Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key

This handy Spectrum Math Grade 7 Answer Key Chapter 5 PosttestĀ provides detailed answers for the workbook questions

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answers Key

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Find the area of each figure.

Question 1.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 1
_____ square meters.
6 square meters.

Area of a Triangle = (1/2) [ Base x Height]
A = (1/2) 3 x 4
A = 3 x 2
A = 6 sq m

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 2
_____ square meters
12 square meters.

Area of a rectangle = Length x Width
A = 2 x 6
A = 12 sq ft.

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 3
_____ square meters
75 square meters.

Area of a square of side 10 m.
A1 = sideĀ  x side
A1 = 10 x 10
A1 = 100 sq m.
Area of a square of side 5 m.
A1 = sideĀ  x side
A1 = 5 x 5
A1 = 25 sq cm.
Area of a given figure is A = A1 – A2
A = 100 – 25
A = 75 square meters.

Find the area and circumference of each circle. Use 3.14 for Ļ€. Round to the nearest hundredth.

Question 2.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 4
A = ____square meters
C = ____ meters
A = 530.66 square meters.
C = 81.64 meters.

Diameter = 26 m.
We know that,
Ļ€ = 3.14 or 22/7
Radius = d/2
r = 26/2
r = 13 m.
A = Ļ€ Ɨ r2
A = 3.14 x 13 x 13
A = 530.66 square meters.
Circumference = Ļ€ Ɨ d or 2Ļ€r.
C = 2 Ɨ Ļ€ Ɨ r.
C = 3.14 x 26
C = 81.64 meters.

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 5
A = ____square centimeters
C = ____ centimeters
A = 254.34 square meters.
C = 56.52 meters.

Radius = 9 cm.
Diameter = 2r
D = 9 x 2 = 18 cm.
We know that,
Ļ€ = 3.14 or 22/7
A = Ļ€ Ɨ r2
A = 3.14 x 9 x 9
A = 254.34 square meters.
Circumference = Ļ€ Ɨ d or 2Ļ€r
C = 3.14 x 26
C = 56.52 meters.

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 6
A = ____ square feet
C = ___ feet
A = 38.47 square meters.
C = 21.98 meters.

Radius = 3.5 ft.
Diameter = 2r
D = 3.5 x 3.5 = 7 ft.
We know that,
Ļ€ = 3.14 or 22/7
A = Ļ€ Ɨ r2
A = 3.14 x 3.5 x 3.5
A = 38.47 square meters.
Circumference = Ļ€ Ɨ d or 2Ļ€r
C = 3.14 x 7
C = 21.98 meters.

Find the length of the missing side for the pair of similar triangles.

Question 3.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 7
Missing side of triangle is 10.


\(\frac{AB}{A’B’}\) = \(\frac{AC}{A’C’}\)
\(\frac{8}{16}\) = \(\frac{AC}{20}\) Use a proportion.
16 x AC = 20 X 8
AC = \(\frac{20 Ɨ 8}{16}\)
AC = \(\frac{20}{2}\)
AC = 10
Write ratios to determine if the sides are proportional. Then, write similar or not similar.

Question 4.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 8


Two triangles are similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the lengths of their corresponding sides are proportional.
These triangles are similar as all the sides are proportional to each other.
\(\frac{K M}{K^{\prime} M^{\prime}}\) = \(\frac{2}{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{3}\)
\(\frac{K L}{K^{\prime} L^{\prime}}\) = \(\frac{2}{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{3}\)
\(\frac{M L}{M^{\prime} L^{\prime}}\) = \(\frac{2}{6}\) = \(\frac{1}{3}\)
Therefore, the angle measures are congruent.

Use the angle and side lengths given to create a triangle. Label the measurements on your drawing.

Question 5.
angle: 85Ā°
sides: 2 inches and 4 inches.

Draw a triangle that has sides of 2 inch and a non-included angle of 85Ā°.
Step 1:Ā  Ā Draw a line of any length.
Step 2: Use a protractor to draw a 2-inch line that creates the desired angle with the first line (85Ā°).
Step 3: Use a compass set at 4 inches to find where the third line will intersect the base.
Step 4: Label the triangle ABC with angle at A.

Will the following measurements make a triangle? Circle yes or no.

Question 6.
7 centimeters, 5 centimeters, 14 centimeters
yes no

Given a = 7, b = 5, c = 14
a + b > c
a + c > b
b + c > a
7 + 5 is not greater then 14
5 + 14 greater then 7
Because the measurements do not follow the rules, the side lengths can not make a triangle.

Use the figure to the right to complete the following.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 9

Question 7.
Which two lines are parallel? _____
WX and Y Z are parallel.

Parallel lines are coplanar lines and never intersect.
In the above given figure, WX and Y Z are parallel lines.

Question 8.
If āˆ 11 is 70Ā°, what is the measure of āˆ 10? ___________

Straight line is with 180Ā° ,
at a point āˆ 10 is 180Ā° – āˆ 11
āˆ 10 = 180Ā° – āˆ 11
āˆ 10 = 180Ā° –Ā  70Ā°
āˆ 10 = 110Ā°

Find the volume of each solid figure. Round answers to the nearest hundredth.

Question 9.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 10
V = ____ cm3
V = 300 cm3

V = \(\frac{1}{3}\)s2h
s = 10 cm, h = 9 cm
V = \(\frac{1}{3}\) 102 Ɨ 9
V = \(\frac{900}{3}\)
V = 300 cm3

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 11
V = ____ m3
V = 420 m3

V = l Ɨ w Ɨ h.
l = 8 m, w = 10.5 m, and h = 5 m,
V = 8 Ɨ 10.5 Ɨ 5
V = 180 x 13
V = 420 m3

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 12
V = ____ in.3
V = 3,200 in3

V = \(\frac{1}{3}\)s2h
s = 20 in, l = 26 in
According to the Pythagorean Theorem to find the height,
a = \(\frac{1}{2}\) of the side length,
a = \(\frac{1}{2}\) x 20
a = \(\frac{20}{2}\) = 10 in,
b = the height of the pyramid, c = length (26 in)
a2 + b2 = c2
102 + b2 = 262
100 + b2 = 676
b2 = 676 – 100
b2 = 576
b = 24 in
V = \(\frac{1}{3}\) 202 Ɨ 24
V = \(\frac{9,600}{3}\)
V = 3,200 in3

Name the shape that is created by the cross section.

Question 10.
Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 13

We know that,
A cross section of a 3-dimensional figure is the place where a plane cuts through the figure. The shape and size of the cross section depends on where the plane slices the figure.
When the plane intersects a square pyramid at a 90Ā° angle to the base, a triangle is created.

Spectrum Math Grade 7 Chapter 5 Posttest Answer Key 14

We know that,
A cross section of a 3-dimensional figure is the place where a plane cuts through the figure. The shape and size of the cross section depends on where the plane slices the figure.
When the plane intersects a rectangular prism at a right angle, another rectangle is created.

Solve the problem.

Question 11.
A rectangular parcel of land 121 yards long and 200 yards wide is for sale. A prospective buyer wants to know the area of the parcel of land. What is the area of this property?
The area of this property is _____ square yards.
24,200 square yards.

A rectangular parcel of land 121 yards long and 200 yards wide is for sale.
Area of the rectangle = l x w
Given that,
l = 121 yd, w = 200 yd.
A = 121 x 200
A = 24,200 square yards.

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