Worksheet on Calculating Selling Price and Cost Price

Worksheet on Calculating Selling Price and Cost Price | Free Printable Cost Price and Selling Worksheets

Use the Word Problems on finding Selling Price and Cost Price to practice. Answer the Questions on Cost Price and Selling Price available and test your understanding. Make the most out of the Cost Price and Selling Price Worksheets and use them as a quick reference to understand the concept better. You will find step-by-step solutions to all the cost price and selling price problems along with respective formulas, etc. Learn the Problem Solving Approach used and apply the related knowledge to the problems you encounter as a part of your exams.

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Cost Price and Selling Price Questions

Example 1.
Rachana bought 5 kg of sugar at Rs 180. She sold the sugar and gained a profit of Rs 30. Find the selling price of the sugar?


The cost price of 5 kg of sugar=Rs 180
Profit gained by selling the sugar=Rs 30
The selling price of sugar=Cost price of sugar+Profit gained by selling the sugar
Hence, the selling price of sugar is Rs 210.

Example 2.
A shopkeeper sold 20 toys for Rs3000 and gained a profit of Rs 500. Find the cost price of 20 toys?


The selling price of 20 toys=3000
Profit gained by selling the toys=500
The cost price of 20 toys=selling prices of toys-profit gained by selling the toys
Therefore, the cost price of toys is Rs 2500.

Example 3.
The scooter is bought at Rs 25000 and the money spent for repairs is 2000. He sold the scooter at a profit of Rs 5000. At what price did he sell the scooter?


The scooter is bought at= Rs 25000
Money spent on repairs=Rs 2000
Total money spent on scooter=Rs 25000+Rs 2000
Hence 27000 will be the cost price of the scooter.
Profit gained by selling the scooter=5000
The selling price of the scooter=cost price of the scooter+profit gained by selling the scooter
Therefore, the scooter is sold at Rs 32000.

Example 4.
Rama bought the material for the dress at Rs 800. She spent Rs 580 on stitching. She gained a profit of Rs 1800. At what price did Rama sell the dress?


Rama bought the dress material=Rs 800
Rama spent on stitching=Rs 580
Total money spent on dress=Rs 800+Rs 580
Hence, the cost price of the dress is Rs 1,380.
Profit gained=1800
The selling price of dress=cost price+profit
Therefore, Rama sold the dress at Rs 3180.

Example 5.
On selling a computer for Rs 20,000 a trader gains a profit of 15%. Find the cost price of the computer?


selling price=20,000
The cost price of the computer=[100/(100+profit%)] * selling price
Hence, the cost price of the computer is 17,391.30

Example 6.
A man sold two shares at Rs 2500 each. On one he made a gain of 15% and on the other, he lost 8%. Find the cost price of both the shares and the total cost price of both the shares?


The selling price of first share=2500
The cost price of the first share=[100/(100+profit%)]* selling price
100/(100+15) * selling price
=100/115 *2500
=Rs 2,173.91
Hence, the cost price of the first share is 2,173.91.
Similarly cost price of second share=100/(100- loss%) * selling price
=100/(100-8) * 2500
=100/92 *2500
Hence, the cost price of the second share is 2,717.39.
Total cost price of both the shares=2,173.91+2,717.39=4,891.3.

Example 7.
By selling a wooden table for Rs 8750 trader lost 10%. Find the cost price of the table?


The selling price of wooden table=Rs 8750
The cost price of wooden table=[100/(100-loss%)]* selling price
Hence, the cost price of the wooden table is 9722.22.

Example 8.
Anil buys an led tv for Rs 15,580 and sells it at a loss of 13%. Find the selling price of the TV?


The cost price of the Tv=15,580
Selling price=[(100-loss%)/100]* c.p
=[100-13/100] * 15,580
=87/100 *15,580
Therefore, Anil sold the led tv for Rs 13,554.

Example 9.
The cost of the watch is 1050 and the handbag is 1350. The shopkeeper sold both and gained a profit of 20% on each. Find the selling price of both and how much money he got?


The cost of the watch is =1050
The cost of the handbag is =1350
The selling price of watch=[(100+profit%)/100]* cost price
=[(100+20)/100]* 1050
The selling price of hand bag=[(100+profit%)/100]* cost price
=[(100+20)/100]* 1350
The selling price of both=1260+1620=2880.
Hence, the shopkeeper sold both the watch and handbag and got the money of Rs 2880.

Example 10.
Ram bought a painting for Rs 5870 and sold it for the loss of Rs 1200. At what price did Ram sell the painting?


The cost price of the painting=Rs 5870
Loss=Rs 1200
The selling price of the painting=cost price-loss
=Rs 4670
Hence, the selling price of the painting is Rs 4670.

Example 11.
Anand bought a house for Rs 3557890 and spent 525500 on interior decoration. He wants to sell the house and make a profit of 20%. At what price he should sell the house?


Anand bought a house=3557890
Money spent on interior decoration=525500
Total money spent on the house=3557890+525500
Anand wants a profit=20%
Anand should sell the house=[(100+profit%)/100]* cost price
=[(100+20)/100]* 4083390
=[(120)/100]* 4083390
Therefore, Anand should sell the house For Rs 4900068.

Example 12.
A bookseller sold two books each at Rs 500 on Saturday. He got a 5% profit on one book and a 10% profit on another book. Find the cost price of the books?


The cost price of the books=Rs 500
Bookseller got profit on first book=5%
The cost price of first book=[100/(100+profit%)]* selling price
The cost price of second book=[100/(100+profit%)]* selling price
Therefore, the cost price of the books is 475,450.


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