All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key PDF Chapter 1 Lesson 5 Read and Write Zero will give you a clear idea of the concepts.
McGraw-Hill My Math Kindergarten Answer Key Chapter 1 Lesson 5 Read and Write Zero
Explore and Explain
Teacher Directions: Use to act out this story. Five frogs are in the pond. Count the frogs. Five frogs jumped out. Count the frogs left in the pond. Trace the number zero.
See and Show
Question 1.
In the above image we can observe a bowl. In that bowl there are zero fish. So, the number is traced as 0.
Question 2.
In the above image we can observe a bowl. In that bowl there are four fish. So, the number is traced as 4.
Question 3.
In the above image we can observe a box. In that box there are five cats. So, the number is written as 5.
Question 4.
In the above image we can observe a box. In that box there are zero cats. So, the number is written as 0.
Question 5.
In the above image we can observe a wagon. In that wagon there are zero dogs. So, the number is written as 0.
Question 6.
In the above image we can observe a wagon. In that wagon there are two dogs. So, the number is written as 2.
Directions: 1-2. Count how many fish are in the bowl. Trace the number. 3-4. Count how many cats are in the box. Write the number. 5-6. Count how many dogs are in the wagon. Write the number.
On My Own
Question 7.
In the above image we can observe a cage. In that cage there are zero birds. So, the number is written as 0.
Question 8.
In the above image we can observe a cage. In that cage there are three birds. So, the number is written as 3.
Question 9.
In the above image we can observe a rock. On that rock there are two turtles. So, the number is written as 2.
Question 10.
In the above image we can observe a rock. On that rock there are zero turtles. So, the number is written as 0.
Question 11.
The number is traced as 3. So, I drawn three bugs to show the number as we can observe in the above image.
Question 12.
The number is traced as zero which means zero bugs. So, I didn’t draw any bug in the above given image.
Directions: 7-8. Count how many birds are in the cage. Write the number. 9-10. Count how many turtles are on the rock. Write the number. 11-12. Trace the number. Draw bugs to show how many. Say how many.
Problem Solving
Question 13.
The birds are counted in each net and the numbers are written as we can observe in the above image. Here, I drawn a circle around the nest with zero birds and drawn an X on the nests with birds inside.
Directions: 13. Count the birds in each nest. Say how many. Write the number. Draw an X on the nests with birds inside. Draw a circle around the nest with zero birds.
McGraw Hill My Math Kindergarten Chapter 1 Lesson 5 My Homework Answer Key
Question 1.
In the above image we can observe bugs in a jar. The bugs are counted and written as 2.
Question 2.
In the above image we can observe zero bugs in a jar. So, the number is written as 0. Here I drawn a circle around the jar because it has zero bugs.
Question 3.
In the above image we can observe zero bugs in a jar. So, the number is written as 0. Here I drawn a circle around the jar because it has zero bugs.
Question 4.
In the above image we can observe bugs in a jar. The bugs are counted and written as 4.
Question 5.
In the above image we can observe zero bugs in a jar. So, the number is written as 0. Here I drawn a circle around the jar because it has zero bugs.
Question 6.
In the above image we can observe bugs in a jar. The bugs are counted and written as 3.
Directions: 1-6. Count the bugs in each jar. Say how many. Write the number that shows how many. Draw a circle around the jars with zero bugs.
Question 7.
In the above image we can observe bugs in a jar. The bugs are counted and written as 5.
Question 8.
In the above image we can observe zero bugs in a jar. So, the number is written as 0. Here I drawn a circle around the jar because it has zero bugs.
Vocabulary Check
Question 9.
zero 0
In the above image we can observe bugs in a first jar. The bugs are counted and written as 4.
In the above image we can observe zero bugs in a second jar. So, the number is written as 0. Here I drawn a circle around the second jar because it has zero bugs.
Directions: 7-9. Count the bugs in each jar. Say how many. Write the number. Draw a circle around the jar with zero bugs.
Math at Home Look at a family photo. Ask your child questions about the photo that have zero as the answer. Have your child practice writing the number zero.