Minuend and Subtrahend

Minuend and Subtrahend – Definition, Formula, Properties, Examples | How do you find Minuend & Subtrahend?

Subtraction is an arithmetic operation that the primary level students have to learn firstly. It is the operation of removing numbers from the collection. There are three sections in a subtraction equation they are minuend, subtrahend, and the gap. Minuend has been taken from the Latin word “minuendus” which means a value has to lessen. The meaning of subtrahend is the portion of the minuend that is removed. In this article, we will learn what is minuend and subtrahend with related examples.

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Minuend – Definition

The first number in subtraction is called minuend. In other words, The number from which another number is subtracted is known as minuend.
Minuend – Subtrahend = difference

Subtrahend – Definition

The number which we subtract from another number in a subtraction sentence is known as a subtrahend. That means the second number is subtrahend.
Minuend – subtrahend = difference or subtraction

Subtraction Notation

Subtraction is usually written as ‘-‘ (minus sign).
For example, let us subtract 8 and 5.
8 – 5 = 3 this will be pronounced as eight minus five equal to three
Here 8 is minuend, 5 is subtrahend, and 3 is the difference.

Properties of Subtraction

Property 1:
If a and b are two whole numbers such that a > b or a = b, then a – b is a whole number. If a < b then subtraction a -b is not possible in whole numbers.
Example : 8 – 5 = 3
Property 2:
The subtraction of whole numbers is not commutative, that is if a and b are two whole numbers, then in general a – b not equal to (b – a).
Example: 3 – 2 ≠ 2 – 3
Property 3:
If a is any whole number other than zero, then a – 0 = 0 and 0 – a is not defined.
Example: 2 – 0 ≠ 0 – 2

Minuend and Subtrahend Example Questions

Example 1.
Subtract 4563 from 6764.
Arrange the digits of the minuend and subtrahend in columns and subtract as usual.
6764 → minuend
-4563 → subtrahend
2301 → difference
Thus the difference of 4563 from 6764 is 2301.

Example 2.
Subtract 134 from 367
Arrange the digits of the minuend and subtrahend in columns and subtract as usual.
367 → minuend
-134 → subtrahend
233 → difference
Thus the difference of 134 from 367 is 233.

Example 3.
Subtract 14523 from 26734
Arrange the digits of the minuend and subtrahend in columns and subtract as usual.
26734 → minuend
-14523 → subtrahend
12211 → difference
Thus the difference of 14523 from 26734 is 12211.

Example 4.
Subtract 3482 from 4593
4593 → minuend
-3482 → subtrahend
1111 → difference
Thus the difference of 3482 from 4593 is 1111.

Example 5.
Subtract 364 from 879.
879 → minuend
-364 → subtrahend
515 → difference
Thus the difference of 364 from 879 is 515.

Points to be remembered:
1. Any number – 0 = The number itself
2. Minuend – Difference = Subtrahend
3. Subtrahend + Difference = Minuend
4. When Minuend = Subtrahend then Difference = 0

FAQs on Minuend and Subtrahend

1. What is the formula to find out Minuend?

Difference + Subtrahend = Minuend.

2. How do you solve a Subtrahend and a Minuend?

We solve subtrahend and minuend by arranging the digits in columns.

3. What is the first number in subtraction called?

When you subtract one number from another, the result is called the difference. The first number in subtraction or difference is the minuend.

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