tens + 9 ones = 100 + 20 + 9 = 120 + 9 = 129.
12 tens  9 ones = 120 + 9 = 129.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 7 Module 1 Session 3 Answer Key

Ants & Hotdogs

Question 1.
How many centimeters does the army ant have to go to get to each bug? Use the centimeter side of your ruler to find out.
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a. On Path A the army ant has to travel _____________ centimeters.
On Path A the army ant has to travel _____40________ centimeters.

Measurement using Ruler:
Number of centimeters the Path A the army ant has to travel = 40.

b. On Path B the army ant has to travel _____________ centimeters.
On Path B the army ant has to travel ___20_____ centimeters.

Measurement using Ruler:
Number of centimeters the Path B the army ant has to travel = 20.

c. On Path C the army ant has to travel _______________ centimeters.
On Path C the army ant has to travel _______30________ centimeters.

Measurement using Ruler:
Number of centimeters the Path C the army ant has to travel = 30.

Question 2.
The army ants want to get the scorpion. They can use Path A, B, or C.
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a. Use the centimeter side of your ruler to measure each path. Write each length on the lines below.
Path A _____________
Path B _____________
Path C _____________
Path A = 50 centimeters.
Path B = 40 centimeters.
Path C = 50 centimeters.

Number of centimeters the Path A the army ant has to travel = 30 + 20 = 50.
Number of centimeters the Path B the army ant has to travel = 40.
Number of centimeters the Path C the army ant has to travel = 10 + 40 = 50.

b. If you were an army ant, which path would you use? Path _____________ Why?
If I were an army ant I would use path B route because its shorter than other two paths and can catch scorpion faster.

Number of centimeters the Path A the army ant has to travel = 30 + 20 = 50.
Number of centimeters the Path B the army ant has to travel = 40.
Number of centimeters the Path C the army ant has to travel = 10 + 40 = 50.
=> I would use path B route as its shorter than other two paths.

Question 3.
Sam has a hot dog stand at the mall. The chart below shows how many hot dogs he sold last week. Use the chart to help answer the questions below.
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a. Which day did Sam sell the most hot dogs?
On Saturday Sam sold the most hot dogs.

Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday = 119.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday = 125.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday = 163.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday = 108.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday = 234.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday = 345.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday = 325.

b. Which day did Sam sell the fewest hot dogs?
On Thursday Sam sold the fewest hot dogs.

Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday = 119.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday = 125.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday = 163.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday = 108.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday = 234.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday = 345.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday = 325.

c. How many hot dogs did Sam sell on Tuesday and Wednesday put together? Show your work.
Total number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday and Wednesday put together = 288.

Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday = 119.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday = 125.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday = 163.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday = 108.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday = 234.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday = 345.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday = 325.
Total number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday and Wednesday put together = Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday
= 125 + 163
= 288.

Question 4.
Use one of the signs below to compare the number of hot dogs Sam sold on different days.
< less than
= equal to
> greater than

125 < 345

325 __________ 108
108 __________ 119
234 __________ 164
163 __________ 345
325 __________ 234
325 _____>_____ 108.
108 ____<______ 119.
234 _____>_____ 164.
163 _____<_____ 345.
325 ____>______ 234.

325 __________ 108
325 – big number.     108 – Small number.
=> 325 is greater than 108.
108 __________ 119
108 – small number.     119 – Big number.
=> 108 is lesser than 119.
234 __________ 164
234 – big number.     164 – Small number.
=> 234 is greater than 164.
163 __________ 345
163 – small number.     345 – Big number.
=> 163 is lesser than 345.
325 __________ 234
325 – big number.     234 – Small number.
=> 325 is greater than 234.

Question 5.
Put the numbers from the chart (in problem 3) in order from least to greatest on the lines below.
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Given data in chart:
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday = 119.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday = 125.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday = 163.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday = 108.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday = 234.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday = 345.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday = 325.
=> Least to Greatest order:
108, 119, 125, 163, 234, 325, 345.

Question 6.
CHALLENGE How many hot dogs did Sam sell in all? Show your work.
Total number of hot dogs Sam sold in all = 1,419.

Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday = 119.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday = 125.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday = 163.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday = 108.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday = 234.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday = 345.
Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday = 325.
Total number of hot dogs Sam sold in all = Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Monday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Tuesday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Wednesday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Thursday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Friday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Saturday + Number of hot dogs Sam sold on Sunday
= 119 + 125 + 163 + 108 + 234 + 345 + 325
= 244 + 163 + 108 + 234 + 345 + 325
= 407 + 108 + 234 + 345 + 325
= 515 + 234 + 345 + 325
= 749 + 345 + 325
= 1,094 + 325
= 1,419.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 2 Home Connections Unit 7 Module 1 Session 5 Answer Key

Subtraction & Measuring Practice

DJ likes to make hops on the number line to solve 2-digit subtraction problems, like this:
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Question 1.
Solve each of the subtraction problems below. You can use DJ’s number line strategy or some other way to solve the problem. Show your work each time.
a. 56 – 29
_____________ so 56 – 29 = ____________
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29 + 1 + 10 + 16 = 56.
=> 56 – 29 = 27.

b. 70 – 36
_____________ so 70 – 36 = _____________
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36 + 4 + 10 + 20 = 70.
=> 70 – 36 = 34.

c. 63 – 19
_____________ so 63 – 19 = _____________
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19 + 1 + 10 + 20 + 13 = 63.
=> 63 – 19 = 44.

Question 2.
Measure the ladybugs’ paths below. Use the centimeter side of your ruler. Write the length of each path on the correct line.
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Bug A walked _____________ cm
Bug B walked _____________ cm
Bug C walked _____________ cm
Bug D walked _____________ cm
Bug A walked _____50________ cm.
Bug B walked ______40_______ cm.
Bug C walked _____20________ cm.
Bug D walked _____15________ cm.

Number of centimeters Bug A walked = 50.
Number of centimeters Bug B walked = 40.
Number of centimeters Bug C walked = 20.
Number of centimeters Bug D walked = 15.

Question 3.
Which ladybug has the longest path? (circle one)
Bug A
Bug B
Bug C
Bug D
A ladybug has the longest path.
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Number of centimeters Bug A walked = 50.
Number of centimeters Bug B walked = 40.
Number of centimeters Bug C walked = 20.
Number of centimeters Bug D walked = 15.
=> Bug A path is the longest path.

Question 4.
How much longer is Bug A’s path than Bug B’s path?
10 centimeters longer is Bug A’s path than Bug B’s path.

Number of centimeters Bug A walked = 50.
Number of centimeters Bug B walked = 40.
Number of centimeters Bug C walked = 20.
Number of centimeters Bug D walked = 15.
Number of centimeters Bug A walked – Number of centimeters Bug B walked
= 50 – 40
= 10.

Question 5.
How much shorter is Bug D’s path than Bug A’s path?
35 centimeters shorter is Bug D’s path than Bug A’s path.

Number of centimeters Bug A walked = 50.
Number of centimeters Bug B walked = 40.
Number of centimeters Bug C walked = 20.
Number of centimeters Bug D walked = 15.
Number of centimeters Bug A walked – Number of centimeters Bug D walked
= 50 – 15
= 35.

Question 6.
How far did the 4 ladybugs walk in all? Write an equation to show.
Total number of centimeters all bugs walked in all = 125.

Number of centimeters Bug A walked = 50.
Number of centimeters Bug B walked = 40.
Number of centimeters Bug C walked = 20.
Number of centimeters Bug D walked = 15.
Total number of centimeters all bugs walked in all = Number of centimeters Bug A walked + Number of centimeters Bug B walked+ Number of centimeters Bug C walked+ Number of centimeters Bug D walked
= 50 + 40 + 20 + 15
= 90 + 20 + 15
= 110 + 15
= 125.

Question 7.
Draw a path from the ladybug to the flower. Measure it with the centimeter side of your ruler.
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My path is ______________ centimeters long.
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My path is ______10________ centimeters long.

Using Ruler for measurement:
Distance between Lady bug and Flower = ??
=> Number of centimeters the distance is in between the Lady bug and flower = 10.

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