Feeling tricky about numerators and denominators? Get a clear idea about this concept by following the simple tricks mentioned below. You can get the perfect solution to the question of how to find the numerator and denominator of a fraction. Know the general representation of the numerator and denominator in the further modules. Follow the definitions, examples, frequently asked questions, etc.
Numerator and Denominator
Once you notice a fraction, you will come to know that there are two numbers involved in a fraction which are the top number and the bottom number. Have you ever wondered what these numbers are and what do they represent? These numbers are called the numerator and denominator. The easy and the simplest way to represent the numerator and denominator is:
Numerator: the fraction’s top number
Denominator: the fraction’s bottom number
If \(\frac { a }{ b } \) is a fraction, then a is called the numerator and b is called the denominator.
If the fraction value is \(\frac { 7 }{ 4 } \), the top number is 7 and the bottom number is 4. Therefore, the numerator value is 7 and the denominator value is 4.
If the fraction value is \(\frac { 3 }{ 10 } \), the top number is 3 and the bottom number is 10. Therefore, the numerator value is 3 and the denominator value is 10.
What do Numerator and Denominator Represent?
The fraction value represents the part of a whole. The denominator in the fraction represents the equal number of parts in the whole and the numerator in the fraction represents the number of parts that are being considered.
If the fraction is in the form of \(\frac { a }{ b } \), then the numerator “a” is the whole object which is divided into “b” parts of equal size which is known as denominator.
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What is Numerator?
The numerator is the number value that appears on the top portion of the fraction. As discussed in the above sections, the numerator is part of a whole. Hence, the numerator resembles the equal parts of a number in the whole which is considered.
For suppose, the fraction is \(\frac { 5 }{ 10 } \) which means that the numerator 5 parts of the whole object divided into 10 equal parts or sizes that is taken into consideration.
To understand this concept more clearly, let us consider an example of pizza. We divide the pizza into 8 pieces to distribute it amongst 8 people at the party comprising of 5 boys and 3 girls. Therefore, we say that \(\frac { 5 }{ 8 } \) part of the pizza has been taken by boys. Also, \(\frac { 3 }{ 8 } \) part of the pizza is left for the girls.
What is a Denominator?
The denominator is the number value that appears on the bottom portion of the fraction. It represents the equal number of parts that can divide the whole.
For suppose, the fraction is \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) which means that two equal parts of one object are considered. To understand the concept more clearly, we will consider the example the same as above. We divide the pizza into 8 pieces to distribute it amongst 8 people at the party comprising of 5 boys and 3 girls. Therefore, we say that \(\frac { 1 }{ 8 } \) piece of 1 whole pizza is divide into 8 people.
Numerator and Denominator Examples
Examples of Numerators
Some of the examples of the numerator are,
Fractions | Numerators |
x/2y | x |
11/2 | 11 |
5/10 | 5 |
4x/6 | 4x |
17/7 | 17 |
Examples of Denominators
Some of the examples of the denominators are:
Fractions | Denominators |
x/2y | 2y |
11/2 | 2 |
5/10 | 10 |
4x/6 | 6 |
17/7 | 7 |
Fun Facts about Numerator
- If the value of the numerator is 0, then the entire fraction becomes zero irrespective of the denominator value. For suppose, \(\frac { 0 }{ 21 } \) is 0, \(\frac { 0 }{ 32 } \) is 0 and so on.
- The derivation of numerator word is from Latin language “numerator” which gives the meaning as a counter.
- If the numerator value is same as the denominator value, then the resultant fraction value becomes 1. For suppose \(\frac { 24 }{ 24 } \) is 1, \(\frac { 2 }{ 2 } \) is 1
Fun Facts about Denominator
- The value of the denominator cannot be zero, if the denominator value is 0, then the fractions become undefined.
- If the denominator value is same as the numerator value, then the resultant fraction value becomes 1. For suppose \(\frac { 24 }{ 24 } \) is 1, \(\frac { 2 }{ 2 } \) is 1
Example Problems
Problem 1:
Identify the numerator and denominator in the fraction \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \)?
As given in the question,
The fraction is \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \)
As we know, the top number is the numerator, from the fraction 3 is the numerator value.
The bottom number is the denominator, therefore from the fraction 4 is the denominator value.
Problem 2:
Identify the numerator and denominator in the fraction \(\frac { 32 }{ 24 } \)?
As given in the question,
The fraction is \(\frac { 32 }{ 24 } \)
As we know, the top number is the numerator, from the fraction 32 is the numerator value.
The bottom number is the denominator, therefore from the fraction 24 is the denominator value.
Problem 3:
Identify the numerator and denominator in the fraction \(\frac { 54 }{ 10 } \)?
As given in the question,
The fraction is \(\frac { 54 }{ 10 } \)
As we know, the top number is the numerator, from the fraction 54 is the numerator value.
The bottom number is the denominator, therefore from the fraction 10 is the denominator value.
FAQs on Numerator and Denominator
1. Define Numerator?
The numerator is defined as the number above the horizontal line of the fraction which acts as a dividend of the denominator. The numerator is the top number in the fraction which represents the number of parts of a whole.
2. Define Denominator?
The denominator is defined as the number below the horizontal line of the fraction which acts as a divisor of the numerator. The denominator is the bottom number in the fraction which represents the total equal parts of an object that is divided into.
3. Is the denominator the top or bottom number?
The denominator is the bottom number of the fraction which shows the equal parts the item is divided into.
4. What is the difference between numerator and denominator?
In the fraction, the top number is called the numerator and the bottom number is called the denominator. For suppose, \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) is the fraction. Here, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator. Therefore, the numerator defines the number of parts we have and the bottom number defines the number of equal parts it is divided into.