Vertical Addition

Vertical Addition With and Without Regrouping | How to Add Numbers Vertically?

You might need to add numbers even after your math class. In this article of ours, we have explained what is Vertical Addition and How it’s done in detail. In Vertical Addition, we place one number over the other as per their places such as ones, tens, hundreds, and so on. Vertical Adding involves two steps namely setting up the numbers we are about to add and then adding them together in real. Check out the Problems on Vertical Addition with Regrouping and Without Regrouping, etc. to become familiar with the problems asked on the concept.

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What is Vertical Addition?

Vertical Addition is a method of adding numbers lined up in columns according to their place values. Always begin addition in the one’s column or the column on the right.

There are two scenarios in the Vertical Addition namely

  • Vertical Addition with Regrouping
  • Vertical Addition without Regrouping

Vertical Addition With Regrouping: Addition requires regrouping if the sum of the digits makes more than ten. We usually will not place more than 9 in a column. For instance 5+9 =14 here 4 will be in one’s column and one is carry forwarded to the tens column.

Vertical Addition Without Regrouping: When two numbers are added if the sum of the digits is less than 10  then no regrouping is needed and the sum is placed in the column as it is.

How to do Vertical Addition?

In order to perform addition make sure you set the numbers correctly. Line the Number Columns up Properly. Place 1’s column under 1’s one’s column, tens column under tens column, hundreds column under hundreds column, etc.

Begin adding numbers that fall in the same column. Start with one’s column and move on to the left. If the sum in the one’s column is more than 10 we do regrouping i.e. place the carry above the tens column. Continue the same procedure for different place values such as hundreds, thousands, and so on. i.e. move the carry over to the next place in case of a sum of more than 10.

Examples of Vertical Addition with Pictures

Example 1.
Find the sum of 42+7?
Let us arrange the numbers 42 and 7 lined up in columns. Start with the one’s column and move on to the left.

Vertical Addition Example 1

Here the sum of numbers 2 and 7 is 9 so there is no need for regrouping. As the tens-place number is 0 in the 2nd number the 10s place number remains the same. Therefore, the sum of 42 and 7 is 49.

What if the sum of numbers in one’s column is more than 10. Then you can’t write the number directly in the one’s column. You have to write the carry in the next place value.

Example 2.
Add the Numbers 128 and 73 Vertically and show the procedure?
Arrange the numbers 128 and 73 lined up in columns. Begin with the one’s column and continue to the left.

Vertical Addition Example 2

The Sum of One’s Column 8+3 = 11 i.e. is more than 10 so we will carry forward to the tens column. Adding Tens Column we have 1+2+7 = 10 we will carry forward it to the hundreds column.

Therefore, the sum of 128 and 73 is 201.

Example 3.

Add Numbers 253 and 357 Vertically?
Arrange numbers 253 and 357 lined up in columns. Start from one’s place and continue to left.

Vertical Addition Example 3

Sum of One’s Column 3+7 = 10 write down the answer in one’s column and keep the carry on the top of the tens column. The Sum in the Tens Column is 1+5+5 =11 place 1 in the tens column and keep the carry in the hundreds column. The sum in the hundreds column is 1+2+3 = 6

Therefore, the sum of 253 and 357 is 610.

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