Two Trains Passes in the Opposite Direction | Relative Speed of Two Trains Running in Opposite Direction

Learn about the concept of Two Trains Passing in Opposite Direction completely by referring to the entire article. Know How to Calculate Speed Time and Distance when Two Trains Run in Opposite Direction. Refer to the Formulas and Solved Examples on Two Trains Passes in Opposite Direction and get a good grip on it. Detailed Solutions provided for each and every problem makes it easy for you to understand the entire concept.

How to find Relative Speed while Two Trains Running in Opposite Direction?

When Two Trains Passes through a Moving Object having a certain length in the Opposite Direction

Let us assume the Length of the faster train is l meters and the length of the slower train is m meters

Speed of faster train = x km/hr

Speed of slower train = y km/hr

Relative Speed = (x+y) km/hr

Time taken by faster train to cross the slower train = (l+m) m/(x+y) km/hr

Using this Simple Formula you can calculate the measures easily when they run on parallel tracks in the opposite direction.

Solved Problems on Two Trains Running on Parallel Tracks in the Opposite Direction

1. Two trains of length 130 m and 100 m respectively are running at the speed of 52 km/hr and 40 km/hr on parallel tracks in opposite directions. In what time will they cross each other?


Speed of faster train = 52 km/hr

Speed of slower train = 40 km/hr

Relative Speed of Trains = (52 km/hr – 40 km/hr)

= 12 km/hr

= 12*5/18

= 3.33 m/sec

Length of first train = 130 m

Length of Second Train = 100 m

Time taken by the two trains to cross each other = sum of the length of trains/relative speed of trains

= (130+100) m/12 km/hr

= 230 m/3.33 m/sec

= 69.06 sec

Therefore, Two Trains Crosses each other in 69.06 sec

2. Two trains 170 m and 145 m long are running on parallel tracks in the opposite directions with a speed of 50 km/hr and 40 km/hr. How long will it take to cross each other?


Speed of faster train = 50 km/hr

Speed of slower train = 40 km/hr

Relative Speed of Trains = (50 km/hr +40 km/hr)

= 110 km/hr

= 110*5/18

= 30.5 m/sec

Length of first train = 170 m

Length of second train = 145 m

Time taken by two trains to cross each other = Sum of Length of Trains/Relative Speed of Trains

= (170+145) m/30.5 m/sec

= 315 m/30.5 m/sec

= 10.3 sec

3. Two trains travel in opposite directions at 50 km/hr and 30 km/hr respectively. A man sitting in the slower train passes the faster train in 12 s. The length of the faster train is?


Speed of faster train = 50 km/hr

Speed of second train = 30 km/hr

Time taken to cross each other = 12 sec

Relative Speed of Trains = (50 Km/hr +30 Km/hr)

= 80 km/hr

Relative Speed of Trains in m/sec = 80*5/18

= 22.22 m/sec

Length of faster train = 22.22 m/sec * 12 sec

= 266.6 m

Therefore, the length of the faster train is 266.6 m

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