All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Chapter 12 Lesson 3 Problem Solving Strategy: Draw a Diagram will give you a clear idea of the concepts.
McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 12 Lesson 3 Problem Solving Strategy: Draw a Diagram
Lyla drew a shape. The shape has 6 sides. It also has 6 angles. What shape did Lyla draw?
1. Understand
Underline what you know. Circle what you need to find.
2. Plan
How will I solve the problem?
3. Solve
Draw a diagram.
Lyla drew a ______________.
4. Check
Is my answer reasonable? Explain.
Lyla drew a hexagon
It is reasonable because a hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles
Practice the Strategy
Marcy drew a shape. It has 5 sides. It has 5 angles. What shape did she draw?
1. Understand
Underline what you know. Circle what you need to find.
2. Plan
How will I solve the problem?
3. Solve
I will…
Marcy drew a ____________.
4. Check
Is my answer reasonable? Explain.
Marcy drew a Pentagon
His answer is reasonable because a pentagon has 5 sides and 5 angles.
Apply the Strategy
Question 1.
If a shape has 3 sides and 3 angles, what shape is it? Draw the shape.
A triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles
Question 2.
Abby draws a triangle. Samuel draws a shape that has 1 more side than a triangle. What shape did Samuel draw? Draw the shape.
Samuel draws a shape that has 1 more side than a triangle.
A square has 4 sides and 4 angles that is one more side than triangle.
so, Samuel draw a square
Question 3.
Jason drew a shape that has more sides than a triangle or rectangle but less angles than a hexagon. What shape did he draw? Draw the shape.
A pentagon has more sides than a square and a triangle,
but less than a hexagon.
so, Jason drew a pentagon
Review the Strategies
Choose a strategy
- Write a number sentence.
- Draw a diagram.
- Use logical reasoning.
Question 4.
Tammy saw a two-dimensional shape. The shape has 6 sides and 6 angles. Two of the sides are longer than the others. What shape did Tammy see?
Irregular Hexagon
In a regular hexagon 6 sides will be equal
but in a irregular hexagon the sides will be different sizes.
Question 5.
The sign at the end of David’s street is a two-dimensional shape. It has 4 sides and 4 angles. The sides are all the same length. What shape is the sign?
A rhombus has 4 sides and 4 angles
All the sides are equal in length.
so, the sign that David saw was A Rhombus.
Question 6.
Jason was drawing shapes with sidewalk chalk in the park. He drew 3 triangles and then 2 squares. How many angles did he draw?
______________ angles
17 angles
Jason was drawing shapes in the park.
He drew 3 triangles and then 2 squares.
3 triangles = 3 x 3 = 9 angles
A triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles
2 squares = 2 x 4 = 8 angles
A square has 4 sides and 4 angles
9 + 8 = 17 angles
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 2 Chapter 12 Lesson 3 My Homework Answer Key
Underline what you know. Circle what you need to find. Draw a diagram to solve.
Question 1.
Maggie drew a house. She drew a square for the bottom. She drew a triangle on top of the square for the roof. Trace the outside of the house. What shape is Maggie’s house? Draw it.
The out line of the house looks like a Pentagon,
That is irregular the lengths of the sides will be in different length
Question 2.
Billy saw a sign while walking through the park. The sign had no sides and no angles. What shape is the sign?
Billy saw a sign while walking through the park.
so, the shape must be a circle because a circle has 0 sides and 0 angles.
Question 3.
London painted a shape that had 4 sides. The shape had 4 angles. What kind of shape did he paint?
London painted a shape that had 4 sides. The shape had 4 angles.
The shape might be a square as square has 4 sides and 4 angles.
Math at Home
Describe a shape to your child. Have him or her draw the shape you described and identify the shape.