All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Time to the Hour will give you a clear idea of the concepts.
McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Time to the Hour
Explore and Explain
Teacher Directions: Write the missing numbers on the clock.
Use to show time to each hour. Draw hands on the clock to show 4 o’clock Write the time.
See and Show
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
A digital clock shows the hour and minutes on a screen.
Use . Tell what time is shown. Write the time.
Question 1.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 9 o’clock
Question 2.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 11o’ clock
Question 3.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 6 o’ clock
Talk Math How is an analog clock similar to a number line?
number will be in sequence in number line and watch
On My Own
Use . Tell what time is shown. Write the time.
Question 4.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 1 o’ clock
Question 5.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 8 o’ clock
Question 6.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 12 o’ clock
Draw the hands on the clock. Write the time.
Question 7.
5 o’clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 5 o’ clock
Question 8.
10 o’clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 10 o’ clock
Question 9.
3 o’clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 3 o’ clock
Problem Solving
Show the time on each clock.
Question 10.
Colin gets home at 3 o’clock. Evan gets home one hour later. What time does Evan get home?
Colin gets home at 3 o’clock.
Evan gets home one hour later.
so, the time is 4 o’clock
Question 11.
Basketball practice starts at 4:00. Mark eats a snack 2 hours before practice. What time does Mark eat his snack?
2:00 o’clock
Basketball practice starts at 4:00.
Mark eats a snack 2 hours before practice.
so, that is 2:00 o’clock
Question 12.
It is after 7 o’clock and before 9 o’clock. What time is it if it is exactly on the hour? Show the time on the analog clock face.
8 o’clock
It is after 7 o’clock and before 9 o’clock.
so, the time is exactly 8 o’ clock
Write Math What time is it when the hour hand is on 5 and the minute hand is on 12? How do you know?
5 o’clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 2 Chapter 10 Lesson 1 My Homework Answer Key
Tell what time is shown. Write the time.
Question 1.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 8 o’ clock
Question 2.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 2 o’ clock
Question 3.
_____________ o’ clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 7 o’ clock
Draw the hands on each clock. Then write the time.
Question 4.
2 o’clock
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 2 o’ clock
Question 5.
On an analog clock, the hour hand points to the hour. It is shorter.
The minute hand points to the minute. It is longer.
The digital clock showing the time 4 o’ clock
Question 6.
The time on Javier’s watch is 3 hours after 2:00. Write the time on his watch.
5 o’clock
The time on Javier’s watch is 3 hours after 2:00.
That is 5 o’clock
Vocabulary Check
Complete each sentence.
hour hand
analog clock
minute hand
digital clock
Question 7.
An ______________ has an hour and a minute hand.
analog clock
An analog clock has an hour and a minute hand.
Question 8.
The ______________ points to the hour on an analog clock.
hour hand
The hour hand points to the hour on an analog clock.
Question 9.
A ________________ uses numbers on a screen to show time.
digital clock
A digital clock uses numbers on a screen to show time.
Question 10.
The ______________ points to the minute on an analog clock.
minute hand
The minute hand points to the minute on an analog clock.
Math at Home Throughout the day, ask your child to look at an analog or digital clock showing a time to the hour and have them tell you the time.