This article helps you to get information about the division. It also includes the definition of Division, terminology like Divisor, Dividend, Quotient, Remainder, the sign of the division. This page also helps you to get the shortcut methods of division. You can also check the solved examples of shortcut methods of division for a better understanding of the concept.
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Division – Definition
It is one of the four basic arithmetic operations which gives the result of sharing. In this method, the group of things is distributed into equal parts. There are a lot of signs that people used to indicate division. The most common signs are ‘%’, and back slash’ /’. Some members also write one number up and another number down with a line between them.
In the division Equation, there are Four parts.1. Dividend 2. Divisor 3.Quotient,4.Remainder.The dividend is the number you are dividing up. The divisor is the number you are dividing up. The quotient is the answer. The remainder is the part of the dividend that is left over after division. The division is the inverse of Multiplication.
12 is the Dividend.
4 is the Divisor.
3 is the Quotient.
Division Shortcut Methods
Shortcut methods of division help us to save time in the examinations. Here we will discuss some shortcut methods of division.
1. Double Division:
Division using the factors of the divisor. i.e. we will divide the dividend by the factors of the divisor.
Example: 60/15
We can write 15 as 5*3
so 60/5*3
Now we can divide 60/3=20.
Now divide 20/5=4
So the answer of 60/15=4.
2. Division by Parts: Split the number(dividend) according to your convenience.
3. Division by 5: Divide the dividend by 100 and multiply by 20.
For example 100/5=100/100*20=20.
4. Division by 10: Just move the decimal point one place to the left side.
For Example. 14.24/10=1.424
5. Division by 25: Divide the dividend by 100 and multiply by 4.
For Example 100/25=100=100/100*4=1*4=4.
6. Division by 50: Divide the dividend by 100 and multiply by 2.
For Example 100/50=100/100*2=1*2=2.
7. Division by 100: just move the decimal point two points to the left side.
For example 256.78/100=2.5678.
These are some shortcut methods used for division.
8. Shortcut method of division without remainder
In this method, we recite the table until we get the remainder zero. i.e. dividend is completely divisible by divisor.
For example Divide12 by 3
9. Shortcut method of division with the remainder
In short division, the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor. The rest of the process remains the same as in the case of without remainder.
(i) Divide 45 by 5
8Â with remainder 5
(ii) Divide 23 by 5
4Â with remainder 3
Verification of result whether short division or long division can be done by using the division algorithm, that is, Dividend= Divisor × Quotient + Remainder.
For Example,
51 ÷ 6 = = 8 with remainder 3
Here dividend = 51
Divisor = 6, Quotient = 8, Remainder = 3
Since, D = d × Q +R   d=Divisor, D=dividend,Q=quotient, R=remainder
= 6 × 8+ 3
= 48 + 3
Therefore, D = 51
FAQs on Short Cut Methods of Division
1. Why short-cut methods are used for division?
Short-cut methods are used for the division for saving time in the examinations.
2. What is double-division?
Dividing the dividend by the factors of the divisor is known as the double division method.
3. What is the short-cut method for dividing the number by 25?
The short-cut method for dividing the number by 25 is to divide the dividend by 100 and multiply by 4.
4. What is the short-cut method for dividing the number by 5?
The short-cut method for dividing the number by 5 is to divide the dividend by 100 and multiply by 20.
5. What is the Division by Parts?
Split the number(dividend) according to your convenience.