Multiplication by 1-Digit Number

Multiplication by 1-Digit Number – Definition, Examples | How to Multiply by a One Digit Number?

Multiplication is one of the arithmetic operations which means repeated addition. Multiplication by 1-digit Number means multiplying a number having any number of digits by a one-digit number. Get the simple process of multiplication of numbers by a 1-digit number in the following sections. We have also provided example questions with answers for a better understanding of the students.

What is Multiplication by 1-Digit Number?

Multiplication by one-digit number is nothing but multiplying a number with the one-digit number. Here multiplier can be a 2 digit number or 3 digit number or 4 digit number or more and multiplicand should be a 1-digit number. Some of the examples of multiplication by 1 digit number are provided below.
(i) 235 x 7
(ii) 95 x 2
(iii) 2856 x 4

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How can you Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers?

Find the detailed step-by-step explanation to multiply a number having 4 digits by a one-digit number in the further sections. Follow those guidelines and instructions to get the product easily and quickly.

  • Get two numbers for multiplication.
  • Write multiplier, multiplicand in two different columns.
  • Start multiplication from the one’s place digit of the top number by the bottom number.
  • If the product is a 2 digit number, then write unit digit in the column and ten’s digit at the carry.
  • Then, multiply ten’s place digit of the top number by the bottom number and write product.
  • Multiply the digit at the hundred’s place of top number by bottom number, write the product.
  • Repeat the process until you left nothing on the top number.

Multiplication by One-Digit Numbers Examples

Question 1:
Multiply 4056 by 8
Given that,
Multiplier = 4056
multiplicand = 8
Multiplication by 1-digit Number 1
Firstly, multiply 8 by 6 i.e 8 x 6 = 48. Write 4 as carry at the ten’s place.
Multiply 8 by 4 i.e 8 x 5 = 40 + 4 = 44
Multiply 8 by 0 i.e 8 x 0 = 0 + 4 = 4
Multiply 8 by 4 i.e 8 x 4 = 32
Therefore, 4056 x 8 = 32,448.

Question 2:
Compute the following using column method.
(i) 1576 x 6
(ii) 7853 x 9
(i) Given that,
1576 x 6
multiplier = 1576
multiplicand = 6
Multiplication by 1-digit Number 2
Start multiplication of 6 with 6 = 36. Write 6 in the column and 3 as carry.
Multiply 6 by 7 i.e 6 x 7 = 42. 42 + 3 = 45 write 5 in the column.
Multiply 6 by 5 i.e 6 x 5 = 30. 30 + 4 = 34 write 4 in the column.
Multiply 6 by 1 i.e 6 x 1 = 6. 6 + 3 = 9 write 9 in the column.
Therefore, 1576 x 6 = 9456.
(ii) Given that,
7853 x 9
multiplier = 7853
multiplicand = 9
Multiplication by 1-digit Number 3
Firstly, multiply 9 by 3 = 27. Write 7 in the column, 2 as carry
Multiply 9 by 5 = 45. 45 + 2 = 47 so, write 7 in the column, 4 as carry
Multiply 9 by 8 = 72. 72 + 4 = 76 so write 6 in the column, 7 as carry
Multiply 9 by 7 = 63. 63 + 7 = 70.
Therefore, 7853 x 9 = 70,677.

Question 3:
Multiply the following 4 digit numbers by 1 digit number horizontally.
(i) 1056 x 1
(ii) 2103 x 3
(i) Given that,
1056 x 1
1056 x 1 = 1056
(ii) Given that,
2103 x 3
2103 x 3 = 6309

Frequently Asked Question’s on Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers

1. What is the product when a number is multiplied by 1?
When a number is multiplied by 1, the product will be the same number. Because Identity Multiplication Property states that a number multiplied by 1 gets the number itself.

2. What is the procedure for multiplication by 1 digit number?
The multiplication of 1 digit number with the number starts from the unit’s place and goes on. We can also say that the multiplication of digits from right to left. Multiply all the digits of the number with the 1 digit number and write the result in the product column.

3. Explain the column method of multiplication?
Write two numbers in various columns. Start multiplication of unit digit of the bottom number with the unit digit of top number, later tens digit of top number, and so on. If the result is a 2 digit number, then write unit digit on the column and ten’s digit as carry. Likewise, multiply ten’s digit of the bottom number with all digits of the top number. Add those two results to get the final product.

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