McGraw Hill My Math Grade 5 Chapter 6 Answer Key Multiply and Divide Decimals

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 5 Answer Key PDF Chapter 6 Multiply and Divide Decimals will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 5 Answer Key Chapter 6 Multiply and Divide Decimals

Essential Question

How is multiplying and dividing decimals similar to multiplying and dividing whole numbers?
Multiplying decimals is the same as multiplying whole numbers except for the placement of the decimal point in the answer.
When we multiply decimals, the decimal point is placed in the product so that the number of decimal places in the product is the sum of the decimal places in the factors.
The only difference between multiplying whole numbers and multiplying decimals is that we have the added step of moving the decimal point after performing the multiplication when multiplying decimals.

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Question 1.
126 × 30 = _____________

Question 2.
12 × 28 = _____________

Question 3.
320 × 10 = _____________

Question 4.
How much will it cost for Gary to reserve 13 lanes?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 5 Chapter 6 Answer Key Multiply and Divide Decimals 2
Cost of 1 lane = $12
cost of 13 lanes = 12 x 13 = $156


Question 5.
114 ÷ 6 = ____________

Question 6.
84 ÷ 4 = ____________

Question 7.
1,500 ÷ 10 = ____________

Question 8.
Hugo spent $216 on 4 sweaters. If each sweater cost the same amount, find the cost of one sweater.
Cost of 4 sweaters = $216
Cost of one sweater = 216 ÷ 4 = $54

Round each decimal to the nearest whole number.

Question 9.
2.7 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 2.7
2.7 is rounded to 3.0

Question 10.
0.7 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 0.7
0.7 is rounded to 1

Question 11.
18.2 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 18.2
18.2 is rounded to 18.0

Question 12.
6.34 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 6.34
6.34 is rounded to 6.0

Question 13.
9.8 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 9.8
9.8 is rounded to 10

Question 14.
9.4 ____________
If the digit is at once place is less than 5, replace the once digit by 0 and keep the other digits same. if the digit at once place is equal or more then 5, replace the once digit by 0 and increase the tens digit by 1.
here we have given 9.4
9.4 is rounded to 9

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My Math Words

Review Vocabulary
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Making Connections
Use the Venn diagram to categorize the review vocabulary.
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My Vocabulary Cards

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 5 Chapter 6 Answer Key Multiply and Divide Decimals 6
Ideas for Use

  • Use blank cards to group like ideas you find throughout the chapter, such as multiplying using decimals and dividing using decimals. Discuss with a friend strategies to understand these concepts.
  • Use a blank card to write this chapter’s essential question. Use the back of the card to write examples that help you answer the question.

The order in which factors are multiplied does not change the product.
How is the Commutative Property of Multiplication different from the Identity Property of Multiplication?
Multiplicative Identity Property, which states that multiplying 1 with any number results in the number itself.
The Commutative property of multiplication says that if we change the order of the factors of a number, the product remains the same.
For example, 7 × 20 = 20 × 7 = 140.
The Associative property of multiplication states that if the grouping of a set of numbers is changed, the product still remains the same.
For example: 65,148 × 1 = 65,148.
When you multiply any number by 1, the product is that number.

The way in which factors are grouped does not change the product.
How can the word associate help you remember this property?
The word Associate in the associative property describes how you can group different sets of numbers together when adding or multiplying with the same result.
For example, ( 2 + 3 ) + 4 = 2 + ( 3 + 4 ) (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) (2+3)+4=2+(3+4)

The product of any factor and 1 equals the factor.
Write a number sentence that is an example of the Identity Property of Multiplication.
The identity property of multiplication is that when a number n is multiplied by one,
the result is the number itself i.e.. n × 1 = n.
The Identity property of multiplication: a × 1 = a.
34 x 1 = 34.

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