Rules to Subtract Integers

Rules to Subtract Integers with Same Signs, Different Signs | Subtraction of Integers Rules and Examples

Wondering how to subtract two integers, don’t worry you landed upon a perfect page. This page will explain how to subtract two integers, what are rules to be followed, What is the one important point that you should remember while solving problems, and also few solved examples provided on the subtraction of Integers that makes it easy for you to understand the concept.

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Subtraction of Integers Possibilities

We will come across three different possibilities whenever we are solving any problem in this concept they are as follows.

  • Subtracting two positive integers
  • Subtracting two negative integers
  • Subtracting one positive integer and one negative integer

Rules to Subtract Integers

While subtracting any integer we need to follow a few simple rules. That is first we need to convert the given subtraction problem into an addition problem. To do so follow the below steps.

  1. Take the first integer and change its operation from subtraction to addition.
  2. Take the second number and get its opposite sign.
  3. Then finally proceed with the regular addition process.

Rules to Subtract Integers Examples

Example 1: Subtracting two positive integers

Solve (9) – (12)


Initially, we have to change the operation

That means subtraction becomes an addition

Now we have to change the sign of the second integer

Which gives us (9) – (12) = 9 + (-12)
= -3

Example 2: Subtracting one positive integer and one negative integer

Solve 25 – (-5)


First of all, we have to change the operation

That means subtraction becomes an addition.

Now we have to change the sign of the second integer

Which gives us (25) – (-5) = 25 + (5)
= 30

Example 3: Subtracting one positive integer and one negative integer

Solve -46 – 20


First, we have to change the operation

That means subtraction becomes an addition

Now we have to change the sign of the second integer

Which gives us -46 – 20 = (-46) + (-20)
= -66.

Answer: -66.

Example 4: Subtracting two negative integers.

Solve (-28) – (-8)


First, we have to change the operation

That means subtraction becomes an addition

Now we have to change the sign of the second integer

Which gives us (-28) – (-8) = (-28) + (8)
= -20

FAQs on Rules of Subtraction of Integers

1. What methods can we use to subtract integers?

We can solve the subtraction of an integers problem by using its absolute value, or by using the number line method.

2. What is the result of subtracting the integers (-82) – (-2)?

On Subtracting the Integers (-82) – (-2) we will get the result -80

3. What are the cases, that we come across while solving problems on the subtraction of integers?

There are three different scenarios that we come across while subtracting the integers and they are listed as under

  • Subtracting two positive integers
  • Subtracting two negative integers.
  • Subtracting one positive integer and one negative integer.

4. What is the key point that you should remember while solving problems on the subtraction of integers?

We have to always change the subtraction problem into an addition problem.

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