Worksheet on Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient

Worksheet on Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient | Math Operations Worksheet with Answers

In Maths most of the problems involve equations on finding the sum, difference, product, or quotient or at times both. We have covered the problems for finding the sum, difference, product, quotient explained step by step. Practice these questions from Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient Worksheet, and test your understanding of the concept.  Students can trust this handy resource to prepare the different arithmetic operations at the comfort of your home and crosscheck the answers provided.

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Problems on Finding the Sum

Example 1.
Find the Addition of the numbers 514352, 457263 and 743214


Arrange the numbers in columns according to the place values.
We always start doing addition from right to left.
First, start doing addition with one’s place digits. Write the sum in the corresponding column. If the sum is greater than 9 place the last digit in the corresponding column and carries forward the other digit to the next place value column.
Repeat the addition process for all the respective columns.
Therefore, the addition of 514352,457263 and 743214 is 1714829.
addition of example1

Example 2.
473157, 345682 and 329514


Place the numbers in columns according to the place values.
First, start doing addition from right to left. i.e. starting from one place column.
If the sum is less than 9 place the sum in the corresponding column. If the sum is greater than 9 place the last digit of the sum in the corresponding column and carries forward the other digit to the next column.
Continue the addition process to the respective columns.
Therefore, the addition of 473157, 345682, and 329514 is 1148353.
addition example2

Example 3.
Find the sum of 235672 + 414356 + 745632


addition example3
Arrange the numbers in columns according to the place values.
We always start doing addition from right to left. i.e. starts from one’s place.
If the sum is less than 9 place the sum in the respective column and if the sum is greater than 9 place the last digit of the sum in the corresponding column and carry forward the other digit to the next column.
Repeat the addition for all the columns.
Therefore, the addition of 235672,414356 and 745632  is 1395660.

Problems on Subtraction

Example 1.
Subtract 342615 from 593876


place the numbers and align them according to the place values.
Write the largest number on the top and the smallest number on the bottom. i.e. 593876-342615
Start subtracting from right to left. i.e. starting from one’s place.
If the top number is smaller than the bottom number in the column, borrow from the previous column and then subtract.
Proceed with the subtraction process for all the columns.
subtraction example 1

Example 2.
Subtract 732754 from 964798


place the numbers and align them according to the place values.
Write the largest number on the top and the smallest number on the bottom. i.e. 964798-732754.
Start subtracting from right to left.
When the top number is smaller than the bottom number in the column, borrow from the previous column and then subtract.
Proceed with the subtraction process for all the columns.
subtraction example2

Example 3.
Subtract 543246 from 892438


Write the largest number on the top and the smaller number on the bottom. i.e. 897498-543246.
place the numbers and align them according to the place values.
Start subtracting from right to left.
In the one’s column, 8 minus 6 is 2.
In the tens column, we can not subtract 3 from 4. Borrow 10 from 4. So 4 becomes 3.
Add 10 to 3. It becomes 13.
Subtract 4 from 13. i.e.13-4=9.
In the hundreds column,3-2=1.
In the thousands column, we can not subtract 3 from 2. Borrow 1 from 9 it becomes 8. Add 10 to 2 it becomes 12.
Subtract 12-3=9.
In the ten thousand column, subtract 4 from 8=4.
In the hundred thousand column, subtract 5 from 8=3.
subtraction example3
Therefore, the subtraction of 543246 from 892438 is 349192.

Problems on Multiplication

Example 1.
Multiply the numbers 540 × 125


place 540 as the top and 125 as the bottom. Start multiplying 5 with 5,4 and 0.
If the product is greater than 9 write one’s place as an answer and carries forward the tens digit.
Carry forward is added to the result and place below the line.  The result is 2700.
After completion of multiplication of one digit in the bottom by every digit in the top move to the tens place of the bottom number and continue the multiplication but write the result in the next line shifted one digit place to the left.
Continue the multiplication by Moving to every place of the bottom number. The result is 1080 and 540.
Draw a line and do the addition from right to left. The product is 67500.
multiplication example1

Example 2.
Multiply the numbers 3216 × 324


place 3216 as top and 324 as the bottom. Start multiplying 4 with 6,1,2 and 3.
If the product is greater than 9 write one’s place as an answer and carries forward the tens digit.
Carry forward is added to the result and place below the line.  The result is 12864.
After completion of multiplication of one digit in the bottom by every digit in the top move to the tens place of the bottom number and continue the multiplication but write the result in the next line shifted one digit place to the left.
Continue the multiplication by Moving to every place of the bottom number. The result is 6432 and 9648.
Draw a line and do the addition from right to left. The product is 1041984.
multiplication example 2

Example 3.
Find the product of 5437 and 425


place 5437 as top and 425 as the bottom. Start multiplying 5 with 7,3,4 and 5.
If the product is greater than 9 write one’s place as an answer and carries forward the tens digit.
Carry forward is added to the result and place below the line.  The result is 27185.
After completion of multiplication of one digit in the bottom by every digit in the top move to the tens place of the bottom number and continue the multiplication but write the result in the next line shifted one digit place to the left.
Continue the multiplication by Moving to every place of the bottom number. The result is 10874 and 21748.
Draw a line and do the addition from right to left. The product is 2310725.
multiplication example 3

Problems on Division

Example 1.
Divide 6324 ÷ 12


Place 0 as the quotient and subtract 0 from 6 i.e. 6.
Bring down the digit 3 and it becomes 63.
We know that 12 ×5=60. Write 5 as quotient.
Subtract 60 from 63 i.e.3.
Bring down the digit 2 it becomes 32.
We know that 12 ×2=24. Write 2 as the quotient.
Subtract 24 from 32. i.e. 8.
Bring down the digit 4 it becomes 84.
We know that 12 ×7=84. Write 7 as the quotient.
subtract 84-84=0.
Therefore, on dividing 6324 ÷12 the quotient is 527  and the remainder is 0.
division example1

Example 2.
Divide 64254 ÷ 14


Place 0 as the quotient and subtract 0 from 6 i.e. 6.
Bring down the digit 4 and it becomes 64.
We know that 14 ×4=56. Write 4 as quotient.
Subtract 56 from 64 i.e. 8.
Bring down the digit 2 it becomes 82.
We know that 14 ×5=70. Write 5 as the quotient.
Subtract 70 from 82. i.e. 12.
Bring down the digit 5 it becomes 125.
We know that 14 ×8=112. Write 8 as the quotient.
subtract 125-112=13.
Bring down the digit 4 it becomes 134.
We know that 14 ×9=126. Write 9 as the quotient.
subtract 126-134=8.
Therefore, on dividing 64254 ÷14 the quotient is 4589  and the remainder is 8.
division example2

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